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2017 will probabally be my LAST year to HOST these trips, after that I will be happy to HELP others do it. The camp at Gonzaga will stay open for BWE member use. Looking for members to STEP up and keep this open for BWE and YOUR use.
Time to start the planing process for Jan through June 2017. This is YOUR chance to set up a trip that conforms with your time schedule. If you have a proposed trip with dates please post here. If possible we will make it happen. IF YOU do not post I will figure there is no INTEREST and not worry about it. If that happens I will post some of my trips before the end of the year, you are always welcome to join me. 29 April to 13 May. I plan on going to Kentucky this is a private trip and I hope to see Svendawg on this trip. In June I plan on doing the San Quintin Halibut Tourney again. Thanksgiving I hope to spend with Ross depending on his location. Christmas and New Years I will be doing the Mag Bay trip. 15-30 OCTOBER on the FLY will be split into two weeks so more can attend the best time for Baja. ALMOST HALF FULL. NOW is the time for you to get your sh-t together for next year. You deserve a break, you work for it, plan it out and make it happen. Set up your own trip or join one of mine. Tight Lines. |
When are you going to be there for installation of your solar panels?
Is it part of these trips or an special trip for that project? |
Solar installation before end of this year, special trip. Want power for NEW YEARS party. So much fun, so little time.
I will use this thread to post all up coming trips and to post everything I can about these trips, driving directions, recommended tackle, possible weather conditions, any thing pertaining to these trips. By doing this I hope to have all the information for Baja or Bust trips in one easy to find place. You are welcome to post but let's try to keep in on target. Mahigeer please post your equipment list. Walrus could you post your fish caught list? Chuck D how about your tackle suggestions. Thanks guys and BWE. Tight lines.
Directions to Gonzaga
We meet at 5 am at Johnny's Shell station in El Cajon located at 515 N. Magnolia ave. Just off of the 8 at the 67/N.Magnolia exit From there we stay on the 8 to the 98 exit, follow about 30 miles to the 111 and take left to border crossing, San Diego to border 125 miles. From there we follow the Mex 5 thru Mexicali, follow signs to San Filipe, Puertocitos, Rio Hardy staying on the 5 all the way to San Filipe. Another 125 mies. Going through San Filipe take right at sign to Putrtocitos/airport, go about 9 km to sign saying Puerticitos and take a left, DO NOT go to the airport.. From here is is another 95 miles to camp. VADO means dip in road and years ago they could and would take your rear axel out, SLOW DOWN for them. At km 60-65 be very careful. When you reach km 134 you went 100 yards too far. Sign to camp will say Campo Turistico and you take a left. Up until now roads are all good at 60 mph unless posted lower and passable by any car. At turn off for camp it is unpaved dirt road, 15-25 mph but bumpy. Camp is about 1/2 mile from main road. I suggest lowering your air pressure at turnoff on your first trip, to about 20 psi WE have compressor in camp. Follow until you crest hill and go down to beach, Restaurant is on your left, follow to beach and turn left before reaching palapas, follow less than 100 yards to my place, as soon as you pass the trees on your left there are two rows with driveway between them you will take a left up a small incline OUR place is on the left. The sand on the beach can be very soft at times. WELCOME TO PARADISE.
Every one going on these trips should print out a copy of this and carry with you JUST INCASE we get separated |
Did you stop for shrimp on your last trip to San Felipe and was the quality good?
The items in the same "category" are in the same color.
