Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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ful-rac 07-16-2018 10:52 AM

Bixpy Jet...
I was fortunate enough to catch the longest bass even though I got deducted .5"...at the Jim Salazar's and the CCA's Battle of the Bays tournament this past Saturday. So I was awarded the amazing Bixby kayak jet! I really never liked the idea of a motor on a kayak , buuuuttt....since I won one, I'll be open minded for now....when people asked my opinion on them, I always said..."if you want to get a motor for your kayak...just buy a boat." So after having said that for years, here I am with a new bixpy kayak motor.

After assembling the motor and mount and charging the battery, I was really excited to try this thing out. Since you are not supposed to run this thing dry...I filled up a 5 gallon bucket and decided to try it out. Surprisingly it was alot more powerful than I had thought. On the first level it swirled the water around in the bucket pretty good....On level 2 I had to catch the damn thing as it almost jumped out of the bucket and landed on the pavement....Even more interesting...I really can't wait to try this thing out now...

My preconceived notions about the bixby jet were as such:

1. Not powerful enough to move me my PA, dog, gear, and full bait tank at a reasonable speed.
2. Battery will not last long enough to be useful.
3. Wireless controls might lag and or might not respond in a timely manner
4. Might be difficult to use and or manage on a kayak
5. Battery will be too big and heavy

I found that after 1 trip....

1. Yes, the bixpy jet is powerful enough to move my fat ass, my kayak, dog, gear and bait tank at a surprisingly decent speed!
2. Battery life was alot better than expected! Using through out the day mostly going to and from the fishing grounds...I would say I had about 80% of battery life left over...that's amazing! I even spent a period of time at full throttle (level 10)!
3. Wireless controls responded quickly and reliably.
4. Was easy to install use and manage while on my kayak. It was harder to put away the mirage drive in the front hatch than it was to install this motor.
5. Battery is of reasonable size and weight for the amount of power it stores. I haven't checked the specs but I would guess it weighs around 5 pounds.

So after the days fishing, we were on the way back into the harbor. Perfect time to check the speed of the bixpy next to a great paddler like Greg. Surprisingly I had to dial It back so I didn't haul ass past Greg and John. Surprised me again...! If you don't know Greg is a very good paddler, hes quick too. If the bixpy can keep up with him...Id say it's pretty good.

I did have an issue that's worth mentioning. I noticed at the beginning of the day forward and reverse were functioning normally as expected. Then at the end of the day I got what I assume is an error from the motor as I switched from forward to reverse. The motor made a sound like it was stuck and then stopped responding to controls which indicates an error,also had a flashing led from the battery. I had to reset the unit by switching the unit off and on again via the magnetic switch. Unit worked normally again but only going forward...tested it at home, was able to reproduce the problem a few times but, started to work normally again. I guess I will hold off on judgement for now...could be a break in issue...I'll keep testing.


Iceman 07-16-2018 01:48 PM

Congrats Tony! good pull no punches review, keep us posted.

igotpron 07-16-2018 03:46 PM

Something like this really intrigued me for when you’ve had a real long day on the water. Your pretty far out, and you’d rather just lean back eat a sandwich and motor back to shore.

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DanaPT 07-16-2018 08:38 PM

I think its killer you have sucha reliable first mate.

Raskal311 07-16-2018 09:39 PM

If you like it now you should mount it in the rear. Freaking game changer with the drive and/or mother ready to go at a moments notice.

Saba Slayer 07-17-2018 08:53 AM

Rear mount

Originally Posted by Raskal311 (Post 295098)
If you like it now you should mount it in the rear. Freaking game changer with the drive and/or mother ready to go at a moments notice.


I tried the rear mount and it's really cool to have the ability to switch to or additionally use the Mirage Drive along with the Bixpy motor...I can't wait to try it up in the Sierras with a lake shore launch.
In the salt water...especially here in the Redondo area I find it's really hard to clear out any eel grass or kelp that gets caught on or in the motor....especially if I'm out fishing alone....it's a long way back there...LOL
I also found it was hard to do a dock launch with the rear mount since it extends out from the rear of the yak.



