Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   How much opaleye will you eat? (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=35463)

FullFlavorPike 07-06-2020 07:55 AM

How much opaleye will you eat?
When you get it to color and you see that white spot coming out of the murk, does your heart start racing?

FISH11 07-06-2020 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by FullFlavorPike (Post 308850)
When you get it to color and you see that white spot coming out of the murk, does your heart start racing?


JJ 07-06-2020 02:54 PM

Love Opaleye!
Very tasty fish and easy to cook.
Scale, gut, gill and take head off.
Lightly flour and pan fry.
Enjoy with lemon and/or vinaigrette dressing.

Yes, it has lots of bones.
But, as my pops used to say, the best tasting fish are the ones with lots of bones.



tak100 07-07-2020 11:38 PM

Frozen peas work ridiculously well!

chris138 07-08-2020 08:46 AM


matthew7! 07-08-2020 09:47 AM

Nope got the t-shirt that’s enough for me.

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FullFlavorPike 07-09-2020 09:20 AM

opaleye eaters currently holding a 7-5 lead ! we may end up needing a now subforum in the West Coast Whoppers section

Oolie 07-11-2020 12:29 AM

Frozen peas suck, they prefer Velveeta 9-1.

Amish Ed 07-11-2020 08:52 AM

You guys are a bunch of pikers. For the big ones you need to really chum them up. Split Pea soup, frozen and put in a plastic bottle with holes in it will do it every time. They'll be foaming in the corner within minutes. Then fly line a whole, sweet pea pod. TOADS!

JohnMckroidJr 07-11-2020 07:07 PM

We use to chum them up with pieces of bread. The Opaleye always put on a good show at lover's cove,Catalina Island. Love them OpoBass.

Mahigeer 07-14-2020 09:52 AM

I have watched and learned from the professional Opaleye hunters who come to the Mole and Catalina to catch Opaleye.

In fact to a point that they kept every one and way over-limit. That made me get permission from the Harbor Master to post F&W regulations at the Mole and the pier. Don't think they looked at it.

They would use a moss called "pare" in Korean. They would also use peas and chum peas with some black seeds.

I copied them to a point of buying similar telescopic 18 feet rod, telescopic net, etc.

I had problem with keeping the moss on the hook.

Now I use peas and chum with peas and bread crumbs. I have also tried green plastic eggs with peas.
Will have to give the pea soup trick a try.

By the way, there must be value in paying $77.00 for the ferry to go to Catalina for Opaleye.

I heard in Korea, it cost $150.00 a plate for Opaleye. Not sure if I believe it, but that is what I heard.

FullFlavorPike 07-14-2020 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 309104)
I heard in Korea, it cost $150.00 a plate for Opaleye. Not sure if I believe it, but that is what I heard.

If that's true then there's another blue water gold rush in the making and I'm starting an import/export concern immediately.

In lieu of venture capital seed money, I will accept Seeker/Calstar rods and Accurate reels for an equity stake in the business.

Mahigeer 07-14-2020 06:56 PM

I left out the $400.00/ lbs. part at the fish market.

Just seemed too far fetched.

I have caught them on squid sa well, but Pare and frozen peas are the best.

They very line and hook shy as far as I can tell.

If on the chew, no problem catching a bunch, but when locked jaw, they take the free peas, but not the hooked ones!

igotpron 07-29-2020 01:56 PM

How much opaleye will you eat?
I want to go out and put the kid on some fish. Plan is to hit Dana PT and try for some opaleye. Where should I start? Inside the jetty wall? Outside the jetty wall?

What’s a preferred setup. I was think 8lb mono small wire bait hook, split shot and toss near the rocks?

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JohnMckroidJr 07-29-2020 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 309104)

I heard in Korea, it cost $150.00 a plate for Opaleye. Not sure if I believe it, but that is what I heard.

When sold live out of the aquarium, I would not be surprised if it costs that in some of the high-end restaurants in Korea town, Los Angeles. Sheephead went from superabundant to sparse when that market started.

Mahigeer 07-29-2020 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by igotpron (Post 309560)
I want to go out and put the kid on some fish. Plan is to hit Dana PT and try for some opaleye. Where should I start? Inside the jetty wall? Outside the jetty wall?

What’s a preferred setup. I was think 8lb mono small wire bait hook, split shot and toss near the rocks?

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If water is clear, look for the spot on the top dorsal fin. It is the tell, tell sign of Opaleye.

Use float to reduce snags on the rocks. Chum frozen peas frequently.

Rocks could be dangerous for the kids. Piers are better, but the only good one is in Catalina.

igotpron 07-29-2020 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 309570)
If water is clear, look for the spot on the top dorsal fin. It is the tell, tell sign of Opaleye.

Use float to reduce snags on the rocks. Chum frozen peas frequently.

Rocks could be dangerous for the kids. Piers are better, but the only good one is in Catalina.

I’m taking out the tandem kayak on this one. Was planning on fishing the wall with some peas and plastics. Try and get something to bite.

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Mahigeer 07-30-2020 10:28 PM

Be sure to chum a lot with bread crumbs and peas.

You can buy ready made bread crumbs used for "shake and bake" cooking.

Or save old bread and use coffee grinder to make a powder of dried old bread.

Tight lines.

FullFlavorPike 07-31-2020 07:50 AM

Mods, can we make this a sticky considering the opaleye eaters outnumber the rest of us 9 to 5, and the board doesn't already have a good sticky on bread chumming? :eating:

JohnMckroidJr 07-31-2020 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by FullFlavorPike (Post 309627)
Mods, can we make this a sticky considering the opaleye eaters outnumber the rest of us 9 to 5, and the board doesn't already have a good sticky on bread chumming? :eating:

LOL, We could have a sticky for every species.

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