Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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THE DARKHORSE 05-30-2014 10:50 PM

Hey there boys and girls. It feels like ages since I last checked in; Christmas if memory serves. Been spending way too much time in the office. And feeling a bit overdue. The coolest part of having an office on the water, though? The view, of course, so no complaints. Beyond that, an integral part of tracking fish daily for clients is, well, catching them. Duh. So, sometimes you have to actually grind on fish yourself. You know, just so they believe that the fish are really there? In essence, if I see fish on the meter, be damn sure that I'm dropping an iron, too.

Before you go and ponder taking a heavy pay-cut and changing careers, though, just realize the perks pretty much end right about there. Catching fish until your arms can't possibly reel in another -- while that in itself is what we all dream of -- quickly transcends from a short-sided goal, to, well, work. Thus my decision these days to spend less and less time on the fishing rod. And more time behind the camera.

Bringing me to the entire point of this post. A client recently asked: "What in the hell do you do with all the photos?!?! While I sat and pondered that for a moment in silence. I eventually came to the conclusion that I really didn't have a good answer. Quite frankly, if I'm being completely honest, the answer to that question kind of sucked. The truth is that an incredible amount of what may be deemed stoke worthy (for at least someone out there in web-land) images? Never see the light of day.

Thus, fish-porn-Friday, being born. A thread that I plan to update often. In an attempt to share the stoke -- revolving in and around the trophy fish we pursue. Will this be a: "I caught this fish off of live-Squid four hundred yards inside The Half at, grey-light, forty five feet under a balloon? Far from. However, if you're simply looking for some inspiration-in-a-can, so to speak. You know, something to fuel your fire for that next adventure? Or, simply give your morning coffee that extra bit of pep -- then you've certainly come to the right place. Sit back, relax, take your shoes off and enjoy. Because there's more where this came from...

The only thing cooler than pulling on a thirty pound plus, Yellowtail, on a ten foot jig-stick?
Having someone capture an undeniably, epic-photo, of your first giant Yellowtail on said long rod.

Remember, though, for every epic photo you see? I was probably slaving away in the office the day prior.
And I'll be completely honest here. This fish completely kicked my ass -- practically made me his bitch. Seriously.

Thankfully, I didn't catch this fish. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, though. I was happy behind the lens.
I know I know, a fish is a fish. But some are prettier than others; for sure.

Then there's this guy. A highly skilled angler in the making -- with a new sonar every time I see him.
I had his unit perfectly tuned on this day. Our images looked like a carbon copy of one another.
Tony was on fire this day, too. While I gladly watched from a few feet away. Fun day on the pond; for sure.
Same day from a different perspective. Not another angler for miles. Just the way I like it...

One of the best parts of my job is meeting cool people, from all walks of life. Most have a long drive, too.
Which only adds to the tea-kettle of pressure already on my shoulders, of course. The Ocean is, um, BIG.
What's even more kick ass, though, is when I have a pro in their own right along for the day.
Make sure and take note of the trophy resting on it's side already. This gentlemen whacked them all day.
That is until he had a $1 part break -- and now had a million dollar problem. Paddling a Hobie Pro Angler, loaded down with multiple fish, already drained from the beating sun. For the next four hours; ouch.

I'm really going to miss this guy. The military recently sent him back East.
An absolute pleasure to fish with and would of made a great kayak model. Always had a smile on his face.
This next photo is one of my favorites, though. Namely due to the composition of the contrasts depicted.
Let's see: standing shoulder to shoulder with eighty other guys who can't figure out how to control their line, having horrible odds to begin with, then in the unlikely event the unthinkable happens -- you actually hook the right kind? There's incredible odds that you're going to be tangled in one of those eighty lines; if not all of them. Or, Tim, here being pinned to the rail on his first ever surface-iron Yellowtail. Your choice.

Eventually I had the pleasure of fishing with this gentlemen again. His $800 set-ups make me sick. That's just jealousy talking, though.
This day he was the perfect muse for the Bendo shot of Bendo shots. He's, literally, flying past me here. An action shot that I'm proud of, today.

