Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   Mission accomplished.....sun up to sundown (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=30495)

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 05:52 AM

Mission accomplished.....sun up to sundown
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I decided to slip down to halbut fish the big bay before the 6 day for casted rain. I launched at shelter island boat launch and put two poles out, one for bait, and one setup with the bounce ball flasher rig, with a purple and black jig, which I caught an angel shark on last year. low tide was going to be around 7am. I started bounce balling west with an outgoing tide,it wasn't long before the first mackerel only one I put it in my bait tube and kept on metering with my graph and bound ballin west.Just shy of the bait receiver I see movement on my bait rod...holy mackerel a full gangon...of junior mac's....greenbacks that is. No luck on the bounce ball rig so I put it away. With all the mackerel I need in my bait tubes I start fishing the bottom with a trap rig three way swivel 5 oz torpedo wt 20lb florocarbon . I am at the bait receiver and I see an aircraft carrier coming up the bay 3/4 of a mile away and I am heading to the Coronado side south of the bay so I cross the channel as fast as I can go. It was a spectacular view. With just a trolling motor with oars it was pretty much fishing all the way out and all the way back. No telling where a big flatty.....will show up. I only got bit on the junior mac twice one being a rake job and one being a 30 in halibut which went ballistic and bounced off the gaff after the hook was in it, tangling my pole into other poles but i was able to free my line up and get a second chance to gaff again,game clip on.... happy inauguration day to ya.....Peace out.

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 06:03 AM

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(@- -@)

Harry Hill 01-19-2017 06:38 AM

nice, I will join you one day as halibut catching fisherman. What is a bouncing ball rig? I see you got your steering fixed. Did you go all aluminum on your brackets? I was supposed to get down there on Wednesday but once again life got in the way of going fishing.

Geno Machino 01-19-2017 07:02 AM

Nice fish!

onetriphudson 01-19-2017 09:07 AM

Smart thinking man, nice job on the halibut. What's the tuna trolling rod doing on your boat?

kirkdavis 01-19-2017 09:15 AM

I always enjoy halibut stories. My first keeper was on a cattle boat many years ago, and it went nutso when I tried to get the hook out. I didn't need stitches but I bled as much as the halibut. lesson learned....those thing have sharp teeth and are not afraid to use them. I am eager and ready with my halibut whacker when I catch one from my yak.
Thanks for the story.

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 10:03 AM

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Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 274191)
nice, I will join you one day as halibut catching fisherman. What is a bouncing ball rig? I see you got your steering fixed. Did you go all aluminum on your brackets? I was supposed to get down there on Wednesday but once again life got in the way of going fishing.

My inverted picture of my trolling motor with added aluminum brace kick proof and a bounce ball rig, you put any leader and jig you want.

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by onetriphudson (Post 274194)
Smart thinking man, nice job on the halibut. What's the tuna trolling rod doing on your boat?

The Marlin/tuna rod is for bounce ballin it works bitchen and I get to play with it 454 Newell with 85 lb braid

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 10:46 AM

Bounce ball rig
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Canon ball weight hanger bracket dodger flasher florocarbon leader jig....

blitzburgh 01-19-2017 05:12 PM

Nice! People do not realize just how monstrous those Carriers are. Floating cities...

MITCHELL 01-19-2017 06:15 PM

I was outside the channel bouy and ask politely to move over a little more by the security navel boat...ballast point is the most narrow part of the bay.it's a big deal when and aircraft carrier comes up the bay with nuclear weapons aboard. One time in my kayak the helicopter came down on me and help push me towards the rocks it was fun...Gave me a rush with all the wind

Harry Hill 01-19-2017 08:46 PM

Does any body bounce ball with a paddle kayak, I can see how a peddle would work because you can keep bouncing the ball but when I'm paddling the rod is in the holder. Do I just hang it so the ball is just above the surface and hope it bounces once in awhile?

katchfish 01-19-2017 09:47 PM

Congrats on the flatty!


Aaron&Julie 01-20-2017 01:04 AM

Nicely done, congrats on your tasty reward.

MITCHELL 01-20-2017 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 274231)
Does any body bounce ball with a paddle kayak, I can see how a peddle would work because you can keep bouncing the ball but when I'm paddling the rod is in the holder. Do I just hang it so the ball is just above the surface and hope it bounces once in awhile?

Harry I only use the bounce ball when I don't have live bait you drag it across the bottom and it made to a track fish with all the comotion, it put a lot of drag on your kayak I have done it before and it a nice little work out, and you better hope you don't snag the bottom.when I kayak fished the bay I would always check the tide for a big movement of water that's when the clams on the bottom open up and the bass feed and I would go the same direction of the tide and scrape the bottom with a 3in gulp shrimp on one spinning pole with 8lb test and my second pole was a bait caster with braid and florocarbon leader which got a 32 in halibut with a chartreuse twin tail scampi with a red lead head just paddle with the tide and keep both jigs scraping the bottom and you will get a leagal halibut if you put your time in.I would plan my trip going with the tide and turn around when the tide would change to come back fishing both sides of the bay in one trip good luck.I launch at two places tidelands park and shelter island depending on which direction the tide was going

Harry Hill 01-20-2017 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by MITCHELL (Post 274240)
Harry I only use the bounce ball when I don't have live bait you drag it across the bottom and it made to a track fish with all the comotion, it put a lot of drag on your kayak I have done it before and it a nice little work out, and you better hope you don't snag the bottom.when I kayak fished the bay I would always check the tide for a big movement of water that's when the clams on the bottom open up and the bass feed and I would go the same direction of the tide and scrape the bottom with a 3in gulp shrimp on one spinning pole with 8lb test and my second pole which got a 32 in halibut with a sartruce twin tail scampi with a red lead head just paddle with the tide and keep both jigs scraping the bottom and you will get a leagal halibut if you put your time in.I would plan my trip going with the tide and turn around when the tide would change to come back fishing both sides of the bay in one trip good luck.I launch at two places tidelands park and shelter island depending on which direction the tide was going

