Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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shrkb8t 06-19-2017 12:24 PM

DP White Sighting 6-16-17

I was out of Dana Point Harbor kayak fishing for leopard sharks & halibuts friday, when a great white "pup" came up to bump the side of my kayak, i thumped him on the nose with the butt end of my fishing rod. i quickly started chasing him while video taping him. then facetimed my wife so she could see it live, she wasn't happy with me...

INGRIDSDAD 06-19-2017 12:31 PM

Parasailed Dana on Saturday and we saw 6 or 7. Biggest was about 10'. very cool experience.

TheBentRod 06-19-2017 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by shrkb8t (Post 281454)

then facetimed my wife so she could see it live, she wasn't happy with me...

So not a great idea! LOL!

jorluivil 06-19-2017 01:01 PM

LONG BEACH (CBSLA.com) — The combination of hot weather, big crowds at the beach seeking relief from the heat, and the rash of recent shark sightings has lifeguards on alert this weekend.

With temperatures inland expected to hit triple digits this weekend, and not let up until next weekend, authorities are preparing for large influx of people at Southern California’s beaches – which have been closed on and off, up and down the coast because of shark sightings, swarms and attacks throughout the spring.

“We’ll keep an eye out, but we’ll probably stay kind of close to the shore,” a beachgoer from Sacramento said.

Making things worse are reports of people throwing shark food into the water to lure them closer to shore.

“We’ve gotten reports of possibly people chumming,” Long Beach Marine Safety Capt. Cameron Abel said. “From our standpoint, it’s a public safety concern. What we don’t want is sharks to become accustomed and conditioned to looking to humans for food.”

Chumming is not illegal, but lifeguards are cracking down on dumping of waste of any kind.

Video below, go to the 1:30 mark

jorluivil 06-19-2017 01:01 PM

<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen src="http://up.anv.bz/latest/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiY2JzIiwidiI6IjM2ODQwNzYiL CJhbnZhY2siOiJhbnZhdG9fY2JzbG9jYWxfYXBwX3dlYl9wcm9 kXzU0N2YzZTQ5MjQxZWYwZTVkMzBjNzliMmVmYmNhNWQ5MmM2O ThmNjciLCJwbHVnaW5zIjp7ImNvbXNjb3JlIjp7ImNsaWVudEl kIjoiMzAwMDAyMyIsImMzIjoiTG9zQW5nZWxlcy5jYnNsb2Nhb C5jb20ifSwiZGZwIjp7ImNsaWVudFNpZGUiOnsiYWRUYWdVcmw iOiJodHRwOi8vcHViYWRzLmcuZG91YmxlY2xpY2submV0L2dhb XBhZC9hZHM%2Fc3o9MngyJml1PS80MTI4L0NCUy5MQSZjaXVfc 3pzJmltcGw9cyZnZGZwX3JlcT0xJmVudj12cCZvdXRwdXQ9eG1 sX3Zhc3QyJnVudmlld2VkX3Bvc2l0aW9uX3N0YXJ0PTEmdXJsP VtyZWZlcnJlcl91cmxdJmRlc2NyaXB0aW9uX3VybD1bZGVzY3J pcHRpb25fdXJsXSZjb3JyZWxhdG9yPVt0aW1lc3RhbXBdIiwia 2V5VmFsdWVzIjp7ImNhdGVnb3JpZXMiOiJbW0NBVEVHT1JJRVN dXSIsInByb2dyYW0iOiJbW1BST0dSQU1fTkFNRV1dIiwic2l0Z VNlY3Rpb24iOiJmZWF0dXJlZCJ9fX0sInJlYWxUaW1lQW5hbHl 0aWNzIjp0cnVlLCJoZWFydGJlYXRCZXRhIjp7ImFjY291bnQiO iJjYnNsb2NhbC1nbG9iYWwtdW5pZmllZCIsInB1Ymxpc2hlckl kIjoiY2JzbG9jYWwiLCJqb2JJZCI6InNjX3ZhIiwibWFya2V0a W5nQ2xvdWRJZCI6IjgyM0JBMDMzNTU2NzQ5N0Y3RjAwMDEwMUB BZG9iZU9yZyIsInRyYWNraW5nU2VydmVyIjoiY2JzZGlnaXRhb G1lZGlhLmhiLm9tdHJkYy5uZXQiLCJjdXN0b21UcmFja2luZ1N lcnZlciI6ImNic2RpZ2l0YWxtZWRpYS5kMS5zYy5vbXRyZGMub mV0IiwiY2hhcHRlclRyYWNraW5nIjpmYWxzZSwidmVyc2lvbiI 6IjEuNSJ9fX0" width ="640" height="360"></iframe>