GONZAGA TRIP LIST<O:p</O:p A-Ahi rod/Sabiki rigs ---anchor/rope B- Back support--- bashing club--- BENGAY cream--- bowls ---Boga grip--- braid cutter--- bread ---battery operated fan/extra batteries<O:p</O:p C-Cooler/ice ---cigarettes/cigars [lighter/fluid] ---contact lenses/fluid ---compass ---Car GPS ---Cell phone/charger ---Camping chair ---cutting board ---chaise lounge--- cereal ---cot air cushion<O:p</O:p D-Dive booties ---diving lures E-Extension cord ---extra reels<O:p</O:p F-Fillet knives-- fishing shirts--- fish clip/rope--- fish finder battery/charger--- --- fishing cover towel--- fly rod/reel/flies/leaders/sinking line ---flash light--- First Aid kit ---Five gallon bucket--- folding table<O:p</O:p G-GoPro/battery/charger/harness--- gaff--- Ginger ale--- Ginger pills <O:p</O:pH-Hook cutter--- headlamp/charger I-IPod/charger/waterproof case---ice bottles ---Ibuprofen pills K-Kayak--- Krocodile lures L-Line cutter--- lures (Salas, Krocodile, top water)--- leashes--- leader material--- food/drinks for the road--- lantern/tripod/charger M-Multi-plug strip--- Mexican fishing license--- Meclizine pills---milk--- Misc. chargers--- map to Bob’s house/Gonzaga Bay N-Net---needle nose plier--- night shortsnote book/pen P-PFD--- prescription medicine/glasses/sun/regular--- PASSPORT----paddle--- pillow R-Rods/reels--- VHF radio/charger--- rope/stretch/regular plates/cups/flat wear--- rod belt S-Sandals---socks ---sun glasses X2/box--- swimming trunks--- sinkers--- swim bait--- steel leader---sleeping bag---- St. Croix rod/Shimano reel/Penn reel---squid jig--- sandwich items/bags--- stove/fuel--- surf fishing tackle T-Tackle box--- tarp (gray) tent/long stakes/ax ---tie-down straps ---towel toiletry bag--- travel wallet (cash, CC, Kaiser, ATM, AAA, Pesos)---tea/coffee/creamer U-Underwear--- urine bags V- Vacuum sealer/bags/cellophane/marker W-Water---wide brim hat/leash/cap---white towel---whisky Z-Zippered pants--- zip-lock bags <O:p</O:pKAYAK FISHING CHECKLIST FROM THIS WEBSITE<O:p</O:p Paddle--- Seat--- Lifejacket--- Rods Tackle--- Leashes (rod and paddle)--- VHF Radio ---Gaff and/or Net ----Bait Tank ---Sabiki Rig ---Battery Water/Food Pliers/Knife Wetsuit/ Waders/ Splash wear ---Sunscreen--- Fish finder--- Camera <O:p</O:p |
What do you need for these trips.
Your passport or passport card, I carry both. The FFM card issued by Mexico, I carry mine and renew every 6 months. Mexican auto insurance, I get mine every year from Vagabundos Del Mar. NO MATTER what your auto insurer up here says that policy does not protect you in Mexico, it MUST be Mexican insurance by a Mexican Carrier. Mexican fishing license is also needed. All papers on your car/truck, including registration and american insurance, paperwork on your trailer if you are taking one. You may NEVER be checked for most of these but a few dollars and some time might just save you big problems latter. |
Any chance of getting a crew to roll down to mag bay for the new year's trip? Tough to get a group to go that far and for that long, but...trip of a lifetime.
Sounds good Bob. When the time comes, I am in.
