Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   Sad news on the Islander Trips... (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=30491)

Saba Slayer 01-18-2017 06:58 AM

Sad news on the Islander Trips...
I contacted Juliet at Islander Sportfishing about participating in the Battle of the Bays Tournament and this sad new was her reply...I thought I'd share it with the BWE community first.

Hi Jim,
Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately at this time we do not have any kayak trips scheduled. We're not sure if these will be moving forward anymore….I can let you know when/if we book any for the summer. Best of luck to you and your tournament….

We would like to continue the kayak trips but sadly can't afford to at our past price point. We priced them very low from the beginning to build the business, but the wear and tear on our boat eats up more in repairs than the miniscule amount we were taking home. We spent a small fortune last year to paint the boat which was finished right before our first kayak trip. After 5 trips of kayaks slamming against the side, the paint job was thrashed. This, coupled with many other expenses pertaining only to kayak fishing (replacing outboards, fixing skiffs, etc.) means we need to raise prices significantly in order to continue and as yet, the kayak fishermen are not willing to pay it. I'll let you know if anything changes.

Chuck D 01-18-2017 07:10 AM

That sucks!:mad:

ful-rac 01-18-2017 07:25 AM

Well...in that case...I guess it was fun while it lasted! Thanks Islander and Crew for all the great trips over the years! :luxhello:


SDROB 01-18-2017 08:30 AM

Yeah Iv'e had some good times on the Islander. That's too bad...

As soon as I get my Skipjack up and running I thought about doing a few mothership trips amongst friends. Im still a couple years away from completing that project thou. I was thinking Coronado Islands, Catalina and San Clemente would all be fun.

ronbo613 01-18-2017 09:08 AM

Nothing lasts forever, especially the good stuff.



jorluivil 01-18-2017 09:16 AM



cabojohn 01-18-2017 12:24 PM

One of our own original bad boys here, Captain Dustin Tench may be able to help?? :notworthy:
He runs the Ranger 85. ;);)
I don't know if he can do kayak charters or not...he was also a great kayak fisherman.
If anyone would or could...he would be the guy. I don't know the boat schedule or if this is even possible?
Just an idea... Possible BWE charter?
I'd go with Captain Dusty in a heartbeat!

BIG JOAQUIN 01-18-2017 12:34 PM

Totally heartbroken.
I've never been on the Islander Mothership trips. I was scheduled to go last year, but the trip was cancelled due to weather at SCI.

If you build it, I will come. Islander or Ranger 85! Where do i sign?

lbsurf2ca 01-18-2017 01:05 PM

Huge bummer

alanw 01-18-2017 01:19 PM

You guys thrashed their paint job with your kayaks? Sounds like they need better paint :the_finger:

Denis_Ruso 01-18-2017 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by BIG JOAQUIN (Post 274167)
Totally heartbroken.
I've never been on the Islander Mothership trips. I was scheduled to go last year, but the trip was cancelled due to weather at SCI.

If you build it, I will come. Islander or Ranger 85! Where do i sign?

X2 my first trip with them was canceled due to weather.. guess I wont be getting another chance.

goldenglory18 01-18-2017 02:59 PM


FISH11 01-18-2017 03:46 PM

Sad to hear that they might not do them anymore. I went on last years for the first time, on the 2.5 day trip and had a blast. At least I can have those memories for a life time.

jorluivil 01-18-2017 06:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)

jbl_91762 01-18-2017 07:47 PM

Thanks for letting us know. Like others seriously bummed.

roby 01-18-2017 08:03 PM

My favorite memories on the Islander all involve bonding with Greg....

Iceman 01-19-2017 09:27 AM

Totally understand from a business point of view. Too often they shove off with the bare minimum they were looking to go.Hopefully another boat wants to take on the gamble............remember the Orion........Black Pearl............Bottom Scratcher (kayak scratcher) they all paled in comparison to the Islander and crew IMO, but still offered the opportunities to fish the islands.

DanaPT 01-19-2017 10:01 AM

we need the likes of jeff bezos or elan musk to solve this.

kayak hyper-loop?

cris 01-19-2017 10:08 AM

Thinking of shipping the kayak to catalina and camping over there or just going for it and making the crossing this year. See you guys over there sometime!

ship 4 brains 01-22-2017 08:23 AM

Im curious to know if they upped the price, how many would go? If enough are interested, maybe they will make a trip....