DanaYakAngler 06-19-2017 02:47 PM

“We’ve gotten reports of possibly people chumming,” Long Beach Marine Safety Capt. Cameron Abel said. “From our standpoint, it’s a public safety concern. What we don’t want is sharks to become accustomed and conditioned to looking to humans for food.”

If this is true, which it probably is, what Idiots!

sounds like a bunch of people who don't enjoy the beach on a regular basis looking for a thrill. Possibly endangering those of us who regularly enjoy our local waters.

sharjak 06-19-2017 04:51 PM

So much for the butts and rays off capistrano this year:mad:

GregAndrew 06-19-2017 05:12 PM

Putting a bait in the water at Dohenny is basically chumming right now. The sharks have been there for weeks and it has been on every network. Just like Sea Lions, if you know they are around then fish somewhere else. Rewarding either species for hanging around kayaks is not a good long term strategy.

YakDout 06-19-2017 05:47 PM

Considering your username, maybe you shouldnt have been chasing down a GWS.

DanaYakAngler 06-19-2017 11:19 PM

Where do we fish?

Originally Posted by GregAndrew (Post 281487)
Putting a bait in the water at Dohenny is basically chumming right now. The sharks have been there for weeks and it has been on every network. Just like Sea Lions, if you know they are around then fish somewhere else. Rewarding either species for hanging around kayaks is not a good long term strategy.

There is no sure bet to avoid these animals. Sure, the Sharks seem to be more concentrated from Dana point south, but have been seen up to Long Beach. And as for sea lions, good luck avoiding them. Fish where you can and keep an eye out on your surroundings.

Caseym 06-20-2017 10:11 AM

"As the mayor I am proud to say the sun is out, the weather is beautiful and the beaches are open! You know Amity means 'friend'."

"No whistles, No whistles!"

PapaDave 06-20-2017 10:11 AM

Off hand, there has been GW's along that beach for years, just not in the numbers you see today.

I'm pretty sure there are some wahoo's trying to hook them up too and attracting them with chum.

As close to the beach that they are I don't think chumming is a good idea.

FISH11 06-20-2017 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by YakDout (Post 281497)
Considering your username, maybe you shouldnt have been chasing down a GWS.


shrkb8t 06-20-2017 07:16 PM

No chum used to get the video. just using bait barge sardines on the bottom with my 20lbs halibut rig, i was in 11'-13' of water, my line had just snag the bottom and broke off, i was reeling in the line when i seen a grey shadow heading for the side of my 12' hobie outback . it's amazing to see a GWS, never had any issues with sea lions in this area.
I like ingridsdad idea, sounds like an E-Ticket Ride.

and yes my user name was fitting!!

Caseym 06-20-2017 09:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PapaDave (Post 281560)
Off hand, there has been GW's along that beach for years, just not in the numbers you see today.

I'm pretty sure there are some wahoo's trying to hook them up too and attracting them with chum.

As close to the beach that they are I don't think chumming is a good idea.

