Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Deamon 02-05-2013 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by MITCHELL (Post 146626)
Minds simple my dog died and i inherited his name.See all you kayak fishing legends on the water when i get done battling cancer.I'm new to this site but i have been fishing off Diego all my life

I'm definitely no legend but love to fish. Get better soon and hope to meet you on the water. Jim

fishing-kayak 02-05-2013 12:18 PM

There isn't a lot of history behind my username. I love kayak and fishing and decided to use them in my username. I was lazy to think of anything else.

janines.fishtales@cox.net 02-05-2013 02:56 PM

My dad was a commercial fisherman. I was raised on his "fish tales". Over and over again I would hear him say, " I ever tell u about...." I would think to myself, " yeah dad...". But you know what, even though he would tell the same stories over and over, I never got tired of any of them. Then one day I bought a Harley and I put Samson fish tail pipes on it. So with my best friend in mind I put JSFISHTALES on the plates. Hence Janines fishtales!:cheers1:

Emeraldbaykayaks 02-05-2013 08:47 PM

My user name was my kayak fishing charter business that I had in Florida for 4 years. Until the oil spill hit.

Regor 08-05-2013 01:39 PM

Anyone new?
It's been 6 months since the last post to this thread, and I've seen some new faces, and always wondering ....

Where DID that username come from?


Carp 08-05-2013 02:13 PM

I frequent many boards in my life of hobbies. I have tons of interests

Now Kayak fishing

So its just me (jeff) sneaking in to steal some knowledge and contribute when I can.

makobob 08-05-2013 02:37 PM


Fished mako's out of Mission Bay for a couple years in the late 80's till I figured this was a nursery area for them.

The pelican 08-05-2013 02:43 PM

The Pelican - I started kayak fishing on a tandem Pelican from Costco 7 years ago with a buddy who was so broke he brought a broom handle tied to mono as his rod. No joke. Eventually we figured it out and caught some decent fish (WSB and YT) on the tandem kayak. I'm peddling the Outback now but the Pelican still has a place in my heart.

BillzBaitz 08-05-2013 04:49 PM

Well nothing special hear, I make baits for fishing as a hobby and its the name of my company that doesnt exist.. :(

icelogger 08-05-2013 04:49 PM

I originally hail from the land of ice and snow. Minnesota. And I used to be a sawyer in Oregon.

alanw 08-05-2013 04:54 PM

My name is Alan W. so I had to get really creative and think of alanw because someone almost as creative as me already used alan

easyday 08-05-2013 05:43 PM

Easy day was my squads motto in Afghanistan.

beef78 08-05-2013 06:32 PM

It's a really long story. Short version: I was hanging out with some other sailors in Virginia and someone else couldn't turn a wrench and I said, "Let me put some beef behind that." After multiple people proclaimed that it was impossible, I put the beef behind the wrench and turned it. People thought the name was fitting and it stuck. 78 was my football number in high school.

Irishman 08-05-2013 07:11 PM

Simple for me, born and raised in Ireland, left when I was 21, arrived in San Diego and a couple of guys I used to hang and surf with gave me the name. When I was making the drop on a nice wave they would yell out Irishman, cause 20 years ago in San Diego not to many Irish guys surfing.

Fiskadoro 08-06-2013 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Fiskadoro (Post 75232)
A long time ago, back on the first day when I first got on the web I went right to a So. Cal. fishing message board and posted a local Redondo halibut report.... one of the "board gurus" got bent out of shape,accused me of being someone (another poster) who I was not.I said: "I'm (my real name)"

A decade later I had a similar experience. I posted my first real Kayak Halibut report with this Redondo Halibuthttp://img94.imageshack.us/img94/5756/decked15ci.jpg
This time local internet "kayak board guru" got bent out of shape and Internet Kayak Guru2 and his buddies have been stirring up trouble for me on the kayak boards ever since. I guess you could say some things change, some things never change, I got stuck with my real name on the boards after that first day. I never felt the overwhelming need to change it since then:sifone:

Famous last words.. Ha Ha Ha!!!

Someone brought up that old post to me last night, and we had a good laugh about it. I guess some things do change.

Internet Kayak Guru2 and his lynch mob mentality buddies mentioned above eventually caused me so much trouble in the real world (offline) that I finally was forced to stop posting fish reports, and shortly after that post I changed all my fishing board names away from my real name.

"Fiskadoro" is a post apocalyptic novel set in the Florida Keys by Dennis Johnson. Kind of a "Mad Max" meets Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea" I named the first boat I built after that Novel because it was a solo fishing craft built in kind of a Mad Max type manner so it seemed to be a good idea for a screen name.

I should of changed my board name a decade ago. Like with all bullies internet stalkers like to feel like they are really hurting someone. Using my real name made the attacks personal on my end, and that just made me a juicier target, because it gave those creeps a chance to hurt me directly while still staying (somewhat) anonymous themselves.

I don't get why some take so much pleasure in trying to hurt others, take this internet bullshit so seriously, or try to take it out into the real world, but they do. I guess those marginalized in real life want to feel they are having some kind of effect even if it's only online. To me it seems cheap, disgusting, the bottom of the barrel when it comes to human nature, but it does seem to be part of the internet low life culture that some gravitate to.

Since changing my board name the online attacks have slowed down, and at least now when someone types my real name into Google they are no linked to some lunatic ranting about how I'm an asshole because a decade ago I once said Malibu is a good place to fish Seabass in the spring.

So sometimes things do change and they can change for the better. I suppose those idiots feel they won because I had to change my name, and no longer post my trips online, but I like the new name, and really don't care if people know what I'm catching or not, and the change definitely has been a very good thing for me.:D

IB Fish"N" 08-06-2013 05:55 AM

Mine came from the fact that i was fishing everyday after work, weekends, when ever i could.

Dirty Curti 08-06-2013 10:34 AM

My first name is Curtis, when I was a teenager I played allot of sports...hmm still do, I would come home dirty, sweaty,...still do, and my cousin looks at me and says "Dirty Curti" so I've been DirtyCurti ever since.:leaving:

Redeyejedi 08-08-2013 10:37 AM


.......bout sums it up for me


kayachapi 08-08-2013 10:54 AM

I live in Tehachapi, seemed like a good blend. I like the location, but Im too far from the BWE to get there as often as I would like.

bpagentkastoll 08-08-2013 01:17 PM

if you break it up, it is my job and last name. My last name is Kastoll, you can figure out the rest. In San Diego, you see my colleagues in green uniforms pretty much everywhere.

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