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Fish I have caught on a Baja or Bust trip: (I mainly fish catch and release, but some are just too good and I keep them for dinner) Ballyhoo Halfbeak, Agujeta Brasilena, Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Barred Sand Bass, Sand Bass, Cabrilla de Arena, Cabrilla de Roca, Paralabrax nebulifer. Blunthead Triggerfish, Stone Triggerfish, Cochito Bota, Pseudobalistes naufragium. Broomtail Grouper, Broomtail, Garropa jasplada, Mycteroperca xenarcha. Bumphead Damselfish, Jaqueta Vistosa, Microspathodon bairdii. Sierra, Pacific Sierra, Sierra Mackerel, Sierra, Scomberomorus sierra. Burrito Grunt, Raidito, Roncador, Anisotremus interruptus. Calico Bass or Kelp Bass, Cabrilla Alguera, Cabrilla Sargacera, Paralabrax clathratus. California Lizardfish, Snakefish, Chile, Lagarto, Synodus lucioceps. California Scorpionfish, Spotted Scorpionfish, Sculpin, Lapón, Scorpaena guttata. Cortez Barracuda, Lucas’ Barracuda, Barracuda de Cortés, Sphyraena lucasana. Cortez Grunt, Yellow-Spotted Grunt, Burro de Cortez, Haemulon flaviguttatum. Crevalle Jack, Jack Crevalle, Jurel Comun, Cavalla, Cocinero, Toro, Caranx hippos. Dog Snapper, Pacific Dog Snapper, Pacific Cubera Snapper, Pargo Perro, Lutjanus novemfasciatus. Eastern Pacific Bonefish, Zorro del Pacifico Oriental, Macabi del Pacifico Oriental, Albula esuncula. Flat Needlefish, Barred Needlefish, Agujón Sable, Ablennes hians. Mexican Hogfish, Vieja, Vieja Mexicana, Vieja de Piedra, Bodianus diplotaenia. Sechura Lizardfish, Chile Iguana, Garrobo Iguana; Lagarto Iguana, Synodus sechurae. Leopard Grouper, Cabrilla, Golden Grouper, Golden Cabrilla, Sardinera, Reina, Mycteroperca rosacea. Bullseye Puffer, Concentric Puffer, Botete Diana, Sphoeroides annulatus. Orangemouth Corvina, Orangemouth Weakfish, Corvinata Totoaba, Cynoscion xanthulus. Orangeside Triggerfish, Filescale Triggerfish, Taxi, Cochino, Sufflamen verres. Pacific Jack Crevalle, Toro, Torito, Caranx caninus. Panamic Graysby, Pacific Graysby, Cherna, Enjambre, Ribera Cabrilla, Cephalopholis panamensis. Spottail Grunt, Roncodor Rayado, Ronco Soldadito, Haemulon maculicauda. Spotted Bay Bass, Spotted Sand Bass, Calico, Cabrilla Pecosa, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus. Yellowtail, California Yellowtail, Yellowtail Amberjack, Jurel, Jurel de Castilla, Seriola lalandi dorsalis. Fish I have witnessed being caught (that I have not caught as of yet). Spotted Rose Snapper, Pargo Chibato, Pargo Flamenco, Lutjanus guttatus. Roosterfish, Pez Gallo, Nematistius pectoralis. Threadfin Jack, Thread Pompano, Jurel de Hebra, Carangoides otrynter. Wavyline Grunt, Ronco Jopatón, Corocoro Jopatón, Microlepidotus inornatus. White Seabass, White Weakfish, King Croaker, Curvina, Corvinata Blanca, Atractoscion nobilis. Most fish I’ve caught in a single day: 117 Most fish I’ve caught in a single trip: 603 (In 2015 have stopped counting how many spotted bass, triggerfish, and ribera I catch so I no longer keep a count of total fish). Average number of lures lost in a week: 12 Favorite lure: rapala or candy bar twister spoon ( it’s a toss-up, but, I tend to lose a lot less of the rapalas). Best tip: use wire it doesn’t seem to slow down the strikes, but you have less break offs when rocked or the Sierras are active. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/> <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/> <w:DontFlipMirrorIndents/> <w:OverrideTableStyleHps/> </w:Compatibility> <m:mathPr> <m:mathFont m:val="Cambria Math"/> <m:brkBin m:val="before"/> <m:brkBinSub m:val="--"/> <m:smallFrac 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Excellent post. Very informative. Thanks a lot.
Dorado, skipjack tuna, sharks and cortez halibut have also been caught. Also an octopus, and turtle.