Anyway, I suppose that's enough for now -- some of us have jobs and actually have to go to work in the morning. :D

Cbad Mike 05-31-2014 01:28 AM

Not only just beautiful pictures but they actually work...... I'm stoked to get back out there.
I dig your idea of "Fish Porn Fridays" and look forward to more.


TJones 05-31-2014 03:37 AM

Holy Mother of God
I Still Love You . :D . when are we going fishing ?

Tandem Assassin 05-31-2014 05:55 AM

Thank you.
I have major wood :D:D

the dude 05-31-2014 06:43 AM

wallpaper-worthy all of them...keep them coming.

William Novotny 05-31-2014 06:51 AM

Well color me inspired! Beautiful shots there Josh.

driftwood 05-31-2014 07:05 AM

Its going to be an epic summer! Wait...it's already started.

kayakfisherman 05-31-2014 07:36 AM

Guides and Sonars
Josh, you're like a year-round Santa Claus.

Love the idea of F-P-F.

JeffB 05-31-2014 08:26 AM

Very pretty Yellows around the table.

Cadillyak 05-31-2014 09:38 AM

Much needed thread. Thanks Josh!!

FISH11 05-31-2014 09:56 AM

Awesome "FISH PORN". I love the idea of the post, can't get enough of the beauty of a Yellowtail. Keep the pictures coming, they inspire the rest of us as to why we put in 10 to 12 hour days out at sea besides the beautifull coastline view. Thanks for sharing.

Deamon 05-31-2014 12:05 PM

and the legend grows...great stuff Josh!

T-Rex 05-31-2014 12:51 PM

Great idea Josh! Love seeing all the "stoke worthy" photos!

Iceman 05-31-2014 02:02 PM

fish porn is good for the soul :luxhello:

ctfphoto 05-31-2014 02:26 PM

Nice photos.

I know what you mean about making a living at a "Hobby" as I have been a professional large format nature photographer for 30 plus years.

Business was so good during the recession that I had to open up a second business on ebay in another "Hobby", LOL.

Now as a "Hobby", I kayak fish. Altho I do not make money doing this hobby, I do bring home more than enough in super fresh seafood that pays for the hobby.

StinkyMatt 05-31-2014 03:53 PM

The photo of the party boat in the background is the photo I will show my friends.

The contrast between the different experiences is perfectly captured there.

Good stuff.

IntrntFshrman 05-31-2014 07:26 PM

Good to see you posting again, Josh!

Sully1 05-31-2014 08:10 PM

Talk about trophies:luxhello:

primosurf 05-31-2014 11:07 PM

cool photos!!

RookieYakker 06-01-2014 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tandem Assassin (Post 196252)
I have major wood :D:D

Ditto! I'm still hunting for my first! Awesome inspiration!

dmrides 06-01-2014 12:22 PM

Those are awesome photos! They would look good in a gallery somewhere.

I have always enjoyed Fridays, and now I have one more reason to look forward to them.

Fish Taco 06-01-2014 01:55 PM

Excellent photos Josh! Love the idea of "Fish-Porn-Friday"... look forward to seeing more...

...but you know what I look forward to even more?

...becoming one of your clients!!!

I just relocated last summer from Long Island, NY and have only been kayak fishing about 2 years... I REALLY need to get dialed in here and desperately want to nail my first yellow off the yak (and LJ would be a nice place to start)... I'm up in Redondo Beach now... as soon as I get over this impinged nerve in my spine and get healthy again... I want to book something with you!

Thanks again for the great images!

30lbbg2299 06-01-2014 02:26 PM

sweet get em!!!!!

blitzburgh 06-02-2014 08:23 AM

Great stuff Josh :cheers1:

I can't get fired at work if someone see's this porn on my screens :D

Tuff guy 06-03-2014 05:28 PM

Damn those are huge, nice work!

