Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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kayakfisherman 02-05-2016 02:12 PM

Kayakers--BE ON ALERT
Brian called me with his story about his white sea bass.
I got a chill up my spine for the wrong reason.

Something happened to Brian while on the water that also
has happened to me, and maybe happened to you too...

There is a commercial fisherman on the water close to Brian
when he caught his fish. This guy, in his white 22' Cabo center
console, went into a rage. Yelling, cussing and pitching an
iron at Brian--just missing him by 10 feet.

The reason I'm writing this is because this happened to me back
in 2010 while fishing with the Darkhorse. The a_hole was in a skiff at
the time. He drove his boat right at me--cutting my lines--
as if to run me over. All the while threatening me and telling me
never to come back to La Jolla.

Brian was spooked at first and did all he could to get away from
this a-hole. Here's the sad part, a new kayakfisherman
who witnessed the assault on Brian and photographed Brian's fish
on the water, followed Brian back to shore. He basically won't go back
to La Jolla to fish again.

This guy needs to be stopped. Brian is probably going to the police.
But kayakers need to turn on their GoPros and catch this guy in
action before someone gets hurt.
Yanni, Fishermansbelly.com

Tuff guy 02-05-2016 02:16 PM

Did anyone catch the boats hull number, name, or a description of the boat? What an asshole

Rambo 02-05-2016 02:27 PM

Might be a dumb question, but could we radio in harassment to the coast guard? And ask for some assistance since he has a boat and we have no motor to get away from that douche?

Mahigeer 02-05-2016 02:56 PM

Can pictures be found via satellite?

momo fish 02-05-2016 02:56 PM

Sucks to hear.. Surprised no one has a picture or video of the boat and reported it..

A call to coast guard is also needed next time..

SDROB 02-05-2016 03:02 PM

Definitely report this A-Hole to the coast guard. Enough reports should get there attention.

If this happens to anyone make sure to turn on your Go-Pro's.

mrJB 02-05-2016 03:14 PM

MIGHT be time to pull out that flare gun pistol and MAYBE put one on his deck...

or get on Channel 16 immediately and make a call...


ctfphoto 02-05-2016 03:14 PM


All should be on the lookout for this behavior .... and confront it .... and report it !

I have almost been running over opening lobster night by two a-holes aiming right at me on a powerboat on purpose and laughing as they waked me.

ful-rac 02-05-2016 03:40 PM

Sounds like we need to start a reality show immediately...:eek: !

makobob 02-05-2016 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by ful-rac (Post 252842)
Sounds like we need to start a reality show immediately...:eek: !

Tony you bring the popcorn and I'll round up a few M80's. If that don't wake him up at least he won't catch a ghost there that night.

igotpron 02-05-2016 05:00 PM

Jokingly in my mind I thought it might be nice to have a cranked up paintball gun and some nicely chilled paintballs and light these a55holes up when they endanger us like that at. Maybe a bang stick if they want to exchange some words up close..

This was all hypothetical of course No one should actually do anything like this. but at some point, these actions need to be dealt with.

maquinapescado 02-05-2016 05:11 PM

I exchanged words with him a week or so ago after him saying something to me the week prior. I think I mentioned my first encounter on another thread.

Both times he told me to get out from behind him ( I was pretty far, well well out of casting range). When he said something the second time I said, "Dude, your lines are in your f**king anchor, you aren't paying attention. WIND AGAINST CURRENT BRO." He wound up his lines and reset. I guess I shouldn't have said anything, if he got bit he would have been all wrapped up.

bolocop 02-05-2016 05:20 PM

Kayakers--BE ON ALERT
So in life, I've learned a few things. One is that there's a time to be right and a time just to get away. For instance, you're in a crosswalk and have right of way and you see a truck coming against a red light, but who cares about being right in that case.

I would caution anyone to give advice here to provoke this individual or even joke about it. Unfortunately they are in a PB, motor and heft. You are in a plastic self- powered tub. I wouldn't confront anyone on the water. Maybe haul ass back to the shore and drive yourself to mission bay and wait for this guy to get back.

Sucks to hear about this but inevitable with human interaction.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

fishing md 02-05-2016 06:17 PM

The flyfishing community would not act this way!!!:D:D

Harry Hill 02-05-2016 06:41 PM

also call SD sheriff's office, report being attacked, throwing iron or lead at you is assault, even if he doesn't hit you. the potential is there. I've seen the sheriff boat in Mission a couple of times so they could roll out to LJ with ease. Let them deal with him. Most of the sheriffs I know are outdoors man and don't like those kind of jerks.

Deamon 02-05-2016 07:49 PM

I see him all the time. A very hard worker who's trying to make a living. Never seen him blow up though but always respectfully kept my distance. I fished on his fathers sport boat back in the day. What a good dude who ran a clean boat. Killed a lot of fish on the 60 mile with him. Jim

GregAndrew 02-05-2016 11:45 PM

That is one of the problems with commercial fishermen. However you came to be in "their spot", you are fishing in "their spot". And spot means anything within however far they say. Radio the authorities in channel 16 because that is assault with a potentially deadly weapon.

GregAndrew 02-05-2016 11:48 PM

That is one of the problems with commercial fishermen. However you came to be in "their spot", you are fishing in "their spot". And spot means anything within however far they say. Radio the authorities in channel 16 because that is assault with a potentially deadly weapon. Best to do it when you can point out the guy and have other witnesses.

taggermike 02-06-2016 04:58 AM

Verbal threats, physical threats like throwing irons and aborted rammings a clearly crimes, some fall in to the felony zone. Like Greg Andrew said, the ownership attitude extends to where ever this person is or wants to be. It reminds me in many ways of localism in surfing. The other terrible attitude about this is the believe that laws and consequences end at the beach.

Almost every one has video capability now so its only a matter of time before he gets recorded doing this shit. One, or several, arrests for aggravated assault will get this guy's permits pulled and get him off the water. A restraning order from LJ would be fitting. This has actually been done against violent local surfer banning them from thier home breaks. Seams strange that he can't see the consequences coming his way. Mike

ful-rac 02-06-2016 05:03 AM

Jim just identified this guy as Greg Trompas...take a look, for those of you that have seen him...is that the guy?

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