Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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JohnMckroidJr 06-27-2020 09:47 AM

Some inspiration from Puerto Rico for the Solo Skiff anglers


NICKWORN 06-29-2020 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr (Post 308529)
Some inspiration from Puerto Rico for the Solo Skiff anglers


This dude kills it out there in PR. I've watched all his videos, just goes to show the ability and stability of the Solo.

Fingers crossed mine should be here Wednesday.


NICKWORN 07-01-2020 10:10 AM

"Today was a good Day" - ICE CUBE
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Yea buddy! And it begins!

Should have some pics of my set up in a few days and breaking her in this weekend!

SOoooooooo Stoked right now! 75days put my patience to new levels, i guess thats a good thing.


FISH11 07-01-2020 05:09 PM

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Got mine home. After fishing LJ on my Malibu, I stopped at OEX and pick up my Solo Skiff. Tired now but tomorrow I start installing the accessories, gear tracks, rod holder, etc. So happy it's finally here. My phone has a problem, pictures get rotated everytime, even when I rotate them, it wont correct them. I'll do it later on the computer.

Sdspeed 07-01-2020 05:43 PM

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I need one!

tak100 07-01-2020 05:53 PM

Boy that hangs off the back of your truck a pretty decent amount.

That seat box looks lower than I thought too.

7/6 mine is supposed to ship. I get one of the next five!

Look forward to seeing some picks of what you do with this fishing machine.

FISH11 07-01-2020 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by tak100 (Post 308708)
Boy that hangs off the back of your truck a pretty decent amount.

That seat box looks lower than I thought too.

7/6 mine is supposed to ship. I get one of the next five!

Look forward to seeing some picks of what you do with this fishing machine.

The total length is only like 8" longer than my Malibu X Factor. It seemed excruciating at time the long wait. But that is unfortunately the way things are. Everyone is buying recreational items to get out once the lock down was lifted, but most manufacturers couldn't continue making products and soon the stores and showrooms are almost empty of kayaks, boats, motorhomes, etc.... THEY ARE SO WORTH WAITING FOR!

FISH11 07-01-2020 08:28 PM

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Mine is the one at the top of the picture by the OEX door. I was not having any accessories installed so I was able to pick mine up. I always do all my own installs. I'm in LOVE, that skiff is so fine!

Mr hooks 07-02-2020 07:22 AM

Congratulations on the new solo skiffs. Got one way back they first started sell at oex. Andy hooked me up bait tank at front hatch. Only had it out few times as family and business run my life most time. Trying to get out soon. Hit me up and roll out with fellows. I'm here in OC but would like to get her to LA Jolla. I'll post up some pics on how I riged. :jig:

FISH11 07-02-2020 09:07 AM

A BIG SHOUT OUT TO BRENT AT OEX! He has taken a lot of abuse from people on waiting lists and has worked extra hard to get or find products that are is short supply or even backorder. THANKS BRENT, Mark. If you need something like or for a kayak or Solo Skiff and you can't make it by OEX, than just order it from Kayak Fishing Supply. The shipping can be less then the gas to drive there and the products come to you. Support OEX and Kayak Fishing Supply!

FISH11 07-02-2020 10:27 PM

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Started out this afternoon laying out and installing the accessories, rod holder bases,etc. Had a good idea what I wanted and were. Now that the Skiff is home it's easier to see exactly if the locations I had picked would work for how I want it. A little different than on my kayak because of the extra room. Mostly things are going were I thought they would work best for me. There were some small placement changes and still working on the FF transducer mount option because I would like it to kick up if it needed to, and at the same time have the option to swing up and over to be out of the way on the rear for loading on the back of the truck. I installed the Scotty rod holder bases, live well (Hobie) drain. live well lid 6" hatch and front Yakattack gear tracks. Paddle holder. Front (bow) long rope (for tying up, and for holding on (helping stability) while navigating choppy water, etc. Tomorrow I'll continue with additional installations.

tak100 07-03-2020 02:12 AM

I am super interested in how you install your fish finder. So please include some close ups of that solution.

That seems to be a challenge on these.

Thanks for sharing.

FISH11 07-03-2020 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by tak100 (Post 308708)
Boy that hangs off the back of your truck a pretty decent amount.

That seat box looks lower than I thought too.