THE DARKHORSE 06-07-2014 01:06 AM

Hot off the press...
Thanks for the feedback, gentlemen. While I'd be suprised if this thread doesn't, I don't know, eventually turn into some silly internet-pissing-match? A practical guarantee these days from my observations on the sidelines. Being somewhat doomed from the get go and destined to be either, closed. Or, worse, a public opportunity for the, catty types, to do, well, what they do best. I really appreciate the good vibes thus far.

Along the same lines, allow me to take this opportunity to say thanks, for the posative feedback via private messages and e-mail. Without the likes of you and everyone who's already replied? I wouldn't bother. While it should go without saying -- if you try to please everyone? Rest assured, you'll end up pleasing no one. That's not advice by the way. Just the facts.

Anyway, as promised, here's your next instalment of inspiration in a can. So to speak. Photos that will either fuel your rage to toss your silly computer into the fire. Write some silly back-handed compliment -- spewing hatred toward the internet and all who participate. Or, God forbid, get off your a$$ and go fishing. Entirely your choice, of course; as I don't have a horse in that race.

Also, hold off (if you can), in regards to not all of the previous photos being caught the day prior to my last post. As this thread continues, rest assured, the photos will become more and more current. While I had intentions of uploading a boat load of photos? My Mac had crashed the same day. True story. Relegating me to write last week's post on an, I-Pad. You know, hunting and picking, as I type with one finger? So, some photos here will complete the teaser images you might have noticed last week.

Like this session as an example. Yeah yeah, another silly bendo-shot -- what's he hooked on the bottom -- kelp -- the Loch Ness Monster?
Yeah, it pretty much feels like you hooked the bottom. Until you realize that you're flying off into the sunset. With line smoking off the reel and some guy screaming to turn the damn handle.
Followed by the realization that a Hobie Outback lacks proper fish storage. A good problem to have if you asked me.


Originally Posted by Fish Taco (Post 196385)
Excellent photos Josh! Love the idea of "Fish-Porn-Friday"... look forward to seeing more...

...but you know what I look forward to even more?

...becoming one of your clients!!!

I just relocated last summer from Long Island, NY and have only been kayak fishing about 2 years... I REALLY need to get dialed in here and desperately want to nail my first yellow off the yak (and LJ would be a nice place to start)... I'm up in Redondo Beach now... as soon as I get over this impinged nerve in my spine and get healthy again... I want to book something with you!

Thanks again for the great images!

Thanks for the kind words. And don't you worry. La Jolla and I aren't going anywhere. Whether it's this season or next is entirely up to you. Rest assured, it would be wise to heal up completely before we hit the water. Because injury or no injury? If the trip goes my way you'll be crying, for sure, by day's end. The good kind of pain, of course.

While it's always hard to tell true size in a fish photo. This specimen had a fifty inch fork length and was easily forty five pounds. A true beast. One of two for the lucky fellow on this blessed day.
The only thing cooler than pulling on fish by yourself? Easy. Pulling on fish with one of your fishing buddies who came along with you.
And if your fishing partner for the day catches a second prize. What else is there to do, really.
A little healthy competition never hurt anyone if you asked me. Besides, you could always arm-wrestle to see who drives back. Or fight on the beach upon landing. I'm guessing beers all around, though, in this case.

Some kook with a forty-four pound Yellowtail. I heard him crying about his arm after the fight. Sissy.
I don't know who the hell he is, but he's always on the water -- and on my spots.


Originally Posted by William Novotny (Post 196254)
Well color me inspired! Beautiful shots there Josh.

Thanks, mate. Strangely enough I was headed your way the day of your untimely distress (the sinking battle-ship). As I noticed a kayak in the distance looking a bit strange, going full throttle, I also noticed the boat pull up alongside. Then head off; to turn right back again. Here's a photo from the crazy-windy-day you witnessed first-hand.
Certainly not a good day for a leak on a kayak; as you can attest. Shit happens. Your time (when everything falls into place) will come soon enough.
The Pacific Ocean isn't going anywhere. Little boats in big wind just don't mix that well. And a fish, or three, just isn't worth it.

