Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/index.php)
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-   -   LEO'S PADDLE-OUT / JUNE 07, 2014 (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=22139)

wade 05-25-2014 04:12 PM

Please come out and join us in a celebration of Leopoldo Terrero's life as many of you personally know Leo was one of La Jolla’s promenante fixtures around the SoCal Kayak Fishing scene & dear friend to many. Leo’s wife Georgette will be right alongside with BWE’s Jerry & crew spreading his ashes in one of Leo's favorite spots.
Please come out and join us in the celebration! :grouphug:

Launch Time 9ish, Services 10 AM @ Yellowtail Alley.
More Infos to Follow Real Soon!


wade 05-27-2014 05:08 PM


Chuck D 05-27-2014 07:30 PM

Thanks Wade, I will be there for sure.

driftwood 05-27-2014 08:27 PM

Leo was like all of us. He had outstanding passion and great love for kayak fishing.

I plan to be there Wade...thank you!

wade 06-06-2014 08:02 AM


lterrero 06-06-2014 08:09 AM

Hello everyone!
I would love to see all of Leo's friends come to say the final good bye as we scatter his ashes into the ocean he loved so much. Hope to see you there!

driftwood 06-06-2014 03:13 PM


For Leo...

Chuck D 06-06-2014 06:06 PM

I will meet ya'll out there. Launching around 5am, see you at ten. much love to Leo and his family, a great man to be buried in a place he loved and cherished.

Nic D 06-06-2014 07:54 PM

I'll be out there in my skiff.

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