Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   Mission Bay Classic April 18th 2015 (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=23863)

OEX Sunset Beach 11-12-2014 12:44 PM

Mission Bay Classic April 18th 2015
This is a Heroes on the Water fund raising event.


Last year we had over 100 entries and are adding a second halibut division this year. We are also adding a great bunch of raffle prizes. Our goal is to raise $5000 for the Southern California chapter of Heroes on the Water.
We anticipate this being the biggest kayak fishing tournament in southern California in 2015.

Mark your calenders and Check back here for all the details!
We will be adding to this periodically as we iron out all the details. I have set up a Paypal link below. Cost is $25 .

Kids under the age of 18 fish for free with a paid adult.

Boundaries will be anywhere within the harbor. You may not go beyond the end of the 5 MPH zone within the channel.
Everyone is required check in and launch from the east facing beach adjacent to the ball field on Santa Clara Point, shotgun start 7am
prize payouts for the top finishers, all proceeds going to Heroes on the Water!

Tournament hours: 7am-1pm, check in starts at 6 am. You must be in line to weigh your fish no later than 1 pm

After the tournament we will all meet for a great BBQ & awards. Lunch served from noon until 2 pm

*** By participating you must adhere to a code of sportsmanlike conduct. Any angler who violates the rules of the events may be disqualified and banned from future participation in all future events as well as all website interactions. This includes conduct before, during and after events both on and off the water as well as online. Conduct deemed inappropriate may be grounds for disqualification or denial from participation in any events or website activities. Judgments of conduct are at the sole discretion of the tournament directors, assisted by website moderators and host facility owners.
Bass division rules:
1. Sand, Spotted Bay and Calico Bass are the only allowable fish for weighing towards your final stringer.
2. A tournament win is based on the total weight of 3 heaviest fish at the final weigh-in at 1pm.
3. All bass submitted must be alive and at least 14” in length.
4. Artificial baits only. Scents are allowed – squid or other cut bait is not. Berkley Gulp! is allowed.
5. All fishing must be from a kayak, canoe or float tube. No trolling motors or propulsion systems other than paddle, kick or pedal (ie: Hobie kayaks) is allowed.
6. Fish Finders and GPS units are allowed.
7. Tournament hours will be from 7am until 1pm. You are responsible for being on time to the final weigh-in.
8. Scoring will determined by the total weight of an angler's 3 heaviest bass as weighed by the weigh boats.
9. You may weigh up to 10 total bass (no more than 5 in your tank at a time) while complying with DFG regulations. The angler is responsible for keeping track of the number of fish weighed. Attempting to weigh more than 10 bass could result in disqualification.
10. You must abide by all DFG regulations.
11. Bait barge ruling this year, no fishing within 20 yards, that means you or your lure/bait.
12. Total bay access, no fishing beyond the 5 MPH leading out of the channel to the ocean
13. All inquiries, objections or complaints concerning any believed infraction of tournament or DFG rules needs to be stated PRIOR to the awards ceremony.


New this year is the halibut division. Very simply, the biggest halibut weighed wins. There will be prizes awarded for the top 3 fish weighed. This is a separate division that you will specify upon check in. In this division you may use live and cut bait and fish more than 1 rod at a time. Live bait can be brought, bought or caught. Fish must be hooked, fought and landed from the kayak unassisted. Final weigh in is 1 pm and you must be in line at the scale no later than 1 pm.

Click the button below to sign up and pay your entry.
<form target="_top" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" type="hidden">
<input name="hosted_button_id" value="9ZQ3VM3VKALNE" type="hidden">
<input src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynowCC_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" border="0" type="image">

