Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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jorluivil 08-08-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 165887)

Fished mako's out of Mission Bay for a couple years in the late 80's till I figured this was a nursery area for them.

Where did the BOB part come from?

makobob 08-08-2013 03:51 PM

Short for Robert, sitting on the swim step with a chum slick going, my buddy asked what I was doing.Told him I was Bobbing around, then threw him a 3 foot mako pup I had just grabbed free hand, he was just swiming around the chum bucket.

Pocoloco 08-09-2013 01:58 PM

Pocoloco was the name of my first boat and my lifestyle at the time.
Still a little crazy after all these years:sifone:::cheers1:

Fiskadoro 08-09-2013 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 166194)
Where did the BOB part come from?

He swims about as well as you do :D

CKallday71 08-09-2013 02:17 PM


CK= Chris Kelly,

allday= the fact that when I'm at work I normally work open to close, a 12 hour shift. (Bell to Bell as they say in the car business),

71 my year of birth.

WildernessWanker 05-02-2014 06:57 PM

Been a while, new faces.
My first kayak was a wilderness systems tarpon plus I love the outdoors, the wilderness. The first time I surf launched I cut off some surfer that was coming in and he called me a "wanker" as he flew by. Made sense at the time, although I probably would have gone with my username on all other forums, "Trioxide3."

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HELLSTER INC. 05-02-2014 07:18 PM

Have been called the Hellster since high school. Long haired guy in the rock band, I survived the 80's! I think you all can figure out the rest because i don't remember a whole lot of it!

Chops6531 05-02-2014 07:56 PM

Well I'm really short and have been that way all my life...in Spanish "chapparito" means short and everyone in my family called me that. So as the years went buy my brothers started calling me Chops and the nickname stuck. 6531 is my MOS as a Marine. I'm an Aviation Ordnanceman!

FISH11 05-02-2014 08:14 PM

FISH 11 . To go fishing was why I decided to get a Kayak in the first place and excersise. I thought the word FISH would already be taken so I just added my jersey number from when I used to play Soccer in High School and College. The number 11 was my favorite of all the different number I used in all the years I played. Later on someone signed up and used Fish and a bunch of people posted they couldn't believe it was available and I like many never thought to try it.

Rambo 05-02-2014 11:35 PM

Can't believe no body choose Rambo on the board yet so I just typed it in and bam I'm in luck. Chose Rambo cause my name is Sambo. Yes it's a derogatory term. I've heard all the stories and the restaurant, the published book. . And so on. . But my name in Cambodian (Khmer) is a prefix added before the word meaning plentiful. And some people just can't pronounce Sam-bow!

45user 05-03-2014 07:45 AM

My favorite pistol to shoot and use is 1911 in .45 caliber.

Bert Vega 05-03-2014 08:14 AM

Cause my name is Bert Vega.

ReelDum 05-03-2014 04:21 PM

I'm really dumb:stupid:

easyday 05-03-2014 09:29 PM

Had a company comander that would always say easy day gents so it stuck and EASY DAY became my squads motto in Afghanistan

ol'skool 05-05-2014 08:33 PM

So even though I'm new to this forum...
> I've been fishing Redondo harbor since the 60's...Ol' Skool
> I love ridin' my Harley...Ol' Skool
> I used to blow gun big frogs in the sump behind Tordondo little league field in a
home made raft (my first kayak :-)...Ol' Skool
> I'm a blacksmith so I forged my own gaff...Ol' Skool
> Some of Jesus' best men were fishermen, I love Jesus and fishin'...Ol' Skool
> Turnin' 58 next month...definitely Ol' Skool!
> Love my 2013 PA14! OK...Not so Ol' Skool LOL!

Squid Vicious 05-05-2014 08:37 PM

Squid Vicious...favorite bait=squid...favorite band=sex pistols(bass player sid vicious)pure gen X

octico 05-05-2014 09:29 PM


Tico = Nickname for a person from Costa Rica, hence OcTico

Phatford 05-06-2014 07:32 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Phat = both COOL and FAT Because my truck is wide...
Ford = FORD

Hobie-Pedaller 05-06-2014 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by senojmj (Post 75294)

Great idea for a post.

i agree !!

i first recreational kayaked (no fishing) in TX lakes on summer vacations in the late 1990's, while back visiting family.

i loved being on the water, but HATED "PADDLING" a yak with my arms. To me, it was just too much work & too slow speed, and so i always preferred riding the jet skis my sister also had back in TX. ;)

then i test-drove my first fishing kayak, the Hobie Outback, in July 2003 at Fast Lane Sailing Center in Misn Bay.

and was immediately addicted to the pedal drive system, bought the yak that day, took to LaJolla the next day..... and then promptly rolled & dumped on my first ever launch attempt. :blush5:

i had NO CLUE what i should be doing to correctly pilot a kayak period, let alone in the surf. but just kept at it, until i sort of learned.

by the time i found the kayak msg boards around late 2004, i was completely addicted to fishing from the Hobie Kayak with the pedal drive.... so choosing my username, was very simple for me.


Originally Posted by driftwood (Post 75293)


It took me a whole year to learn how to land my kayak without flipping.
One afternoon, I flipped coming back from a long day of fishing.

I rolled down that big wave all the way to the sandy beach! A tourist saw me and said i looked like Driftwood washing up the beach.

probably the BEST "STORY" behind any username here. :D


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 75251)

"ICEMAN" HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE USERNAME EVER, from anyone since i first saw it on the original "PlasticNavy" & "LJKayakFishing" websites, back in 2004.

partly because the name is just flat out cool. :cool:

and partly because of the many great photoshop images & gif images IceMan has made for his various accts, on many of the common fishing websites.