Saba Slayer 01-22-2017 09:28 AM

Price ?
Some of the NCKA guys up north are still considering a trip with the price raise.
My advise, would be to get in touch with NCKA or the Islander and see what they are charging.

ship 4 brains 01-22-2017 09:40 AM

I'm in Encinitas...North County. I don't know any of the NCKA guys though...

I'll volunteer to put together the trip and start working on the Islander folks tomorrow.

Who on BWE is interested given there will be a price increase?

Saba Slayer 01-22-2017 09:45 AM

Go to their website... they have some prices up and discussion.

BIG JOAQUIN 01-22-2017 07:57 PM

I'm in. Let me know.

Iceman 03-01-2017 04:32 PM

Still booking trips, guys seem willing to pay


goldenglory18 03-01-2017 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 276051)
Still booking trips, guys seem willing to pay


That price took my breath away...too rich for my blood this year.

Bruntoj 03-02-2017 12:41 PM

What was the previous price for this? Wasn't the previous 1.5 day, which only got you 1 day of fishing, about $400 ?

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Bruntoj 03-02-2017 04:21 PM

I found a thread from last year (2016) that says $585 for the 2.5 day.

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ship 4 brains 03-02-2017 08:29 PM

Expensive---but that's my happy place. I'm in!!!

King Saba 03-02-2017 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bruntoj (Post 276116)
I found a thread from last year (2016) that says $585 for the 2.5 day.

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I was just about to ask. Seems a bit much for me with the new price.

Bruntoj 03-03-2017 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by King Saba (Post 276141)
I was just about to ask. Seems a bit much for me with the new price.

Yeah it's almost 25% more than 2016. I'm wondering how much increase there's been, if any, for non-kayak trips on either the Islander or other boats.

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goldenglory18 03-03-2017 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by King Saba (Post 276141)
I was just about to ask. Seems a bit much for me with the new price.

Same here. I just looked at what I've spent the last year in buying my yak, my salt rods and reels, and what I have left to pick up (new paddle and electronics) and I just can't justify another $800 on a trip.

Maybe next year, but I'm a no-go in 2017..... :(

makobob 03-03-2017 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by goldenglory18 (Post 276158)
Same here. I just looked at what I've spent the last year in buying my yak, my salt rods and reels, and what I have left to pick up (new paddle and electronics) and I just can't justify another $800 on a trip.

Maybe next year, but I'm a no-go in 2017..... :(

Yep for $800 I can make 3-4 week long trips to Gonzaga, OR do Mag Bay for a couple weeks around Christmas/New Years. Still a tough choice to make, but I'll choose Baja every time. Tight Lines.

SorryCharlie 03-03-2017 08:57 AM

I know the owner of Fish Village, he is a very good friend so I was able to get the lowdown on the price increase.

The boat itself takes a serious beating with the kayaks being taken on and off all day, not to mention the custom swim step and bait tank rack they have to maintain and/or replace occasionally (the swim step required some mods for future trips). Also, I agree with Iceman that the Islander crew is amazing, and they also take a beating during these trips. I fully agree with the Islander that at the very least the crew should make more money from the kayak trips, given how much more they have to put into it.

Overall, the previous prices were to low for the Islander to justify the extra maintenance and work required for these mother-ship trips. While the Islander was responsible for the pricing set originally, I do not blame them for trying to do what is best for them after learning from years of running these trips.

There are still spots left on the first trip (I believe it was 8 at my last talk with Mike), but the second trip is full.

YakDout 03-03-2017 10:22 PM

Sad news on the Islander Trips...

Originally Posted by makobob (Post 276163)
Yep for $800 I can make 3-4 week long trips to Gonzaga, OR do Mag Bay for a couple weeks around Christmas/New Years. Still a tough choice to make, but I'll choose Baja every time. Tight Lines.

Yep, exactly. With better fishing and more tequila. Easy choice for me.

FISH11 03-04-2017 06:58 AM

It is a great trip, I had a blast on the 2.5 day trip. The only problem is the price of the ticket is not the only expense. You have to buy the drinks and tip the crew, maybe even pay for fish cleaning. I like a lot of beer and that added up, the tip based on a percentage of the cost of the trip, like at a restaurant, makes it very costly with the increase.

Bruntoj 03-08-2017 02:37 PM

I understand being upset about the increase (myself included) but I noticed that a 2.5 day trip on the ocean odyssey is $720.

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