Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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FISH11 03-27-2016 06:17 PM

LJ 3-27-16
2 Attachment(s)
Finally was able to head out to LJ after just over 2 months of not having a day off to fish. I have been working at my regular job and on all days off and 2 weeks of vacation time I have trying to get my Dad's condo ready to list for sale. Since the week after he passed on January 7th, I have spent a lot of time working on the condo while the fishing was heating up and friends catching nice fish. This morning while turning into the shores from Torrey Pines Rd. I said Jesus please let me have a great day out on the water and maybe let me catch a PB Yellowtail. This time he not only listened but gave me my wish. Thank You Jesus! After making a lot of bait I started making it out to deeper water in the maze of kayaks and personal boats. Getting a little clear of the pack and away from the seals I saw. I was fly lining a green back in around 75 feet of water and started throwing a surface iron at some of the bait that was jumping almost everywhere. I did not get any bites or any signs of larger fish in the bait areas, but the the flyline starts screaming. I put the reel into gear and retrieve some line and when I was sure he's on good, I bring and put away the other rod with the iron. After about 7 to 8 minutes I see color, get him to gaff and then the fun starts. The Jackson Cuda 14 I am using now is no where near as stable as the X Factor I used for several years. This fish was strong and big, he goes on my lap then slaps goes over the other side. all the time he still has the gaff in him. I grab the leader and gaff to lift him back on to my lap and the leader cuts my finger and the fish goes back over the other side again. Every time the weight shifted and he would slap, I though I was going to roll. Finally got him on board and cut his gills and bled him. Some minutes later I gutted him also and the put it inside the hull. Once on the beach hours later, I tried to wheel the kayak and realized the thing is too heavy to pull with the fish inside the front hatch.I take it out and set it by the seat but it still heavy to pull and hold up with the front t-handle. I ended up putting it in the back with a bungee and the weight being behind the kayak cart wheels made all the difference. Pulled it 2 blocks to where I parked and had a bunch of tourist all say WOW and some wanting to take picture. Even with the hassle of the launch being closed today was a wonderful day and just what I needed to re-charge my batteries for the time being. When I got it home on ice I weighed it and it was 30.9lbs (bled and gutted on the water). That makes it my PB Yellowtail on a kayak and actually the first Yellowtail on this kayak since I started using it at the end on November. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jve4fVAxBJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Change setting to HD either 1080P or 720P

battleborn 03-27-2016 06:22 PM

A worthy fish and an awesome story to go with it

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Wanderingincircles 03-27-2016 06:32 PM

Sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing

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JeffB 03-27-2016 06:32 PM

Sorry to hear about your dad, that sux. Thats a nice grade yellow.

seaquinn 03-27-2016 06:33 PM

What a great story! Three times over the side..... heart pumping for sure!

We were in a PB for no love.


Geno Machino 03-27-2016 06:47 PM

Great job Mark!!!

God works in mysterious ways!!

Sounded like a rush or two...:-)!


My condolences for you and your family.

DanaPT 03-27-2016 06:52 PM

That's a heavy happy haul back to the car. Nice to be that guy with the big fish. Good work.

Mike scales 03-27-2016 06:53 PM

Nice seeing you out there today, Mark! Glad you got one too! :cheers1::yt:

FISH11 03-27-2016 07:09 PM

Thanks guys it was so good to be back out there today. In a couple of week I should be in the normal mode of fishing LJ once or twice a week. Man how I missed it.

Deamon 03-27-2016 07:17 PM

Awesome story Mark except for the part in your dad. RIP. Jim

RookieYakker 03-28-2016 07:25 AM

Thanks for sharing and congrats!

Pagzzz 03-28-2016 09:09 AM

Nice story, and a good looking fish!

Jude 03-28-2016 09:23 AM

Great story! Whered u get those cart wheels?

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fresh to salt 03-28-2016 09:26 AM

Welcome back! Nice fish too! Congrats

ratdog 03-28-2016 09:33 AM

Nice one.

FISH11 03-28-2016 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jude (Post 257041)
Great story! Whered u get those cart wheels?

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It's the malone folding cart with the no flat wheels. Got it on E-Bay from Sports Authority on sale for $115. I thing they normally retail for $150 to $160.

summers in kuwait 03-28-2016 07:31 PM

Nice fish and great post.
Thank you for sharing.

blitzburgh 03-28-2016 09:00 PM

Nice work man. Sorry for your loss

TobyB 03-29-2016 12:16 AM

Nice Fish.

octico 03-29-2016 06:12 AM

Hey Mark

Nice catch, sorry to hear about the loss.


maquinapescado 03-29-2016 07:01 AM

Great story and fish. I have to say that I am digging your stars a stripes kayak decoration. I think I will have to hang a flag when I fish. If I ever get to fish again.

kayakfisherman 03-29-2016 07:23 AM

Mark I'm stoked for you. It's nice to get on the water
in-between all the stuff life throws your way. Especially
when you come home with your PB, a 30 plus pounder.

It may be a bit early, but is your new kayak a lot faster
than the old?

Druko 03-29-2016 04:58 PM

Great report! my condolences about your dad.

captnblood34 03-29-2016 09:24 PM

Way to go Mark!!

FISH11 03-30-2016 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by kayakfisherman (Post 257123)
Mark I'm stoked for you. It's nice to get on the water
in-between all the stuff life throws your way. Especially
when you come home with your PB, a 30 plus pounder.

It may be a bit early, but is your new kayak a lot faster
than the old?

Unfortunately I don't feel it to be hardly any faster, certainly a lot less stable and no were as good going through the surf than my old X Factor. During the process of trying to bring the Yellow on board I almost rolled the kayak several times due to the weight transfer and the fish kicking a little. I felt like some Nub as the fish went back in the water on either side due to the kayak rocking side to side. I hope to sell and replace this Cuda during or after summer and possibly get a Kraken or a newer X Factor depending of how they feel when I take one out for a test. It's the poor secondary stability and the bows inability to punch through or go over the waves that I don't like. Other that that it is a great kayak, maybe someone that weighs less than me (220lbs) would not have those problems. Thanks Yanni, Mark.

Ror_sal 03-30-2016 04:12 PM

nice one. gut and gill always results in the best fillets.

easyday 03-30-2016 09:19 PM

Awesome man

_Obed 03-31-2016 10:01 PM

Good to hear your back, and congrats on the great looking fish mark.


FISH11 04-06-2016 08:16 PM

Finally got around to exporting and embeding the go pro video of the catch on Easter Sunday. Did not edit out any of the crazy hassle trying to board the yellowtail. Enjoy the video, I felt like a NOOB trying to keep balance with that heavy and still green fish. Had to delete 1 song because it was muting all audio due to not releasing copy right of a personal copy of the CD. When watching change the setting to HD either 1080P or 720P for best quality video. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jve4fVAxBJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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