Kevin, I just put it on next years schedule, subject to one more 4X4 truck coming along with us and two full weeks. Should be an AWESOME trip. I will have room for at least one passenger and gear. If I took two we might not have enough space for gear unless I took the trailer. Let's see what shakes out.
http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/...48.34%20PM.png Ya, there's definitely dorado and turtles! haha! BTW- Bob, there is a good chance i may join the fly trip this year for late October. My baby came early and the dust has settled. My wife giving me signs of green light for this trip, hopefully I can squeeze in with you guys. Best |
Put me down for a possible, maybe and we'll see. If that is ok for now. |
Next year sounds good for Mag Bay, and gives us plenty of time to plan.
Congradulations on the new one, boy or girl? Always room for you Mike. Let me know when you are firm and I will assign a day for you to cook or take us to the restaurant. Welcome aboard.
best, Mike.:cheers1::reeling: |
Would someone like to post their tackle suggestions and Kai could you repost your Sertri information here please. Thanks guys. Tight lines.
If YOU have a trip YOU want to do for 2016, I NEED to KNOW by October 25th as that is when I will try to fill out the full calendar for 2016. To schedule all the time I want to spend in Baja I will use your dates, and add my trip dates to that. And as usual you can come along on MY trips too.................Next year could again be a MINI El Nino. So take the next 3 weeks to figure YOUR trip for next year. Thanks and Tight Lines. NEW YEARS in Gonzaga this year, less then 3 months away. I plan on doing it at MY NEW PLACE. It won't be perfect but it is enclosed and or covered, will have power and both 12 vdc and 120 vac. Freezer should be operational and maybe with a vacuum bagger. The guys on the OCTOBER trip can let you know how it is coming along as they will be back from there in in 22 DAYS. Last year on the 1st and 2nd of January we caught a 30 and 40 pound WSB. Tight Lines. HAPPY NEW YEAR Hope you all enjoy. SVEN are you going to make it 3 years in a row??????? |
You scared me sir.
I saw the big THREE WEEKS LEFT and right away checked my calendar. It is 12 days not counting today. Then I read the whole post and realized, you were not talking about the October trip. sigh of relief. |
Let's see, I go back Fri, Sat, Sunday this weekend to make a material run, then I will be traveling with our group on the 17th. Retirement is fun.
Hey Bob, do we already have a 2016 spring break trip set? If not, I would like to propose leaving on Sunday 3/20, fish Monday-Friday, and return home on Saturday, 3/26 (the day before Easter). I would suggest Las Encantadas, but would be open to fishing almost anywhere.
OK Kevin I just added SPRING BREAK in Gonzaga 20 Mar-26 Mar 2016.
I replied to your PM. However, I don't know how to check the "sent messages". Thus, I am not sure if it went through. Please let me know if you got it and how I can check for sent messages. If you like I can post it here. Thanks. |
Go to private messages, center of screen you see a box, it will have a small blue up down box next to a go button. hit blue box and check SENT then hit go. your message should be on top of list. Hope this helps.
TIME is running out
If you want to schedule a trip I need to know soon, around the 25th of OCTOBER just less than two weeks away, I will post the schedule for 2016. TO secure the dates YOU want PM or post here. To fill in the empty areas on the calendar I will add my trip dates. You can join any trip marked OPEN or ask person who set up trip if there is a space for you. All my trips will be OPEN. I will have room for 10+ people at my place and ways to expand if needed. So hop on the BAJA EXRESS and take a trip to paradise. Tight Lines and Fishy Dreams.
As promised the trips for Baja or Bust have been updated through the END OF JUNE. If you want to add a trip for the 4th of JULY OR later in 2016 NOW is your chance. I will update JULY - DECEMBER in MARCH, any dates you do not fill I will at that time.
