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Kayaker rescue La Jolla
Had all the safety equipment needed in case of situation like this but missed the best safety equipment.. Weather report 😳
It's been nasty out the last few days.. |
Half a mile offshore? And they didn't just swim in?
They had to have been farther off... |
Sounds like a tandem. If so, multiply the challenges of two peeps climbing back on in rough water. These people probably had some clothes on, water a bit on the chilly side, winds, lost some gear or had it all hung up and dangling. MUCH BETTER to make the call sooner than later. I'm thinking you probably don't have much experience with LJ's current... Jim |
What a hater!
Small craft advisory today, why would you even go out. There is always another day to go out. We see a lot of people get in trouble because they get out in conditions where they overestimate their abilities and underestimate they power of the ocean.
Good to hear they had on PFD's and had safety gear at least. |
Kayaker rescue La Jolla
The worst weather and condition I have ever been out in was in LJ (right John & Jemie!!) and the best condition I have ever been out in has been LJ... That should should tell you a lot about LJ and how conditions can change..
That being said, I don't understand why take the risk but I'm sure they had their reasons.. Heck even the rental shops didn't let people out which says a lot.. |
I rescued two guys and did not make the news :confused:
Apparently, they are safe. That's the important part.
In the meantime, it's a good lesson for all of us. Live and learn. |
I looked at the cam today and saw whitecaps but I didn't see anyone launch[I[/I], the surf was pretty rough also. Didn't look like a good day to be out in any small craft.
Prob heard the yellowtail tuna were running.........
I wonder if the outcome would be different if they pacticed underwater rock carrying.
Stuck- check out the webcam before you even start loading up and then check wX and cam again before you head out. It'll save some headaches.
Also, wanna hit LJ some time next week? |
And yes I have tons of experience in la Jolla. I'm sure Ive experienced much stronger currents surfing the cove when it occasionally breaks than when I'm fishing it off of a kayak... Or swimming through churned up water at horseshoe after breaking a leash and having my board go to shore. |
edit: also having surfed la jolla my entire life, i dove the outer kelp a month ago and the current was so strong when i got off my kayak i was 30 yards away within seconds. its a lot different in open water guy. You surf horseshoe? thats cool....theres channels on both sides and the inner reef is forgiving as well. you must not fish often if you've never seen so much current that the kelp disappears. its cool though, keep talking like you didn't just pick up a kayak and luck into some yt in the easiest year to catch one in your lifetime. |
oh and to make the bashing even on all ends..... we know bro, you've told us multiple times :cheers1: |
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Guys, protect your passwords! It seems that some 12 year old girls have hijacked the thread.
1 Attachment(s)
Good thing they were prepared. |
Have you ever had to swim while wearing a PFD? I’ve tried it myself and I can assure you that at best it’s difficult. |
Can I just buy you a toy plastic kayak that you can hang on your rear view mirror? That way, you can still claim...and jump into these threads and bitch slap others whether deserved or not. We're going to miss you... Or wait...are you going to one of those boaters who just have to post their catches on a kayak website???:the_finger::the_finger::the_finger:haha hahahahahaha!!!!!!! Jim |
All the flame throwing aside....(fun to watch; slow day)...
The only time I've ever flipped on open water was LJ with a nasty swell and wind going the other way... I had a friend right next to me that time and all was well. Now I have a radio on my PFD, backup GPS and I carry 12g flares. My PA 14 has a hull full of pool noodles to fill up the empty space. I have USCG and SD Lifeguard dispatch on my phone too... A mile may not seem that long when you're using a mirage drive, or when you are a skilled surfer, in shape and in a wet suit...but I would have a really hard time battling wave, wind and even a .5 knt current with no fins, a PDF and maybe some clothing. Chances of me swimming back in from a mile off the point in those conditions...not good. I'd make the call early, before I was totally exhausted. 'Cause I love my life, my wife and my kids wayyyyy more than my pride! |
And as for fishing, I've been doing it just about every weekend for almost three years. Since I picked it up, it's my favorite thing in the world. I absolutely love the sport. Most of my pelagic fishing is off my boat. I kayak on my central coast trips for lingcod (go once or twice a month nov-dec and apr-may) and for kelp fishing the offseason down here. And even though I fish off my boat for pelagics way more than the yak, I still did it a lot and had a ton of fun. |
good to be safe though. :linesnap: |
Oh yeah ....
more popcorn from the peanut gallery
Jim was 100% correct. If you saw the wind and waves yesterday & with the smallcraft warnings those 2 guys should not have gone out at all. Don't be stupid and go out during small craft warnings! They were correct to call on the radio lifeguards if they feared for their lives or safety when they capsized their kayak in those conditions. Let's be happy they are smiling back on shore!!
