Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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45user 07-24-2013 03:14 PM

SUP fishing?
It's something I've been thinking trying out. But I have no knowledge of
Can someone recommend me a stable SUP board for fishing? Also any info would be appreciated!
Thank you!

buttchaser 07-24-2013 05:07 PM

Hit up Andy at Oex Sunset beach
He has a bunch of Sup at the shop ,


45user 07-24-2013 05:49 PM

Thanks for the info. I was hoping to get a used sup and hoping someone would recommend me a brand I should look at and what to watch for.

JarrodMc 07-24-2013 08:31 PM


This SUP is badass. I had the chance of getting to check it out and mess around with it at the Fred Hall show earlier this year. The way we had it rigged was with a big Engel cooler (like a YETI cooler) and rocket launchers, gopro mount, the works. I'm gonna be getting one of my own soon, maybe next month. And it's rotomoled from the same material as most of the better kayaks you see which makes it super durable.

Drew Gregory who is a big time river bassin guy, has a sweet set up on his SUPerFishal with a mini "tuna tower".

When I get mine I'll let you check it out and paddle it so you can see for yourself.

here's a video to watch too


45user 07-24-2013 10:53 PM

Thanks for the link. Wow that's a nice looking board for fishing. I started looking at sup hoping to get out to the harbors and bay little easier than carrying kayak after work. Sup seems like a great option for that. Have you handled/carried it at the show? If so how is it compared to kayak?

JarrodMc 07-25-2013 09:24 PM

The SUPerFishal is a little heavier than most SUPs because it's rotomolded but it's easier to carry than a kayak by far. It has the centered handle grip in the mold like SUPs you've seen before so you're grabbing it at a balanced position and it's not as bulky as a kayak. It's a solid SUP and very versatile!

Baja_Traveler 07-26-2013 05:55 AM

The Jackson is on my radar also. The layout and stability of the design is just lightyears better than anything else out there for what we want to use it for. They don't allow my big PA on mothership trips, but I think one of these would be ideal for that use.

outdoorzen 07-26-2013 10:36 AM

I have been fishing off my SUP for a while now. I always do a beach launch to hit the kelp beds off Del Mar and Torrey Pines. I have found that the easiest thing, for me at least, is to go commando (waist pack with gear and rod stuffed into your wetsuit with safety leash) and paddle out. Haven't caught anything too big yet but sure is alot of fun. As far as boards are concerned, just look for a big stable board that you are comfortable with that you can paddle and maybe surf on too. Once you add all the coolers and boxes and rod holders, it treally doesn't become any easier than a kayak... Good luck!

Patrick.walker5326 08-13-2013 03:21 PM

I bought a discounted racing/ touring SUP from YOLO boards in point loma and have been fishing from that several times in mission bay. I went with that board because it has a displacement bow for longer paddles and it is wider than most racing boards (29") thus more stable. OEX sells 3M deck pads that you can put pretty much anywhere on a board to customize it for deck storage. I even went to west marine and built my own live well for my sup out of a cooler and a battery aerator. I have to manually recirculate water but it works pretty well. I also added two rod holders and paddle clips to the cooler. It's a great way to get in a couple hours on the water without all the pre-op/ post-op associated with kayak fishing.

t-$money bussard 08-13-2013 04:47 PM

id like to see what this "mini tuna" tower looks like and that setup id almost get one for flippin grass n bushes on lakes and for quicker trips weekday afternoons

45user 08-13-2013 05:05 PM

So I went out from Huntington harbor on a rented SUP with a single pole and handful of swimbait in my pocket the other day
No fish but it was pretty fun
Now I'm looking to buy a used SUP for fishing and family fun.

taggermike 08-14-2013 08:41 AM

SP fishing is super fun and the added height above the water can be helpful. I fished from an SUP in the shallow water of the sounds on the Outer Banks off NC. I kayak fished a bunch too but the SUP was handy for pulling across mud flats, grass thickets, and for getting out of to wade fish. An SUP would work well enough out here. One thing I will say is that with nothing really under the water line and a persons big profile up in the air the wind moves a SUP much faster than a kayak.
The Jackson looks much better set up to fish but look at these too.

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