Oh yeah, then there's these things. I know they're beautiful to look at, but are they good to eat? Ask this guy. Boom -- the shot heard around the world. Why everyone loses their mind over White Sea Bass every season is beyond me.
While it's hard to call a guy who stands, six foot six inches tall, a kid. I certainly wouldn't anyway. Nevermind the fact that he'd make you look like a fool on the Tennis court.

I can say with confidence that this, um, kid would fish circles around 99.9% of the members of this board -- all by himself. Guaranteed.
So take a good look at the future. And, good luck beating his White Sea Bass if you're in WCW this year.

Then there was this one day. At band camp...
Where I finally found the one I'd been looking for. Seriously, though, If you don't already free-dive? It's probably too late to start. Trust me, they're not worth drowning for. If you think kayak fishing is dangerous -- you have no idea.

Here's my friend, Dylan, who just got out of the Army -- with his cherry popper.
I felt bad after taking him diving on this occasion. Since this day pictured, he's about as frothed-out as anyone of my clients suffering from ghost fever at the moment. Wet dreams. Nightmares. You name it. Sorry, guys; don't blame me -- blame the damn fish!

I might as well address the fact that none one of these White Sea Bass were caught at La Jolla. Not one; God as my witness. So before a mass of folks load up on gas and head South? I'll give you a big 'ol hint.
Find one of these Pelicans and they'll lead you to the promise land. Strangely enough, all the kayakers I noticed in this area only target Halibut off the beach. Or, Calico Bass, with ultra-light trout gear. To each his own I suppose. But, around this breakwall I absolutely destroyed the ghosts this season.

Oh, before anyone starts whining (whether or not it's the same two guys who always whine -- or someone else in their place). You know, about this not having a place in the fishing reports section?
Don't call it a comeback. https://blu175.mail.live.com/Handler...%2fbiggrin.gif

roadx 06-07-2014 06:07 AM

very nice! :cheers1:

blitzburgh 06-07-2014 06:22 AM

Oh my lord
Those dive shots are EPIC!!! :luxhello:

William Novotny 06-07-2014 09:17 AM

I'm loving this. I can't make the trek South this week (my wallet just can't take the 60 dollar hit it costs me to drive down) but rest assured I'm still loyally committed to my new years resolution of at least every other week. I've got a few leads on some areas a little closer to me though..........:D

LawDog 06-07-2014 09:32 AM

Excellent camera work my man. Keep it up

cesar74 06-07-2014 10:44 AM

Awesome fish porn! Hope to get out there & create my own.

Tandem Assassin 06-07-2014 12:29 PM

Happy Ending
I need a smoke after that..:D

Smthtnnr 06-07-2014 01:21 PM

Thanks for the kind words Josh. And no, I'm not on the water right now. Couple of grad parties to go to today, but I will hammer them this week!!

There's no other way to put it, you are da MAN!!! I can only hope that one day I will be able to produce the results you do on the water, but hey for now I need to enjoy the journey :D

Cbad Mike 06-07-2014 03:21 PM

Those WSB dive shots are f#ckin AWESOME !
Once again thanks for sharing.

Zfish03 06-07-2014 05:40 PM

Epic post Josh :D Those underwater shots are National Geographic worthy!!!

FISH11 06-07-2014 08:39 PM

More amazing pictures. That definately keeps the motivation going. Keep the Fish Porn coming Josh. Thanks

T Bone 06-08-2014 05:49 AM


kayakfisherman 06-08-2014 09:41 AM

The challenge on free diving is tempting. On my bucket list.

Thanks for the write up (and the wake up call). It's true. If a
picture is worth a thousand words, I just read a novel.

My only complaint: quit picking on peevish kayak fisher people...

VINNYC 06-14-2014 07:40 PM

Great report good pics making me want to drive down and go bendo!!!!!

Fish Taco 06-15-2014 12:31 PM

Thanks for the words of encouragement and patience Josh... I WILL make sure I get healed up before heading south for a trip with you... I long for the arm pain (the good kind) you plan to assist in putting me in... lol!

Again, SICK photos and really made my Father's Day that much better shut looking at them.

Tight lines!

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