UPDATE is 1st post in this thread. Post or pm with questions. NEW for 2016, I will limit the trips to GONZAGA to 8 anglers and myself, UNLESS you rent a trailer or palapa there. More than that is just getting to much for me to handle. And the new place can only handle that many and still be comfortable. All these trips will be a go, even if I go alone, these trips will happen, so some might fill up EARLY and some will not. If YOU want a place on a trip please be sure as if you cancel it might to be to late for someone else to fill in. Tight Lines, Fishy Dreams. |
That place is getting more and more tempting every day Bob. I may have to pull the trigger
Not so sure Danny, most times you pull the trigger something dies. That place would be a steal, but it is not easy to launch there. But it is BIG.
I don't really mind driving elsewhere.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Bob, put me down for the Oct on the FLY trip. I'll turn 50 during that week!
Also I can commit to the April 16 trip as well. Thanks Bob!!! Paul |
Paul, you are confirmed for 16 April trip and On the Fly for 2016, welcome aboard! Of course I am sure you will have a better fly reel by then.
Just got back from 2 weeks in the Yucatan ( a small fishing village south of Cancun called Puerto Morelos that we are just in love with).
This is a reply to Bobs request for Sentri Info. If you travel the border more than once a year, it is totally worth going through the hoops to get. Border crossings are a complete breeze (crossings that have Sentri lanes that is - Tecate does not - San Ysidro, Otay and Mexicali do). Another benefit of having one of these Sentri cards is if you are flying into Mexico with the family like I just did - Enter your card number when you book, and you will have a "TSA Pre-Cleared" stamp on your boarding passes. The wife and I just flew through the TSA check lines flying out and coming back - and most airports have a Pre-Check line that hardly anybody is ever in. No taking off your shoes, and no B.S. If you go through it and get your card - make sure you log into GOES within a week to activate it! Just because they sent it to you does not mean you are good to go like in the past - you'll get immediately diverted into secondary if you do (Don't ask me how I know...:o) http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/tr...tri/sentri.xml SENTRI Program Description Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (09/03/2013)SENTRI provides expedited CBP processing for pre-approved, low-risk travelers. Applicants must voluntarily undergo a thorough biographical background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and terrorist indices; a 10-fingerprint law enforcement check; and a personal interview with a CBP Officer. Applicants may not qualify for participation in the SENTRI program if they: Provide false or incomplete information on the application; Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges to include outstanding warrants; Have been found in violation of any customs, immigration, or agriculture regulations or laws in any country; Are subjects of an ongoing investigation by any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency; Are inadmissible to the United States under immigration regulation, including applicants with approved waivers of inadmissibility or parole documentation; Cannot satisfy CBP of their low risk status or meet other program requirements. SENTRI was first implemented at the Otay Mesa, California port of entry on November 1, 1995. SENTRI Dedicated Commuter Lanes also exist in El Paso, TX; San Ysidro, CA; Calexico, CA; Nogales, AZ; Hidalgo, TX; Brownsville, TX; Anzalduas, TX; Laredo, TX; San Luis, AZ and Douglas, AZ. Application Information Applicants to the SENTRI Program may submit their application online using the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES). Once the application is certified as true and complete, it will be submitted to CBP for processing. Applicants can monitor the status of their application by logging back into GOES, and will be advised of "Conditional Approval", or "Denial" through the GOES account posting. A $25 application fee will be charged at the time of application submission. Step 1 To complete a SENTRI application via the Internet, click on the GOES link to be transferred to the online application. Step 2 Once notification of conditional approval is received, you will be directed to schedule your appointment online through your GOES account. Applicants have 30 days from that date to schedule an interview. Otherwise, applicants will be denied further enrollment consideration for failure to schedule an interview, which is the final requirement in determining program membership. This denial will not prevent an applicant from submitting a new application in the future. However, a new payment fee will be required. At the time of interview, payment of the