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skrilla 09-21-2015 03:17 PM

hammerhead encounter vol.647383746467
Yet another guy looking to get his 15 minutes. Fox 5 San Diego got the exclusive. Interview at 5pm. The preview showed the guy trying to stab it with his paddle which looks like it does nothing but get it excited. I wonder how much the check is...


SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – A recent shark encounter off the Southern California coast had a kayaker fending off an aggressive hammerhead shark for 15Xminutes.

Mark McCracken, 33, wasXfishing a half-mile off the shore of Santa Barbara at Gaviota State BeachXon SaturdayXwhen the shark started circling him. XHeXused his oar in an attempt to move the shark away from knocking into his kayak. XThe hammerhead did not back down and continued to circle him for the next 15Xminutes.

"I was trolling for bonito yesterday when out of nowhere this tweaked out hammerhead started ramming and biting my kayak," McCrackenXposted.

McCracken continued fighting it off as he bee-lined it back to shore.

"I had to hit him over 20 times before he finally gave me some space but still stalked me for a half mile all the way back to shore," he said. "Even after I was on shore, he paced back and forth in about 3 feet of water like he was just waiting for me to come back out. Pretty bizarre and crazy experience to say the least."

Video of the encounter was captured by a GoPro mounted to the McCracken's head.

Since late August, other kayakers fishingXalong Southern California have takenXvideo of hammerhead sharks. XThe first reported sighting caused San Diego lifeguards to close the beach on August 30.

Hammerhead sharks are rarely seen near the shore, Lt. Andy Lerum of San Diego Lifeguards said. However, warm weather and currents from the south made San Diego waters warmer than usual.

And here's "Mr Markus"


HobieScot 09-21-2015 03:22 PM

I was hoping the HH would bite off the end of the paddle then have him turn around and hit him with the other paddle and have the HH bite the other end off too leaving him stranded

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jrip 09-21-2015 03:24 PM

He swings a mean paddle but all that does is piss em off.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

skrilla 09-21-2015 03:26 PM

Hopefully this footage gives a hint of what NOT to do LOL. Saw it again and noticed a line still in the water... hmm

YakDout 09-21-2015 03:28 PM

Man that shark is fast!

jorluivil 09-21-2015 04:08 PM

One of these days..................................

2-Stix 09-21-2015 04:36 PM

i fished there 2 weekends ago, bleed and gutted 2 bonito and 2 hammers showed up, fought over the guts and followed me for a bit. A 6' that looks to be in the video and a 10-12' huge thick fat one, that was pretty intimidating. They were a bit active. I went in, the lifeguard chatted with me, older guy, he said he never saw guys go so far out on yaks, I shared about our day, no big deal. These people that are causing problems are calling the news and sending in video. With no footage and just conversations no one cares.

kareem korn 09-21-2015 07:25 PM

I wonder if he's related to Phil

taggermike 09-21-2015 08:02 PM

Damn, that shark was fired up like the guy said some thing about its mother. Or maybe because the guy was thrashing and flailing all over. I'll go with the a second option. Either way, stay cool if a HH drives by. Mike

monstahfish 09-21-2015 08:55 PM

I'm not going to click the link as it would encourage the news to further pursue these stories.

King Saba 09-21-2015 10:24 PM

Why do these guys keep reporting their tales of shark encounters to Fox? You know you're asking for trouble if you give them "news".

momo fish 09-21-2015 10:35 PM

Cause everyone wants to be famous!! Short term gain without regards to long term pain...

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kareem korn 09-22-2015 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by momo fish (Post 242685)
Cause everyone wants to be famous!! Short term gain without regards to long term pain...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No different than most of the fish reports on here :rolleyes:

domtesta27 09-22-2015 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by 2-Stix (Post 242624)
i fished there 2 weekends ago, bleed and gutted 2 bonito and 2 hammers showed up, fought over the guts and followed me for a bit. A 6' that looks to be in the video and a 10-12' huge thick fat one, that was pretty intimidating. They were a bit active. I went in, the lifeguard chatted with me, older guy, he said he never saw guys go so far out on yaks, I shared about our day, no big deal. These people that are causing problems are calling the news and sending in video. With no footage and just conversations no one cares.

That does look like the smaller hammer that was bothering us up there, I wonder if he still has that 5 ft of fluoro hanging over his head.....

domtesta27 09-22-2015 09:37 AM

also this video is now on the homepage of CNN and Yahoo news.....

Jim Sammons LJKF 09-22-2015 10:32 AM

Yeah pretty ridiculous all these news hounds with these sharks.
With that said when a bigger HH is bumping your kayak it can be a bit unnerving.
If you do want a little confidence when out there the Shark Shield is a good way to go. Yes I am sponsored by them on my show, so I want that upfront. But I have been sponsored by them for a few years now and have never promoted them on here because honestly we just don't have the shark issue here that I see at many destinations I visit around the world.

All I can tell you is that it does work and I have seen it work first hand. Will it stop a GWS in full attack mode, I have no idea. But for the pesky curious sharks that just wont seem to leave you alone, it will dissuade them.

I mainly don't even bother turning it on unless I am landing a fish in a sharky area or in the case of these bumping sharks that just drive you nuts. I tend to drop my feet in the water when landing fish so the SS certainly gives me a bit more confidence that I am not going to lose my catch to the shark, or worse.

Again I don't come on here pumping sponsors, and certainly would never do it unless I believed in the product. So if the sharks are something that is of concern to you you might consider taking a look at this product.

But please stop sending in your videos of "shark attacks" to the news. It really is not a good thing for our sport.

summers in kuwait 09-22-2015 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sammons LJKF (Post 242719)
But please stop sending in your videos of "shark attacks" to the news. It really is not a good thing for our sport.


Murray 09-22-2015 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by skrilla (Post 242613)
Hopefully this footage gives a hint of what NOT to do LOL. Saw it again and noticed a line still in the water... hmm

thought I saw the line as well. if there is bait in the water, the shark is going to do his thing. probably a real good idea to remove bait from water if sharks are in the immediate area.

chris138 09-22-2015 11:47 AM


"I just kicked a shark's ass" ?!?!?!? hahaha you effing pussy

jorluivil 09-22-2015 03:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
For those of you who have no clue what posting of HH videos is doing to our community here's a pic of breaking news on channel 7 in LA

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