With the Mirage drive well insert it's really easy to pull it out and clear the prop or motor of eel grass.


That remote control is really nice with no wires and it seems made to fit right on the armrest of the Vantage seat. 10 forward speeds and 2 in reverse.


The lithium battery fits perfect under the seat of the Pro Angler...as a mater of fact... two batteries can fit in there nicely and you can still have room for a couple of tackles boxes.


pandes 07-17-2018 09:51 AM

That’s interesting!http://gshort.click/isna/10/o.png

Raskal311 07-17-2018 10:00 AM

Yea dock launch is harder I typically launch rear first which isn't as ideal but it's worth the extra effort.

summers in kuwait 07-17-2018 12:35 PM

Nice review Tony and Jim.


I would love to try one of these out on my revo 16. Should fly and I really like how little weight the total package has, compared to a traditional trolling motor and battery setup.

ful-rac 07-17-2018 02:26 PM

The future...?
Back in the day when everybody paddled everyone was happy...then hobie came along and introduced the mirage drive. Everybody laughed and thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. Then one by one many die hard paddlers switched over, and all of a sudden the mirage drive wasn't a joke anymore, it turned into a serious tool for a serious fishing machine. I remember having that same mentality before I bought my PA...I thought as many other people thought...your not a REAL kayaker if you fish off of a hobie! Really.... WHO CARES! I admit...it was dumb.

So that being said...I was always against putting a motor on a kayak but after having used the Bixpy motor....just ONCE! I feel that this is where kayaking is going in the future. The amount of boost and extended range you could get out of one of these motors is an absolute game changer. Imagine being able to pedal and move at 5 knots or faster with minimal effort in conjunction with the bixby...I like the sound of that! This would put so many more far away spots in range for everyone...

Definitely, still having the use of your mirage drive is important! I don't think any amount of motor is going to replace the precision of a mirage drive. The rear mount that bixpy currently makes for the PA looks like it works but...it looks like a lot of extra equipment that I really don't want to setup and break down everytime! Who know's I might buy one and try it out anyway...

Looking at the new Hobie Guardian kinda got me thinking... that they could potentially make in the next few years, a recess in the bottom of the hull for dropdown retractable Bixpy motor for the PA...How sweet would that be? I'd probably upgrade for that. :cheers1::luxhello:

makobob 07-17-2018 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ful-rac (Post 295119)
Back in the day when everybody paddled everyone was happy...then hobie came along and introduced the mirage drive. Everybody laughed and thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. Then one by one many die hard paddlers switched over, and all of a sudden the mirage drive wasn't a joke anymore, it turned into a serious tool for a serious fishing machine. I remember having that same mentality before I bought my PA...I thought as many other people thought...your not a REAL kayaker if you fish off of a hobie! Really.... WHO CARES! I admit...it was dumb.

So that being said...I was always against putting a motor on a kayak but after having used the Bixpy motor....just ONCE! I feel that this is where kayaking is going in the future. The amount of boost and extended range you could get out of one of these motors is an absolute game changer. Imagine being able to pedal and move at 5 knots or faster with minimal effort in conjunction with the bixby...I like the sound of that! This would put so many more far away spots in range for everyone...

Definitely, still having the use of your mirage drive is important! I don't think any amount of motor is going to replace the precision of a mirage drive. The rear mount that bixpy currently makes for the PA looks like it works but...it looks like a lot of extra equipment that I really don't want to setup and break down everytime! Who know's I might buy one and try it out anyway...