fingerprint fee, lane fee, and any additional vehicle fee will be required. Applicants must bring the following original documents with them to the interview. Please ensure the exact documents you provided during the online application are those presented at the time of interview. Originals of evidence of citizenship that you listed on your application If not a U.S. citizen, originals of evidence of immigration admissibility to the U.S., that you listed on your application Valid driver’s license (or state identification) issued in state where applicant lives Vehicle registration and evidence of US automobile insurance by a company authorized to write automobile insurance in the US. If the vehicle is not registered in the name of the applicant, a notarized letter authorizing its use by the applicant is required. A company vehicle requires written authorization on company letterhead. Evidence of employment or financial support. (For instance, most recent years tax return, pay receipt, or direct deposit salary statement. Those self-employed must present a business license, current tax information and bank statement) Evidence of residence, (Mortgage or rent payment receipts) During the Interview, information provided on the application will be verified and upon acceptance, CBP will: Take a photograph of applicant for identification card purposes Take applicant’s fingerprint Provide terms and conditions of the program Answer any questions the applicant may have Issue an RFID enabled identification document The Enrollment Process and SENTRI Enrollment Centers Applicants who do not have access to a computer with an Internet connection, may complete the CBP SENTRI program application Form 823S. SENTRI applicants will also need to apply for Dedicated Commuter Lane (DCL) access. Please read the instructions for Form 823S carefully and fill out items 1-12 AND the section titled, “DEDICATED COMMUTER LANE PARTICIPANTS” found on page 7 of Form 823S. ( CBP Form 823S - SENTRI Application ) Visits to the enrollment centers will be by appointment only. To schedule your appointment, please schedule online, or call the nearest enrollment center. ( SENTRI Enrollment Centers ) Required Fees Application Fee: $25.00 per person (or a maximum of $50.00 total for husband, wife and minor children) Fingerprint Fee: $14.50 (applicants 14 years and older) System Costs Fee: $80.00 per person (or a maximum of $160.00 total for a husband, wife and minor children) Total Fee: $122.25 per person If an approved participant wishes to register more than one vehicle for use in the SENTRI DCL lane (maximum of 4 vehicles), or an approved participant wishes to be registered in more than one vehicle (maximum of 8 persons per vehicle), an additional fee of $42.00 per vehicle will be assessed. Enrollees will be charged a $25.00 replacement fee for a lost, stolen, or destroyed card and a $42.00 replacement fee for a lost, stolen or destroyed vehicle ID tag. Payment of fees may be made online, or by cash, check, money order, Master Card, VISA and American Express at the Local Enrollment Center. A $30.00 charge is imposed if a check is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn. All fees are non-refundable. |
Trip price breakdown
With the new truck, riding with Makobob.
Fuel me plus 1 your share $60, me plus 2 your share $40. Water for showers and toilet flush $5.00 for the week Food for 6 at restaurant including a drink each $40.00, plus meat Your drinks??? $20-40.00 Ice, misc $25.00 Total LESS than $200 If you watch your pennies this trip should not cost you $300 for a week in paradise. What are YOU waiting for? Schedule for 2016 posted as 1st post in this thread. Tight Lines and Fishy Dreams. |
3 Attachment(s)
Bob and Rossman - thanks. Had a great time last week. (Rossman -can you shoot me a pic of my YT in the yak?)
After talking to Jim and wondering what EastLos thought - I would be willing to plan a trip to Punta Baja sometime next year. An hour South of San Quintin, so 3-4 days. Not looking at your list, 4th of July would work. The water is cool and keeps the peninsula nice during the summer. Attachment 17610Only an hour North of Catvina dessert for a PM trip if the winds are up. Attachment 17609. I probably C&R 50 Cabrilla 2-8lbs in bad winds both Sat and Sun on jigs, kept 10 Reds a few big goats and a few smaller Calicos. $10 a night for a room and good home cooking cheap. They felt I was overpaying for dinner, breakfast, and a 1 Night for $20. But we need a Spanish speaker. I will try to get to Puerto Santo Tomas in the next few months. Just below Ensenada, but at least 1 1/2 hours more do to length of dirt road. Easy 3 day and beautiful. Bough heart issues was getting thorough the kelp at the launch, but El Niño should limit that the year Attachment 17611 Looking for input. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
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