HONORABLE MENTION: i haven't seen any posts by him in past few years, but "MAD SCIENTIST" was always my second favorite username on the message boards. pretty cool name as well.

Mahigeer 05-08-2014 09:58 AM

Mahigeer is Farsi for angler, fisherman.

Mahi being fish.

Geer being to catch.

AirborneYak 05-08-2014 10:43 AM

I was a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. My last jump I landed in a tree. It was my softest landing, but I was stuck up the tree canopy for almost 2 hours. So that's where airborne came from. Airborneyak.

Airborne all the way!!

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dabitch 05-08-2014 06:29 PM

I think it speaks for itself....Or, at least, that's what HE said.


Vansmack 06-27-2014 03:26 PM

I used to listen to Jim Rome daily on the radio, Vansmack is one of his nicknames. No, I never smacked a van.


JDW 06-27-2014 04:21 PM

Just my initials
Just my initials. Nothing fancy.

Mahigeer 06-27-2014 05:04 PM

Mahigeer means angler in Farsi.

Fish n Jeep 06-27-2014 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by AirborneYak (Post 193389)
I was a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. My last jump I landed in a tree. It was my softest landing, but I was stuck up the tree canopy for almost 2 hours. So that's where airborne came from. Airborneyak.

Airborne all the way!!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

Thank you for your service!!!:you_rock:

Fish n Jeep 06-27-2014 06:00 PM

Mine isn't very exciting. Pretty much the two things that give me peace of mind and happiness. First being out on the water and catching fish. And also hitting the trails in my jeep wrangler jk. I have to admit though as of late I have been ignoring the jeep for my mistress the outback and LJ!!!:cheers1:

SLYACKER 06-27-2014 06:00 PM

Im lazy!

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Fishwhisperer619 06-27-2014 06:20 PM

I jokingly told my dad that I was launching at IB and paddling to the coronado islands and he said "youll be sleeping with the fishes" and I said "i know what im doing, i whisper to the fish and they come biting". And he said "thats my point, sharks included".
So the name kinda jokingly stuck.
619 because im from SD

tsugg 06-27-2014 06:51 PM

My memory is going so I kept it simple, something I might not forget! My name is Tom Sugg so after a long trial and error period I came up with tsugg. Hopefully I won't forget it.:luxhello::reel::jig::reeling:

tsugg 06-27-2014 06:53 PM

If you wonder about lowspark, I'm an electrician by trade. A nickname by co- workers.

army guy 06-27-2014 06:58 PM

Spent 23 years in the Army. So I guess I'm an army guy.:shot

Southman 06-27-2014 07:17 PM

Last name is South. And I guess I'm somewhat of a man, although my wife may disagree on that one... ;)

Fish Taco 06-27-2014 08:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I grew up in San Diego... eating plenty of good Mexican food. My first trip to San Felipe with my wife and two other couples.... well, we got extremely hammered and ended up on the street one evening indulging in fish and shrimp tacos from a street vendor with a cart... man, best tasting tacos I think I ever had.

Since then, fish tacos have become one of my most favorite foods (and probably half of SoCal as well!)...

Anyway, when I first bought my kayak from CJ at OEX in 2011... I lived on Long Island in NY... my ride is pretty tricked out and I thought long and hard for a good name for her. New Yorker's aren't clued in yet on how good fish tacos are... and I thought it would be a memorable name for my first serious fishing kayak. As it turns out, as I joined several message boards using it as my screen name, as well as joining the Kayak Fishing Association of NY (KFA-NY) it became my member name as well. It was sort of my homage to my hometown of San Diego and where I'm from. Was also hoping it might bring some good mojo to my kayak someday... and provide plenty of fish tacos!

Widgeon 06-27-2014 08:57 PM

4800 baud modem. :doh:
Been a long time since them days.
I'm fairly new to this site, but I used to do a lot of duck hunting and one of my favorite targets is the American wigeon... A species of duck.
When I first started getting into this whole forum thing, for hunting and fishing, I guess I miss-spelled it as wi-D-geon and it stuck.

619-SWIM-DOG 06-28-2014 06:29 AM

619 since I'm born and raised here and swim dog, because I like to swim. It's the same user name that I have on aquahunters.

Lineman47 06-28-2014 09:56 AM

Well I'm a journeyman lineman and my local is #47.

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Jaysuuun 07-01-2014 12:37 AM

LOL this is a funny thread. My name is Jason. I used to watch Roland Martin's show back in middle school. I got a kick out of "SOONN!" every time he hooked something. So hence the name Jaysuuun as it's pronounced. Took me a long time to figure out that "SON" was short for son of a gun. I always thought it was some kind southern slang he was using. LOL

ceruleandrms 07-01-2014 07:32 AM

Ceruleandrms. Cerulean is a deep blue color and drms is short for dreams. Many many moons ago when I was younger I got so faded with my friends everything turned blue and I thought I was dreaming. Thought I became an oompa-loompa.

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summers in kuwait 03-26-2015 06:12 AM

Summers in Kuwait

This was the name of my old band in Arcata, CA. It was a four piece. Kind of stoner, garage rock, indie, progressive mix of music.

I came up with the name because I liked the idea of the romanticized "summers in France" but juxtaposed with the idea of Kuwait.

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