Looking at the new Hobie Guardian kinda got me thinking... that they could potentially make in the next few years, a recess in the bottom of the hull for dropdown retractable Bixpy motor for the PA...How sweet would that be? I'd probably upgrade for that. :cheers1::luxhello:

You would UPGRADE for a dropdown Bixpy in a Hobie PA 14? Guys you heard it hear FIRST. Tony's in LOVE. Tight Lines amigo, and congrats on the B.o.B.

wiredantz 07-17-2018 04:14 PM

all that hate you guys put me through, I cant believe this thread :mad:

makobob 07-17-2018 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by wiredantz (Post 295121)
all that hate you guys put me through, I cant believe this thread :mad:

FRANK, consider yourself an inovator. Be a friend, smile and suck it up. You did it before some. Be happy amigo.

jbl_91762 07-17-2018 06:18 PM

Congrats on the win of Bixby. Seeing that your getting some jabs for going electric, lmk when you decide to sell it lol! I almost hit that tourny but Church duties called. Next time.

jruiz 07-17-2018 09:07 PM

I think Frank and Tony should race or a kayak tug of war using each of their motors.

farmer 07-19-2018 07:40 PM

Thanks Tony for the report I still got my Bixby in boxes ready to set up right next to my cell phone:reel:

ful-rac 07-19-2018 08:51 PM

Didn’t you say you went to PV with it?

Or did I just imagine that?

WARRIORMIKE 07-20-2018 07:51 AM

Might as well just get a boat now!! HAAAAAA

Good review man.

PapaDave 07-23-2018 08:00 AM

I've been wanting to get one for my PA17, have both the peddles and the motor.

ful-rac 07-23-2018 08:56 AM

Not really a fan of the rear mounted bixpy, not because I don't think it'll work but it's just more to setup and breakdown...but, I'm curious now, after using it hard for a full weekend. Being able to use the mirage drive + bixpy is a speed advantage I can't deny. So I ordered the rear bixpy mount and will try it out, hopefully this coming weekend. The use and power of the battery should be extended obviously due to the combination of the mirage drive.

I ran the motor at level 7 to the fishing grounds (3-3.5mph) and at the highest speed level 10 (4-5mph) for the return trip from the fishing grounds and still had around 50% of battery life left, this is with wind and swell.

GTboosted 07-23-2018 08:59 AM

I bought the Bixby rear mount for the pa last year. Also got the watersnake motor to try and modify it into the mount. From what I remember reading that the Bixby lacked power. Hoping the watersnake and this mount is

I gotta stop being lazy and continue with the project.

ful-rac 07-30-2018 04:52 PM

Finally tried out the Rear mounted Bixpy + Mirage drive....and it's FAST! Using the bixpy at a low level plus pedaling gives you 4+mph that's sustainable for very long periods. So I found that at level 2-3 + pedaling is easily faster than level 10 the highest speed on the bixpy, when your using it just by itself. Battery life using this setup has probably doubled and maybe even tripled...to tell you the truth I don't really know how long battery life could be extended....cause when I started the day I had 6 led's and when I came back I had 6 led's on saturday. This is just using it to travel to the fishing grounds and making bait and then traveling back....probably around 2 miles each way give or take...

Downside of course is the extra setup and break down time your gonna have...but if your into hauling ass traveling to and from the fishing grounds...this might be your thang!


Bruntoj 08-21-2018 02:13 PM

What are your thoughts on surf launching and landing, at somewhere reasonable like LJ? Do you launch and land with the mirage drive instead? Can you stow the Bixby in the front hatch of a PA14 or is it too big? If you capsize in the surf, how do you secure the battery?

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ful-rac 08-21-2018 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bruntoj (Post 296252)
What are your thoughts on surf launching and landing, at somewhere reasonable like LJ? Do you launch and land with the mirage drive instead? Can you stow the Bixby in the front hatch of a PA14 or is it too big? If you capsize in the surf, how do you secure the battery?

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Surf launching with the rear mounted bixpy could be done, but probably should only be done on the easiest low surf days. It would be too easy to start breaking things if things went sideways during launching and landing. Now as far as the Mirage drive well mounted bixpy...no problem. Just store it in the front hatch, battery and all and take it out when you need it. Oh another thing to mention is that the battery floats...so does the mirage drive adapter.