Heard about "Fluffy" from all the SUP'ers at San O' since the famous Chuck Patterson GoPro footage back in 2013 or so. 6-7' juvenile lingering around Trail 1 just South if Dog Patch. Didnt think much of it. Fast forward to Thanksgiving 2014...trolling around San O' on a dead flat day with chrystal clear water in my 13' Ocean Kayak with my kid sitting on the bow. Line got bumped and clicker went off for a second then stopped. I turned around and watched 7'+ "Fluffy" turn broadside and slide away from the rear of my Yak. I shit myself. It kinda seems only a matter of time with these suckers.
Just read about an 18'er that buzzed a couple of guys about to spearfish a paddy 14 miles out (check 'Decks). All I can say is THEYRE GROWING!!

PapaDave 06-21-2017 06:13 AM

Well, we were wanting some sort of seal control, right?

ronbo613 06-21-2017 06:39 AM

Yep, there's a shark. They live in the ocean.

Iceman 06-21-2017 08:41 AM

yikes, great photo..........was planning on taking my daughter there Friday.

GregAndrew 06-21-2017 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by DanaYakAngler (Post 281536)
There is no sure bet to avoid these animals. Sure, the Sharks seem to be more concentrated from Dana point south, but have been seen up to Long Beach. And as for sea lions, good luck avoiding them. Fish where you can and keep an eye out on your surroundings.

I am not saying not to fish Dana Pt. There are lots of good spots out of that place that are not right where the sharks are showing up basically every day. The Pipe, Headlands and Salt Creek are just a few. I would be willing to bet that your odds of a GWS eating your bait in any of those spots is at least 10 times lower. There are lots of tricks to reduce losing baits to Sea Lions, but the first rule is don't fish bait where they are hanging out.

SDROB 06-21-2017 02:42 PM

Just read about an 18'er that buzzed a couple of guys about to spearfish a paddy 14 miles out (check 'Decks). All I can say is THEYRE GROWING!![/QUOTE]

I couldn't find the post on BD. Do you have the link?

Regor 06-23-2017 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by shrkb8t (Post 281454)
then facetimed my wife so she could see it live, she wasn't happy with me...

Did that "ONCE" never again :D
(not facetime, but later in the day)

Aaron&Julie 06-24-2017 05:17 AM

3 posts?

Great white? I'll say what others are thinking...photoshop does wonders.

We all know the GWS are sittting up and down the coast, this year more than others, why not create a post that shows this example?

We personally saw a huge grey whale right in that area, so it's not unbelievable to see the GWS right off of Doheny beach. But in shrkb8t other posts he doesn't seem to be informing us of what we don't already know. Perhaps you know him as an upstanding citizen. I'm a skeptic. I see a troll.


rdahl 06-24-2017 04:07 PM

Not sure why A&J feel the need to call BS on this post. It is totally believable to me. I have fished that exact spot twice in the last month and both times the DP shark-watching boat was 1/4 mile south of me right off the campground following GW. Both times I came in about the same time as they did and both times they said they saw sharks right in tight. Was not hanging my legs in the water, but the fishing was good.

shrkb8t 06-24-2017 09:39 PM

a&j no photoshop it's real, i'm glad you can speak for everyone else.
yes i'm new to this forum, don't care to be called a troll or accuse me of photoshop.
watch my video.

been fishing for 50 yrs and have never seen a GWS until last friday.

Iceman 06-25-2017 11:06 AM

Sick video! :luxhello:...........................apology coming your way expected :rolleyes:

kayakfisherman 06-25-2017 04:19 PM

Hey Shakb8t,

a&j aren't the only other ones that seem to feel that sharks are familiar site in our local waters in Dana Point. PapaDave seems to feel that way also.

I lived, fished and surfed Dana for 30 years. I was in the water at least 4 times a week. Seeing a GW inside the surf zone at the rivermouth spooks the crap out of me. I know I speak for all my neighbors who watched the marina being built in the 60s. These sharks, this year, is unprecedented. Not many locals are entering our waters. For those who believe this is nothing new, I say, take a swim. Thanks for the real report.

lamb 06-25-2017 07:15 PM

That is very cool...
And troublesome, that they're so thick this year.
Thanks for sharing.

Fo'sho, what Masta' said -

...apology coming your way expected :rolleyes:

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