Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   Worst La Jolla report ever. 9.15.18 (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=33444)

Davesdad 09-23-2018 08:25 AM

Some of Dave's family got to meet some of you guys yesterday.Thanks for supporting us and talking fishing.Thanks for letting me brag a little about my kid and what he's caught recently at La Jolla.The person that put up a picture of Dave and a nice Yellow on the wood poles near the launch.So kind of you.I'm wondering if you guys caught anything ? Seeing all of you paddle out and gather outside was cool to see.:you_rock:

FISH11 09-23-2018 08:41 AM

It was good to be able meet you and your wife, John. I liked the fact that your family was able to experience some of the LJ kayak fishing community, that Dave was part off. I for one did not have much luck yesterday. All I talked to after coming back in around 1 pm said they didn't either. Bait was hard to catch, even guys in boats with bait did not seem to be having any better luck. It unfortunately has been that way for a while now at LJ. Some days it's more about being at the right place at the right time. I keep thinking things will change soon.

Semper Fi-shing 09-23-2018 08:58 AM


Thank you and bless Dave, friends, family, yakkers and non-yakkers as well.

Out on the water, my line started to scream as I reached back and grabbed my pole to start to reel in but after 5 seconds, the fish spit the hook. I must not have let he fish swallow my bait......farmed!

My friend Ash on my tandem also hooked onto a nice fish that was taking drag sporadically until it realized it was hooked and went berserk when it got close to the yak. I could see that it was a huge barracuda as it turned its body to run. Ash tried to tighten the drag on his reel and that's when the tension on his line relaxed and......farmed! Fish gone!.

Minh didnt have much luck either. Ws were dipping into his bait bucket and he ran his solo skiff back and forth to resupply bait but by then it was getting late and water was getting choppy.

Saw a couple guys on the water with yellows taking pictures and a few on boats hooked up also.

We all had a blast, fish or no fish.

Our quest for our first yak yellow remains.

Our journey continues, in fishing, and in life

I encourage anyone that has fond fishing memories, past or present, fish or no fish, to share and post on this page.

Semper Fi-shing 09-23-2018 09:05 AM

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Levi, myself, John, and family

Semper Fi-shing 09-23-2018 09:09 AM

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My buddy Daniel trying to release a shark without getting bit

Semper Fi-shing 09-23-2018 09:13 AM

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My personal best fish, a 27 lb halibut at Redondo, happened to be on a yak

Davesdad 09-23-2018 09:56 AM

Thanks for that picture Chen.You'll get em next time.

FISH11 09-23-2018 11:59 AM

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Did not get lucky yesterday, just had what I thought was a sea lion but was probably a barracuda take my swim bait at the end of my sabiki for a good 3 second run but did not get hooked. So here are some pictures from the last few Yellows caught at La Jolla. The first picture is the sun coming up and shining through the clouds yesterday morning a short time after meeting Dave's family at the beach launch. The next one (siting on my lap) was released unharmed. I often release some and don't always take their picture. The one I'm holding and on the way back is sticking out of the fish bag made for a couple of my favorite pictures.

Semper Fi-shing 09-23-2018 03:21 PM

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Wow. Yellowtail pictures give give goosebumps and inspiration.

Mr. NiceGuy 09-23-2018 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Davesdad (Post 297291)
The person that put up a picture of Dave and a nice Yellow on the wood poles near the launch. So kind of you.


Mr. NiceGuy 09-23-2018 04:19 PM

It was a beautiful morning and a beautiful sunrise. It was very nice to meet Dave's family, and to enjoy being with kindred spirits. I hope that sharing the beginning of this new day together can help to bring some healing and closure.

blitzburgh 09-24-2018 11:26 AM

So sorry for you and and your family's loss Sir. Prayers for you all during this unimaginable time.

2-Stix 09-25-2018 05:12 PM

I am deeply sorry for your loss John.

Daveschildhoodfriend 09-25-2018 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Davesdad (Post 297084)
Hello,my name is John.I'm Dave's father.Unfortunately he's most likely not going to survive this tragedy.Right now we're waiting on one last test to determine brain death.All tests have already indicated he's no longer with us but for peace of mind we asked for one more test.We're not exactly sure what happened yet but we do know he may have had a heart defect that caused him to pass out.This was discovered while he was in ICU on life support.Dave has been fishing since he was old enough to hold a fishing pole,about 2 years old.He's always been one lucky (and very skilled) fisherman.Always able to adapt and catch something no matter where we were.From Carp to Tuna he caught it and always enjoyed it.I'm a very proud Dad and also very sad at this time.I'm here to tell those that helped how much i appreciate their efforts to save his life ! i just don't know how to say thank you enough,you guys did your best.I would also like to help out the guy that lost his rod and reel if i could.I thought i'd post this tonight just to get you guys some answers.I'm very tired and upset because of these last couple of days.I'll check in tomorrow some time if i'm able to.I have a very difficult decision to make at the hospital but will try and get back here.Thanks,John

I’m not sure what I’m doing cause I to like John a second father to me in my younger years am new to this page so please bare with me. I have no idea what to say I’m so lost for words at this moment after reading everyone’s comments. Dave and I met in our early teenage years and from that very first day first fishing trip together we were inseparable I can recal that day like it was yesterday. We had alarms set for 3 am at my own fathers house so we could get up and sneak onto Carlton oaks golf course in santee and slay some mega large mouth well back then they were mega to us lol needless to say we caught some nice fish that morning and he introduced me to the sinko aka French fry worm and we fished till sunrise when we got busted by the golf course employees and asked to leave man those were the days Dave I’ll miss you brother and I’m so sorry I failed to stay in constant contact with you after I moved to Montana but I’m so glad I decided to stop by when I was down there for a family deal just to say hi I was so happy to see you and John (dad) still at the same ole house we use to get into so much trouble at.

John (dad) I hope your holding in there cause I’m not I’m losing my poop right now while typing this and just can’t hold back the tears anymore I’m gonna miss him so much and I want you to know that I think Dave was right beside me this last Saturday when I was bow hunting and I could almost hear him telling me to wait be patient that buck will come and as it drew closer I pulled back and I could here Dave say “ now it’s the perfect shot and it’s the biggest buck you’ll have ever shot” needless to say I got him and boy Dave was right it’s by far the biggest mule deer and measures out at 172 and 6/8 inches that technically if I wanted qualifies for pope and young record books. Sorry I’m probly talking a different language to most haha John I just want you to know I’m always here for you and the family you are my second family even though we haven’t spoken much in some time now but mom has my cell number now so please feel free to call or text I miss you guys so much you and Dave will always be in my prayers

Daveschildhoodfriend 09-25-2018 09:38 PM

Dave and I as kids
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This is a photo of Dave and I at Lindo lake park in lakeside catching some carp something we did quite often when we got bored haha Dave is on the right I am on the left not sure who took the pic but mom (Dave’s mom) found it in his room the other day and sent it to my phone I’m afraid it’s a rare photo to have cause we were to busy to pose for the camera there was fish to be caught and that was way more important to us

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