Bruntoj 08-21-2018 06:35 PM

Wait...what...huh? The battery floats? Yes!!! [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]
Just to be clear, does the jet/motor section float too?

And it fits inside the plastic insert tray on the PA14?!

It’s going on my birthday list [emoji3]

So legally I’m supposed to register as a vessel, but realistically I might not have to if I keep a low profile?

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ful-rac 08-21-2018 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bruntoj (Post 296263)
Wait...what...huh? The battery floats? Yes!!! [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]
Just to be clear, does the jet/motor section float too?

And it fits inside the plastic insert tray on the PA14?!

It’s going on my birthday list [emoji3]

So legally I’m supposed to register as a vessel, but realistically I might not have to if I keep a low profile?

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If you are using the mirage drive adapter mount, yes to be clear....it ALL FLOATS! Battery, adapter + bixpy. Go ahead throw the whole system over the side...yes it will float.

I guess technically you are supposed to register your kayak if you use a motor....but I haven’t, nobody has hassled me....yet. Should you? Your just gonna have to answer that question yourself.

Now with that said...I definitely prefer to use the rear mount for the bixpy plus the mirage drive so I’m using duel methods of propulsion. Like I said earlier in the thread, it seems to more than triple battery life compared to bixpy only. Now the rear mount is a lot more gear to setup and break down but the advantage cannot be denied.

goldenglory18 08-22-2018 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by ful-rac (Post 295496)
Finally tried out the Rear mounted Bixpy + Mirage drive....and it's FAST!

With the conversation going around about crossing the channel in October, THIS would be the rig I'd choose. Even when you get tired, the bixpy keeps on tickin'...


TJones 08-23-2018 04:12 AM

Grab one

Originally Posted by PapaDave (Post 295243)
I've been wanting to get one for my PA17, have both the peddles and the motor.

Well worth it.

Bruntoj 07-07-2019 12:12 PM

Any feedback on durability, issues, battery life after another year of ownership would be much appreciated.

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Saba Slayer 07-07-2019 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I liked the system so much I bought a second motor and battery for my other PA 14...I'm sold...LOL...:cheers1:
Definitely, "well worth the money"!
Best motor system I've used in the last 10 years...some say the Torquedo is a better motor and battery ("a rocket ship built to go to the post office")...but for the money, you can't go wrong with Bixpy:luxhello::luxhello:
They are in San Diego so it only takes a few days to do a turnaround on service if you need it send it in for any reason...I just received my battery after a circuit board update to allow a separation of controllers for multiple motors...:cheers1:
Battery life is great and it's really easy to learn to use the motor more judiciously the longer you have the system...Using any of the electric motors at top speed will run that battery down FAST...:eek:...so you tend to learn how to best use the speed and save your batteries.
The variety of options for connecting to the Hobie's and various water craft is pretty cool...:cheers1:
Durability is pretty good...just a couple small issues that were resolved easily......their service is Excellent and Fast...:luxhello::luxhello:


sculpins4bait 07-09-2019 06:46 PM

just use two bixpys one on rear, one in the mirage drive ;)

igotpron 07-10-2019 06:22 PM

What if you had an oasis and did 3. Bixbys. Seems totally reasonable

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cris 07-10-2019 07:05 PM

I have an oasis and with 3 motors that thing would fly- you could probably get it on plane.

Bruntoj 07-10-2019 07:30 PM

Bixpy Jet...
With the release of the new mirage 360 drive, I’m wondering why the bixpy can’t be swiveled/pivoted. It doesn’t, does it?

Edit: No it doesn’t.

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Iceman 07-11-2019 08:37 AM

the swivel of the 360 is dependent on the drive gear and the gear and control incorporated into the drivewell and controls on kayak. have to have all to do this.

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