yes conditions can change quickly on the ocean, though not nearly as bad in LJ as many other places I have been. The fact is there was a small craft warning issued two days before to go through Wednesday. Last I checked a kayak is a small craft. I just have to say a large percentage of guys who kayak fish in LJ do not have the skill, experience or conditioning to deal with those kinds of conditions. Not saying all but we get a lot of new guys out there that can handle the day to day but when things go south it all goes to hell. We had something similar happen several years ago. There was a wide open YT bite on one day, so the next day tons of guys showed up to fish. At 4:30 am the wind was already blowing pretty good. I was with my kids, we along with several other friends decided that was not the day to go out. A bunch of other much tougher guys with YT fever all headed out despite the conditions. Of course later that day on the news was the report that TWELVE guys had to be rescued by the lifeguards boats because they couldn't get back in. As I mentioned before, there is always another day to go out. Know your abilities, know the predicted weather, and never underestimate the power of the ocean. We have too many great days out there to risk it on a shitty day. |
I think one thing to remember when posting is that there is a range of experience on this forum and out on the water.
I was born and raised in S.D. and have surfed Blacks, Windansea and Garbage on a 9+ single fin. I also lived in Humboldt County and have launched in some pretty sketchy conditions both in the ocean and fast moving rivers. That said, I would encourage anyone (newbies and experienced waterpeople) to start off in the bay or calmer waters for whatever time it takes to feel more comfortable and get your bearings. Even a seasoned veteran can get cocky or too drunk/high (if such a thing) and forget that Mother Nature is in charge. As mentioned, there is always another day. Be safe. |
Jorluval and hammerhead
Yaa I have swam with a life jacket. It's a pain in the ass. Especially since they probably were wearing clothes and probably salvaged some gear before their kayak went down. Not to mention it was rough waters. I'm not saying it's not a difficult swim, I'm just saying .5 miles is a really short distance to make a mayday call just to get to the shore. If they felt in danger they made the right call though. I guess I'm just looking at it from my own abilities and views. I'm a strong swimmer and would rather help myself that wait for the coastguard to dispatch from mission bay. But trust me, if I felt in danger, I would immediately radio in. But I like to trust myself to get myself out of harms way. On my last central coast trip, I was a little over 1 mile offshore on the west end of the kelp at leffingwell landing. I got violently sick. I think food poisoning hit me or I got a rapid acting stomach bug. I was throwing up and got dizzy. I was considering radioing into to the coast guard, but I knew I was only a mile or so from shore and knew I would get anxiety if I waited a couple hours for the coast guard to get me from morro bay. I just powered through the pain and exhaustion and paddled in. Like I said, I like to rely on myself. |
Ya I'm over arguing on a forum.
It was fun for a while;);) But knowing the conditions and your abilities is huge. Like I said before, swimming .5 miles in rough water may not be that bad for a lot of people, but a lot of people can't handle it. And choosing the day to go out on is EXTREMELY important. Big waves on a small/shallow hulled boat or windy, rough conditions on a kayak can be deadly. It's not worth dying out there. Especially when you can just go a couple days later! |
It is simple boys. When in doubt, make the call. Had a heart attack several years ago and was too stupid to make the call. Fortunately, God protected me and my heart was not damaged. My new message is, Make the Call. My guess is that most people are like me and are hesitant to make a fuss. Public services are there for a reason. Use them when necessary. No place for pride when you, your family, friends, etc are at risk of losing you.
I agree as sometimes reports can be iffy so you play it safe and stay close but the reports all had small craft advisory plus heavy winds..
I can understand if conditions change if weather was borderline but it wasn't and that was my concern with the kayaker that had to be rescued. It was a ways of resources and I'm pretty sure even the coastguard was pissed they even had to go out given they should not have been.. I wish they could slap some guys upside the head for bonehead decisions.. 😂 FYI, speaking of rescues where is Jemie??? We need a first hand account.. Quote:
They probably were further out or could be with the conditions at the time it seemed like miles out. I'm still amazed how bad LJ can get when its bad.. I'll take the worst day at Malibu or Gaviota any day over a bad day at LJ..
As for swimming back in, that's way off to assume they had the ability to do so.. Questioning someone's ability to yours is wrong.. I'm sure you have your limits and if someone questions that you would say they are wrong as well.. Just put yourself in other shoes and not compare your ability to yours.. That's all people are saying.. You can argue or just accept that what you said was wrong.. Quote:
I guess Jim kicked me off the board. Catch ya kooks later! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
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