Duke, why not live bait? Also, you have a motor on your boat I think so you don't have to paddle while you are bouncing the ball. But I have to paddle to keep going so I can't hold the rod. I think what you are telling me don't paddle but let the tide move you so you are bouncing while the tide moves you, then when the tide changes to let it bring you back? I think you launch from tidelands on an outgoing tide and shelter island when the tide is rising? I wish I lived closer to the bay so I could fish more than twice a month.Thanks for the help with this, you and others are helping me a lot with this, eventually I will put this all together in the right order and start catching the butts

MITCHELL 01-20-2017 07:46 AM

For the congrats

MITCHELL 01-20-2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 274241)
Duke, why not live bait? Also, you have a motor on your boat I think so you don't have to paddle while you are bouncing the ball. But I have to paddle to keep going so I can't hold the rod. I think what you are telling me don't paddle but let the tide move you so you are bouncing while the tide moves you, then when the tide changes to let it bring you back? I think you launch from tidelands on an outgoing tide and shelter island when the tide is rising? I wish I lived closer to the bay so I could fish more than twice a month.Thanks for the help with this, you and others are helping me a lot with this, eventually I will put this all together in the right order and start catching the butts

forget about the bounce ball I kayak fish too put both poles in pole holders and use your paddle to work jigs across the bottom when you see a pole getting bit grab it and set the hook

MITCHELL 01-20-2017 08:24 AM

Harry when you
Have clamp poop all over your lap and big fat spotted bay bass spitting clams all over you, you no it's good fishing and don't let your 3in gulp shrimp bait dry up they turn to leather their biodegradable and 3in motor oil color single tail grubs work good to

alanw 01-20-2017 09:06 AM

I've used the bounce ball/dodger with live bait as well as artificials. Peddling on a Hobie makes it easy to get the right speed, paddling would work with a rod holder or if the drift is fast enough. Depending on the weight and depth I need around 2-3 mph speed to bounce it right. Slow drifting might just drag the weight instead of bouncing it but with the right rod flex it could work.

Baja_Traveler 01-20-2017 10:20 AM

I have a downrigger set up on my PA for the same purpose. Never thought about breaking out the roller rod to do it, not a bad idea really.

Now if I would just make the time to get out between the storms...


MITCHELL 01-20-2017 01:28 PM

Put this on....
And drop it deep in la jolla canyon....http://www.hogylures.com Deep drop shordfish eel lure on your bounce ball rig.

MITCHELL 01-23-2017 06:03 AM

Full gangon....
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Of junior mac's....

MITCHELL 01-24-2017 03:41 AM

Cornflake Cajun beer battered
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Fryed in wok with peanut grape seed oil mix...
And Paula Deen dill tartar sauce recipe.

radastaff 01-24-2017 07:21 AM


MITCHELL 02-19-2017 10:09 AM

Not trying to milk a Thread.......but
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This makes it Final:D

Iceman 02-19-2017 10:19 AM

that is pretty cool!:luxhello:

kaya_one 02-19-2017 10:58 PM

that's pretty sick!

tacmik 02-20-2017 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 274231)
Does any body bounce ball with a paddle kayak, I can see how a peddle would work because you can keep bouncing the ball but when I'm paddling the rod is in the holder. Do I just hang it so the ball is just above the surface and hope it bounces once in awhile?

Try using a lighter weight and tuck the rod under your leg when paddling. Might have to try several different weight sizes until you find the one that will work with your paddling speed and current.

Baja_Traveler 02-20-2017 06:48 AM

Curious - did you use dermestid beatle larve to clean up the bones, or some other method?

Very cool result none the less - you can keep people guessing as to what fish it is...

MITCHELL 02-20-2017 02:54 PM

Bake and boil and scrub bones with a toothbrush air dry there clean...

Originally Posted by Baja_Traveler (Post 275635)
Curious - did you use dermestid beatle larve to clean up the bones, or some other method?

Very cool result none the less - you can keep people guessing as to what fish it is...

It's the 30 inch halibut I caught in this post it yielded 5 lbs of fillets.

Baja_Traveler 02-20-2017 04:38 PM

We knew that - I was talking about visitors to your house.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

makobob 02-21-2017 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by MITCHELL (Post 275591)
This makes it Final:D

Duke, help an old man out. is the attatchment point for the spine right, I thought the spine was under the lateral line. It just looks off to me, Thanks.

MITCHELL 02-22-2017 03:19 AM

Bob you have to Google Halibut skulls or skeletons

Originally Posted by makobob (Post 275705)
Duke, help an old man out. is the attatchment point for the spine right, I thought the spine was under the lateral line. It just looks off to me, Thanks.

and decide for your self . I just copied what I could find....I no the neck is right or the picture I copied is wrong I am by no way a bone doctor...lol I plan on doing more, like a big tuna skull.I think a nice wood plaque with the tail and head on a triple digit fish would be cool. Once the bones are clean no stinky mesh like building a plastic model, good Hobbie

MITCHELL 02-22-2017 03:35 AM

Plus Bob there's and outer row of bones all the way around..........
That are to small to glue together....but anything is possible if you take the time to do it....:)

MITCHELL 02-22-2017 03:57 AM

Bob the first picture is even bone I could save........
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The second picture is what I have left.....still thinking about adding more maybe the two big gill bones.
it's easy to get stuff wrong and had to take it apart after being glued I almost scraped this build because I glued wrong but got away from it, and came back another day with a exacto knife and took it apart and reassembled.

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