7/6 mine is supposed to ship. I get one of the next five!

Look forward to seeing some picks of what you do with this fishing machine.


Originally Posted by FISH11 (Post 308710)
The total length is only like 8" longer than my Malibu X Factor. It seemed excruciating at time the long wait. But that is unfortunately the way things are. Everyone is buying recreational items to get out once the lock down was lifted, but most manufacturers couldn't continue making products and soon the stores and showrooms are almost empty of kayaks, boats, motorhomes, etc.... THEY ARE SO WORTH WAITING FOR!

I guess I misread the length somewhere. I was wrong. My Malibu X Factor is 14' 4" and my Solo Skiff is 14' 5", so it is actually only one inch longer. I think the angle of my picture makes it look longer that and the pointed bow makes the front look longer. Fits on my Truck bed with the T-Bone bed extender same as the Malibu.

NICKWORN 07-04-2020 06:56 AM

Here she is.
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So Friday Brent and Grant spend all day trying to rig up 4 solos. I brought my home after work and began installing the transducer plate, CF#, and everything else need for the maiden voyage. I left the seat off because I was on the fence about centered versus offset, And didnt feel comfortable installing marine mat knowing I was going out in the morning.

Showed up at Shelter Island at 7am, wasnt to busy, and backed the truck down till the wheels were 1/3 in the water, this allowed the nose of the skiff to be at the water, I unhooked and slid her off grabbing the back bar and using bed extender as brace. Jumped in and paddled to the dock. Loaded up, parked truck and got in. Met up with Kai and Rowel and began the day.

Grabbed a kayak scoop of bait and started fishing. Landed a few drinks and decided to test her out in open water, so we to the forest most west point of the kelp where the July 4th grogan's were out in their million dollars boats. Handled like a champ, cool part is pulling motor up and using peddle to enter the forest.

The trip in😬😬

So we decide to troll back to launch, but quickly realized the wind had made 5things unfavorable, south wind and chop equals, super super super wet ride, luckily it was hot as hell (knees burnt, only spot I forgot to cover/SPF). Pretty cool learning how stable this platform is on the first day. I know now how she rides and how to throttle in and out of the swells and chop.

7.4 hours on the motor from yesterday, still 3/4 of gas on my 3GL.

Heres some pics, of Friday, I wont bore u with the pictures of the dink Halibuts lol.

NICKWORN 07-04-2020 07:02 AM

Headed out again Sunday with 3 of the buddies, Mark I know u dont during Holiday weekends, but the invite is there, 7am at Shelter.

P.S. these things get a ton of attention, felt like show n tell while at the launch.

Oh and if ur gonna buy, so far a seat is a must, otherwise u better have good pasture and a strong core.

More pics and video to come!!

All and All love this thing, being able to fish all around in one 8he trip was a blast!!

FISH11 07-04-2020 07:30 AM

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Thanks for the invite. Yeah, large holiday weekend are deadly. I'm almost done with the installs. Still need to register it and get CF#s. Nice picture of the first fish on the Solo Skiff. Solo Skiff looking SWEET!

NICKWORN 07-04-2020 12:26 PM

Added seat and customized milkcrate
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I wanted to see where my seat would go, so I fished without it Friday, slightly forward and offset just a hair.

Milk crate has two rod holders and makes securing the gas tank a breeze, plus a little storage for tools or what not. Not sure if tiller will hit the poles, but didn't really make a bunch of sharp turns so we shall see tomorrow, also holding off on tiller extension until I ride with my seat tomorrow. Had to notch top and bottom, bottom for transom and the top due to the motor hitting at full tilt.

NICKWORN 07-07-2020 06:44 AM

Quick video
My buddy Fabian whipped up this quick video for he and Nelsons maiden voyage. You can see me cruising right next time to him at times, almost as if we are racing, probably were :D


The video inst kinda poor quality not sure why, maybe cause its a link of a link, either way.

Harry Hill 07-07-2020 08:04 AM

Do you guys put a dead man switch on the engine? I know that people get thrown from skiffs when they hit a crossing swell or wake from another boat. From the videos I've watched so far the Solo Skiff moves at a pretty good pace so it looks like it would be easy to get thrown overboard. It would get real lonely to watch your skiff going off into the sunset while you waited for someone to find you. I like the Solo Skiff but there isn't much to hold onto when things get rough.

