Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Iceman 03-14-2016 12:02 PM

Structure scan HDS 7
In my best Aussie accent, "That's not a transducer, this is a transducer"

first for me setting up an HDS 7 with structure scan. Have the SS trans on an arm that will go of H Rail, assume the BB trans will go in Lowrance ready spot.

Any one using this? how big of a battery needed?


Bert Vega 03-14-2016 12:24 PM

I know a guy who uses one. He uses the same battery 12v 18AMPH, for FF. Doesn't use it all day, just when he needs too. Has similar mount once done he lifts it right up out of water.

steveooo 03-14-2016 12:33 PM

Had the same set up on my skiff. 12V 12Ah lasted all day.

TJones 03-14-2016 01:57 PM

Too much
I had an hummingbird 898 si (side image ) with the transducer mounted on a mad frog arm . Probably not as nice as a ram mount . Picture / unit was incredible . The transducer was huge . Had 4 elements inside . Narrow , wide , left , right. Personally I did not like it because the drag created is actually noticeable . I was on outback at time . On something sleek such as a paddle kayak like the ones you use , it might actually create enough drag to try and wind cock the kayak slightly . Just my opinion . Also dealing with kelp or debri in water . No thanks . PA yes , anything else is kinda pain in tail . Hope this helps .

Iceman 03-14-2016 03:31 PM

Setting this up on a customer's PA14.......HDS 7 is above my pay grade:D

monstahfish 03-14-2016 04:04 PM

I would definitely recommend a 10ah plus lithium or 12ah if using an acid battery as I have killed my 7ah lion twice last weekend using the elite 7ti with sidescan and sonar logging running.

acorad 03-14-2016 04:49 PM

I'm too busy to do it but you'd think someone would have designed a generator or battery charger powered by the Hobie pedal system...


solyluna 03-14-2016 06:49 PM

My hds 7 gen 3 was working fine for a year on 18amp with out side scan
Not sure if it was bad quality battery it last only a year I'm using
A jetski battery for now looking for a good deal on 20 amp and up light weight battery

TJones 03-14-2016 06:54 PM

I'm trying to get Sammy to invest in R & D

Originally Posted by acorad (Post 255910)
I'm too busy to do it but you'd think someone would have designed a generator or battery charger powered by the Hobie pedal system...


He has every other possible feature for PA. Probably even has a motor and down riggers for trolling . Maybe that's why I have not seen him . :confused:. He's leaving me in his wake .

TJones 03-14-2016 07:10 PM

Look no further
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by solyluna (Post 255932)
My hds 7 gen 3 was working fine for a year on 18amp with out side scan
Not sure if it was bad quality battery it last only a year I'm using
A jetski battery for now looking for a good deal on 20 amp and up light weight battery

If money is no object ( forgive me for thread jacking and going off topic ) . I found this battery, possibly the lightest battery in world . Manufacturer is claiming it can handle a thousand discharges unlike non deep cycle batteries . This battery weighs 2.2 lbs almost 1/2 the weight of my other Lifepo battery coming in at 4.2 . They have other batteries as well , which will go up in weight and price accordingly . I purchased it from batterymart.com .

TJones 03-14-2016 07:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
18 amp equalvilant . Battery can be used in any position vertical or laying down.

TJones 03-14-2016 07:21 PM

This battery
Is about the same weight of a Lifepo battery I'm using for my bait tank . It is a 6vt 12 amp coming in at just over 2 lbs. it will run a tsunami 500 all day , maybe all night too. Pm if more info is wanted . Sorry for busting up thread . Blame Sammy . ;).

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