Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   What's the furthest you've paddled? (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=25301)

northeast1942 04-19-2015 10:19 AM

What's the furthest you've paddled?
Just thought it would be an entertaining discussion. What's the furthest you've paddled to get to a fishing spot?

Scoot 04-19-2015 12:05 PM

When I first got my boat I was a paddling
Fool! Lived in Big Bear then, entered the
Classic, paddled dam to Standflied twice
first day. Often thought it would be cool to
hit Catalina with support, not no mo!

GregAndrew 04-19-2015 02:53 PM

Longest I have paddled from launch to first drop would be from San Onofre to the Box Canyon Clam beds. I believe it was 4.7 miles. I have fished much further than that from launches, but fished my way out in those cases. Longest distance paddled back at the end of the day was a tie at about 6 miles (as the Crow flies) San Onofre (chasing mythical Tuna), and Punta Final back to Campo Beluga in Gonzaga Bay.

bluesquids 04-19-2015 08:30 PM

NW corner, Torrey, then full tour of LJ again is something like 20 miles......that was before the closure..

danjor 04-19-2015 09:04 PM

6 miles out at La Jolla is the farthest from shore. Unlike most I think trolling is fun and don't mind the ride on my PA. Hopefully I will get time to made it to the Nine mile bank this summer

northeast1942 04-20-2015 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by bluesquids (Post 225687)
NW corner, Torrey, then full tour of LJ again is something like 20 miles......that was before the closure..

Dayum! Was that in a PA?

bluesquids 04-20-2015 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by northeast1942 (Post 225701)
Dayum! Was that in a PA?

X factor. Did it a few times, Dawn to dusk.

Lipripper92592 04-20-2015 02:09 PM

Average trip is about 17 miles....the most was 24........and I felt that one for at least a few days. If you are covering ground and on the hunt.....15+ miles add up very quick. All done in the PA. I know of someone on this board who will blow this number away....most likely a few times a week.

TJones 04-20-2015 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by danjor (Post 225690)
6 miles out at La Jolla is the farthest from shore. Unlike most I think trolling is fun and don't mind the ride on my PA. Hopefully I will get time to made it to the Nine mile bank this summer


TJones 04-20-2015 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by northeast1942 (Post 225701)
Dayum! Was that in a PA?

are you still a young buck ? 8 -12 seems like a lot of miles . but hell , put Josh on any of these yaks and it does not seem to make a difference . he just does not slow down , regardless of conditions . may it is just me, with a tired old burnt up body ?

Kayak_Bernie 04-20-2015 02:20 PM

Longest day was about 14 miles total, tried to find a wreck off the coast on North Carolina, never found the wreck, but we did manage to catch some big king mackerel while trolling! My shoulders hurt for a week.

This summer I am planning a SUP trip from LJ Shores to Mission Bay. Will probably be about 11 miles, eventually I'll build up to the trip my friends have done from Solana Beach to Mission Bay that's about 24 miles.

TJones 04-20-2015 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lipripper92592 (Post 225759)
Average trip is about 17 miles....the most was 24........and I felt that one for at least a few days. If you are covering ground and on the hunt.....15+ miles add up very quick. All done in the PA. I know of someone on this board who will blow this number away....most likely a few times a week.

im blowing sunshine up his ass . :iagree:

taggermike 04-21-2015 07:13 AM

I don't have any sort of GPS to give exact distances but I've made some long paddles from Oceanside harbor north to the LCAC base and on to the clam beds. Some times conditions trump distance. The outer banks of north Carolina are a windy place. I doubt many of you know the waters of Roanoke sound. But I had my wife drop me off about 1/2 way up east side of Roanoke island and with the wind at my back set out to paddle south to my house. Maybe 10 minutes in to the paddle the wind did a 180, increased in speed, and the temp dropped 20 degrees. Didn't feel in danger cause I could have gone in to the marsh and beached on a mud bank but it was getting dark so I fought the wind on home. Don't know the distance but with out a doubt the toughest coldest paddle I have ever made. Mike

monstahfish 04-21-2015 08:31 AM

I once did a trip in the PA14 where I went seven miles across boston harbor and seven miles back. We against the wind and tide on the way out when we started to head back the wind switched direction as did the tide the last two miles were absolutely brutal as the tide really got cranking. Tides in boston range from 8-11 ft and the currents can be really fast in some spots. Not sure what the total distance was with going around some of the islands and repeating a few drifts.

ccacher1 04-21-2015 09:11 AM

Farthest I've paddled is about 6 miles around La Jolla but it was in a Malibu Stealth 9 ...that HAS to count for something, haha.

chris138 04-21-2015 11:30 AM

Just paddling for distance is much easier. You should be able to average about 3 MPH. So in a 12 hour trip theoretically 30 miles is doable. But once you start fishing, drifting and trolling that goes down considerably. Getting 30 miles on an actual fishing trip means several things. you need to know exactly where you're going and paddle there in a straight line without stopping. In a prowler, 5 MPH avg for two hours is pretty doable. If you leave 3 hours before sun-up, you can be on the 9 mile bank around dawn. A little offshore wind helps things. Assuming the current isn't insane, the paddle back can actually be faster if the onshores really get going. But then you end up chasing birds, chasing paddies, chasing dolphin that look like bluefin. Before you know it, you're over 20 miles in and the shore is still very far away...

I went 30 miles+ in my xfactor on two occasions looking for UKT, skunked both times. 15 hour trips. This year I will do a 40 miler on my prowler, and I will get that damn tuna! Hope some of you guys are training.

monstahfish 04-21-2015 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by ccacher1 (Post 225835)
Farthest I've paddled is about 6 miles around La Jolla but it was in a Malibu Stealth 9 ...that HAS to count for something, haha.

It does! Let's call it 18 miles.

danjor 04-21-2015 07:45 PM

My plan for the nine mile bank is to pick up a hobie Adventure. I can sustain 3.5mph on my pro angler all day easy so I bet I can do 5+mph on a adventure

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