FISH11 07-07-2020 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 308882)
My buddy Fabian whipped up this quick video for he and Nelsons maiden voyage. You can see me cruising right next time to him at times, almost as if we are racing, probably were :D


The video inst kinda poor quality not sure why, maybe cause its a link of a link, either way.

The quality on the U-Tube video is 240p at the highest (that is poor quality level even for cell phones. Most likely it was in the settings when it was uploaded. Even 480 is bad (in my book) I try to use 720p or higher but it takes a lot longer to upload. Still looks like fun on a hot day. I'm almost done setting mine up. Had a change of plans on how to mount a few accessories. Also with the amount of people watching U-Tube they have been automatically lowering the quality setting when there is heavy use and even good quality video get down graded while watching by U-Tube. That part really pisses me off.


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 308883)
Do you guys put a dead man switch on the engine? I know that people get thrown from skiffs when they hit a crossing swell or wake from another boat. From the videos I've watched so far the Solo Skiff moves at a pretty good pace so it looks like it would be easy to get thrown overboard. It would get real lonely to watch your skiff going off into the sunset while you waited for someone to find you. I like the Solo Skiff but there isn't much to hold onto when things get rough.

The outboard already has a kill switch with a leash, that is meant to attach to the driver, during engine use. I believe all Tiller motors come that way. Falling off is why they would do that. If the user forgets to attach the leash, the boat would keep going. Using the leash, if you fall off, it will pull out a small safety spacer on the kill switch. That shuts off the motor.

Harry Hill 07-07-2020 09:16 AM

I haven't bought a new engine for a long time, they never used to have kill switches on them, one of the reasons so many fisherman drowned when out by themselves in small boats. I guess I should have known that in todays world that would be required.

FISH11 07-07-2020 09:20 AM

Solo Skiff
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I had a change off plans on how I wanted a few accessories installed and that has taken a little longer, with having to re-think options. I changed how I wanted the transducer mounted, because I wanted it to not only be able to move out of the way for transport but also be able to kick up in case of hitting an object. So I ended up making my own braket, that also didn't put any holes on the hull below water line. The rear 3 rod holders on each side are for carrying the rods and keeping them out of the way and still allows good motor turning for harder right turns with the tiller. I also decided I wanted them removable and use Mighty Mount XLs, for a cleaner deck when not using them. Stupid cell phone it's rotating the pictures.

NICKWORN 07-07-2020 11:45 AM

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Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 308883)
Do you guys put a dead man switch on the engine? I know that people get thrown from skiffs when they hit a crossing swell or wake from another boat. From the videos I've watched so far the Solo Skiff moves at a pretty good pace so it looks like it would be easy to get thrown overboard. It would get real lonely to watch your skiff going off into the sunset while you waited for someone to find you. I like the Solo Skiff but there isn't much to hold onto when things get rough.

I attach this to my ankle and the kill switch, allows me to move about freely but if tossed over it will kill motor. My buddy went over 2x on Sunday, learning curve, gotta learn to roll with the swells and throttle in and out, confidence is earned with time on water!!

NICKWORN 07-07-2020 11:52 AM

[QUOTE=FISH11;308887] The rear 3 rod holders on each side are for carrying the rods and keeping them out of the way and still allows good motor turning for harder right turns with the tiller.

Yep, totally stealing that idea! :D:D:D:cheers1:

Just need to see if they would interfere with my H-Rail Hobie rod holders, i dont think so depending on placement. I may just attach a 3-pack to the outside of my milk-crate, the tiller never reaches that far as making too sharp of turns is going to end with you in the drink. I really kept an eye on my turning angles Sunday with my two rod holders inside the crate, one was for the gaf and the other for an extra rod, never came close to hitting them.

NICKWORN 07-07-2020 11:56 AM

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We all noticed a little water in our Skiffs, Google revealed the rod holders, similar to the PA tend to let water in if you get swamped or reverse to fast. Skiff made to allow all water to flush out of the stern. So I found these and plugged em, gonna paint black.

The reason the rod holders suck is the pole and reels are exposed to the salt water if you take on water.

I also found alot of eel grass in my intake impeller, solved by using a kitchen drain mesh stopper.

NICKWORN 07-07-2020 11:59 AM

Never ending customization's
That's why i love these platforms, comes naked, allows for each individuals unique take on what they want.