1 Ryan Howell
2 Robert Moore
3 Michael Stocker
4 Mark Beringer
5 David Easton
6 Todd Peirce
7 Andy Bowden
8 Richard Dame
9 James Zimmerman
10 Russ Kelly sb
11 Mark Randle
12 Sven Hansen
13 Jason Hicks
14 Benjamin Villa
15 John Clark
16 Eric Noonan
17 Joshua Brightman
18 Ryan Moriarty
19 Jackie Call
20 Jeremy Fugler
21 Richard Lightfoot
22 Cody Lightfoot
23 Dale Carlson
24 Bobby Mejia
25 David Galves
26 David Burks
27 Malcolm Parker
28 Shane Yellin
29 Lucian Smoot
30 Rex McNamara
31 Kevin Harvey
32 Mike Mulman
33 Roy Bartolome
34 Charles Whittenberg
35 Steven Green
36 Cody Allen
37 Andrew Allen
38 Ben Tweedt
39 Kirk Gossett
40 Joshua Brightman
41 Nancy Ortiz
42 Rick Seward
43 Donald Vaughn
44. Mike Weber
45 Jarrod McGehee
46 Ron Tweedt
47 Jorge Villegas
48 Fransisco Gonzalez
49 Ernie Carter
50 Jeff Gardner
51 Gabriel Anuet
52 Scott Bixler
53 Noah Bixler
54 Alan Wagner
55 Jose Cervantes
56 Jim Salazar
57 Ryan Schaffron
58 James Kelley
59 Tony Park
60 Joel Howard
61 Phillip Teates
62 Gregory Kimmel
63 Travis Lightfoot
64 Jay Barcia
65 Jerald Barcia
66 Michael Graham
67 Eric Oudmayer
68 Sal Magallon
69 Richard Penny
70 Jake Penny
71 Morceno Abutin
72 Jose Bolanos
73 Justin Arakaki
74 William Bowen
75 Brian Crouse
76 Mark Kleiter
77 Mogeb Alomeri
78 Carlos Delvilla
79 Steve Seykot
80 Len Alfuente
81 Al Figueras
82 Perry Cardoza
83 Aaron Cardoza
84 Don Bell
85 Ken Nowicki
86 Tom Sugg
87 Armando Castaneda
88 Chris Cary
89 Shawn Grimm
90 Bill Gehring $100 donation THX Bill!
91 Andre Person
92 Nick Bateman
93 Alyander Brandt
94 Danny Jones
95 Derwin Chang
96 Kyle Chang
97 Cameron Chang
98 Andy Acevedo
99 Andrew Mastroianni
100 Adi Ljubovic
101 Patrick Ross
102 Edward Weissman
103 Christine Goeyvaerts
104 Michael Mikitka
105 John Brice
106 Mathew Ralls
107 Gregory Templeton
108 Jeffrey Bias
109 Stephan Cho
110 Nguyen Ho
111 Ross Zoerhof

Sponsors are stepping up! Keep checking back as this list will be growing
Hobie Kayak
KayakFish Magazine
Werner Paddles
Art of William Novotny
Orion Coolers
Jackson Kayaks

BD Outdoors

Savage Gear
Wilderness Systems

Malibu Kayaks
On Target Range
Jeff B
Len's Custom Rods
Bulldog Folding Trailers
Everingham Bait

Coca Cola
Pacific Coast Bait and Tackle


captnblood34 11-12-2014 01:28 PM

Nice! Cant wait

easyday 11-12-2014 01:38 PM

Can't wait I'll deffinately be fishing this one.

Cadillyak 11-12-2014 04:48 PM

I'll be there!!

Big Wave Dave 11-12-2014 04:58 PM

Enjoyed the last one, will be there for the next.

skrilla 11-12-2014 10:19 PM

This one's a no brainer. Great event for a great cause. Will try and kick down a little sumthin sumthin for the winners. ;)

Cbad Mike 11-13-2014 12:01 AM

CAN'T WAIT!!! I had a great time at the last one.

Fishin' Magician 11-13-2014 05:32 AM

I participated in this event this last May and it was totally awesome! I will definitely be there for this one as well!! Can't wait!

jorluivil 11-13-2014 05:41 AM

Did someone say 'halibut'? :luxhello:

wiredantz 11-13-2014 07:11 AM

should be fun :p

FISH11 11-13-2014 07:46 PM

Last years event was awesome and I can't wait for this one. I going to make sure I have that day off work!

FlyFishinYakr 11-14-2014 09:01 PM

This should be one heck of a shindig. :)
Any categories for Fly Anglers?
FFY :sifone:

Iceman 11-16-2014 06:59 AM

Nothing specific for fly anglers, but come show the plastic chucking, blade tossing, plug throwin' how it is done.

DennisMorgan 11-16-2014 04:10 PM

Awesome ....looking forward to it and will bring my sons out to jump into the mix...it was great last year and I expect the same this year...6 months away :(

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

makobob 11-18-2014 03:46 PM

Tournament Time
I am in on this one and PAID. Who is next? Let's get this tournament on the road. Pay up and put it on YOUR calendar, THEN tell your boss you are pre paid for this Disabled Veterans Benifit, and ask him if he would like to come or DONATE to the cause. Hope to see you ALL at this event.

octico 11-18-2014 03:55 PM

I may be out of town that day, either way I will pay.

Mike scales 01-19-2015 08:25 PM

Yup, I'm in again.:cheers1:

Kayak_Bernie 01-20-2015 08:55 AM

I am Excited for this ! Do you need any other information from me other than what PayPal provides you?

Jimmyz123 01-20-2015 11:25 AM

Yup, I will be there. Andy, any thoughts of a breakfast potluck?

Lit-up1 01-21-2015 06:56 AM


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