Motor finally completed its 10hr break-in, gonna change oil and lower gear oil and smashed out to LJ this weekend!

:wsb::wsb::wsb: TIME!!

FISH11 07-07-2020 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by FISH11 (Post 308887)
The rear 3 rod holders on each side are for carrying the rods and keeping them out of the way and still allows good motor turning for harder right turns with the tiller.

Yep, totally stealing that idea! :D:D:D:cheers1:
Just need to see if they would interfere with my H-Rail Hobie rod holders, i don't think so depending on placement. I may just attach a 3-pack to the outside of my milk-crate, the tiller never reaches that far as making too sharp of turns is going to end with you in the drink. I really kept an eye on my turning angles Sunday with my two rod holders inside the crate, one was for the gaf and the other for an extra rod, never came close to hitting them.

No problem, that's why I shared my Idea. Got the stainless bolts, washers and nylock nuts and aluminum piece for top bracket, at Lowes. Long Mighty Mount XLs on the bottom attached to the inside of the gunnel and short Mighty Mount XLson the top. I used the aluminum pop rivets that are used for eyelets and other deck attachments. They are made to split is three sections and they are compressed by the rivet hand tool. When making the short top brace to the top of the gunnel, heat up the aluminum first before trying to make the sharp bend. The first one I bent slowly and was ok, the second I was a little impatient and it broke at the bend. If you heat that area first then the aluminum can stretch without cracking. Because of the angle of the hull, they have a slight outward tilt and give a little extra clearance for the tiller arm. They are removable and are really solid.

Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 308895)
That's why i love these platforms, comes naked, allows for each individuals unique take on what they want.


Motor finally completed its 10hr break-in, gonna change oil and lower gear oil and smashed out to LJ this weekend! :wsb::wsb::wsb: TIME!!

Congrats on the 10 hrs break in. I'm taking mine out to Mission Bay to do some of my break in time, so it can be ready for the deeper water. I agree on the blank canvas, it makes it so much easier to add what you use and not have items that are not important to every owner. Thanks for the link for the seat and the heads up on the on deck rod tube leaking. I will pull one out to check if they might just need a little marine goop at seams or deck surface. When I installed the 8" Hobie hatch for the aerator install access on the bow I noticed the tube are just laying against the inside of the hull. I though that they might slap against the hull, so I put a piece of pool noodle under and made like a U under then and applied a small amount of marine goop to the noddle just a few drops so the noodle can't move.

tak100 07-07-2020 11:49 PM

Thanks for sharing guys. Giving me lots of great ideas.

Mine is supposed to be shipped this week, crossing my fingers.

FISH11 07-08-2020 10:23 PM

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Took my Solo Skiff out to Mission Bay to put a few hours of break in time on the outboard motor. Launched at Dana Landing around 3:50 pm and headed out to the Jetty cause I wanted to see how it would handle with the swell going out and coming in. Going out was a piece of cake, coming back was fun learning the behavior of the Solo with a following sea and large boat wakes. It took a few minuted to get used to sitting so high. Kayak fishing the last 7 years, I never had a kayak were you are so far above the water. After getting used to the sway on the swell and large boat wakes. Coming back in was fun when I could match the swells coming in . It was almost like surfing. Tried slowing down to see the reaction to the swells passing and how that changed things. Took a couple bass rods to troll while motoring, but the speed was faster then was good for trolling, because the break in process was what the main point was. There were a lot of tourist on rental boat, pontoon boats and sit on Jet Skis. Bottom line I had to holler at several that didn't think the 5 mph buoys were for the entire channel areas. They are oblivious to the fact that all other boats are going slow (what should I have expected, it's Summer time). Anyway it was fun to take it out on it's maiden voyage and escape the 90+ degree weather up at my house for this last week. As I expected trying to load it back on to the truck bed and extender was not as easy as the unloading it by myself. Had to remove the motor first because my truck is high enough that the bed extender was still 18"-20"above the water with my rear tire in the water up to the rims. Once the motor was off lifting the Solo onto the bed extender was easy. The seat is awesome, great support and I could brace my feet on the front part on the deck and I used the bow attached rope to hold on with my right hand when bracing for going through the choppy parts and large swells. All in all the Solo is SWEET.. Have to make a couple more trips to finish the break in, then I'll concentrate on the fishing. Did not have any problem with any water getting inside. The live well worked good, but I might use a 12v battery, because the flow in a little slower than I would like. I think the length from pump to aerator has a lot to do with it. Still have to cut out and install the deck mat material I bought.

NICKWORN 07-09-2020 07:27 AM

She does take a second to get used but when ya do its a super stable platform.

How you like that seat all the way offset?

Sdspeed 07-09-2020 09:10 AM

What's the thought behind the offset of the seat vs. centered?
Is everyone running 6hp motors and is it needed or could a 4-5hp work ?

FISH11 07-09-2020 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 308946)
She does take a second to get used but when ya do its a super stable platform.

How you like that seat all the way offset?

It is good because it's just even with the side edge of the hatch and slightly over the front edge. I used some of the time the tiller extension and it would just clear the back to turn left and was just in the perfect spot to just rest my left elbow when going straight and not need to have my left arm behind me. The seat is AWESOME! It's very comfortable and as you said saves your back and core, plus the rotating base makes it easy to change body position and even turn around while still sitting. Also love that the rotating base makes the seat removal so easy.

Originally Posted by Sdspeed (Post 308948)
What's the thought behind the offset of the seat vs. centered?
Is everyone running 6hp motors and is it needed or could a 4-5hp work ?

I've seen videos of guys using trolling motors on the back or 2.5 and 3.5 hp motors. But whats the point of the lesser hp. The price is about the same and without the extra hp it would be harder to control is rough water. The offset on the seat is because if you see video of guys not using a seat, they are almost sitting sideways with the feet on top of the gunnel. They are trying to brace their body, but fighting being balanced. I saw a couple guys using a rope from the bow and thought that's a great way to help brace on choppy water or surf and I made it long enough to help when loading or unloading to keep it from getting away from you, because of any current. Here is a short (64 seconds) GoProQuick video of the going out the Mission Bay Jetty to test out how it handled rough, choppy water and reaction to following seas. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YAR3pDlAr8A" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

FISH11 07-10-2020 04:05 PM

Solo Skiff
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Just finished putting on some deck mat material. Bought a large sheet and cut out the pattern I wanted. I think that's probably the last accessory I want to put on it.

NICKWORN 07-11-2020 06:41 AM

Transom saver
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The first trip out I noticed my outboard jumped over a half in on the left side, so I loosened and repositioned it. Went on google and end up making this.

Two screws in the notches and some permathane SM7180, she ain't going anywhere now. I use that blue rubber tie down to keep the handles secured to one another.

Harry Hill 07-11-2020 07:31 AM

wow, with the maximum capacity at 250 by the time you get a motor and bait tank on board with all your gear many of us would be pushing the max. I'm 195lbs, a five gallon bait tank filled is going to be close to 50lbs, then the rest of my gear and I would be overloaded. I'm going to need a bigger boat.

NICKWORN 07-11-2020 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 308994)
wow, with the maximum capacity at 250 by the time you get a motor and bait tank on board with all your gear many of us would be pushing the max. I'm 195lbs, a five gallon bait tank filled is going to be close to 50lbs, then the rest of my gear and I would be overloaded. I'm going to need a bigger boat.

Might wanna zoom in on that sticker one more time brotha!

Harry Hill 07-11-2020 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 308995)
Might wanna zoom in on that sticker one more time brotha!

ahhh, the fine print. Even at 400lbs there are some big boys out there who are going to be pushing the limits. That does make a lot more sense though. Old eyes and not zooming let me miss that part.

NICKWORN 07-11-2020 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 308999)
ahhh, the fine print. Even at 400lbs there are some big boys out there who are going to be pushing the limits. That does make a lot more sense though. Old eyes and not zooming let me miss that part.

There a few youtube videos if 300lbers rocking this skiff. But ur right, big boys beware.

JohnMckroidJr 07-11-2020 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 309006)
There a few youtube videos if 300lbers rocking this skiff. But ur right, big boys beware.

It will get interesting when you get into nice tuna on the 9.

NICKWORN 07-17-2020 08:03 AM

Need a few more folks
Just waiting on a few more folks to get their skiffs dialed in and become comfortable with the ride. It takes some getting used to riding with and against open water swells and wakes.

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