Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Dannowar 04-30-2014 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 192411)
Hope to see you Saturday fishing for our HERO'S on the WATER.

If my schedule permits I would love to Bob

dorado50 04-30-2014 08:37 PM

I do know where your coming!. Believe me I know exactly what's going on here! I would /could post about the same things you have said but.........

I think your opinion is valid;)

The OP is a newer guy and very stoked(nothing wrong with that at all) but perhaps "over coached".

AirborneYak 04-30-2014 08:39 PM


I think this belongs here.

momo fish 04-30-2014 08:41 PM

So going to LJ next weekend, want to show me around and share some tips as I'm new to that area?


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192409)
Which is perfectly fine. Until you post about it multiple times and try and tell the rest of us that "they're out there"

My point is not being decoded. I'm not insulting the guide service or anyone paying to be guided.

I'm not posting anymore. I'm going fishing :the_finger:

jorluivil 04-30-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192409)
Which is perfectly fine. Until you post about it multiple times and try and tell the rest of us that "they're out there"

My point is not being decoded. I'm not insulting the guide service or anyone paying to be guided.

I'm not posting anymore. I'm going fishing :the_finger:


Originally Posted by momo fish (Post 192418)
So going to LJ next weekend, want to show me around and share some tips as I'm new to that area?

Newbie here:D
What's LJ stand for? Is that a secret fishing spot? Never been there before......can I join you guys next week

momo fish 04-30-2014 10:31 PM

Was the landing that hard? Lol


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 192422)
Newbie here:D
What's LJ stand for? Is that a secret fishing spot? Never been there before......can I join you guys next week

kluts 05-01-2014 04:29 AM

Obviously guides dont care when you post about the bite,why should they?it just makes them more money.If you`ve fished La Jolla 5 times and watched others catch fish,the answers are right there in front of you,isnt that how you got that yellow?no? a guided fish also? La Jolla is one place you wont need a guide,you wont get lost,stay with the herd, Me?I wont need a guide dog unless im blind.So unless your afraid your gonna get lost or are blind,leave the guide dog at home and keep your eyes and ears open and save your money

GR6RR 05-01-2014 09:40 AM

Let's put all this to rest and go.....


I myself, am sorry for instigating the subject.

jsunmkly 05-01-2014 09:44 AM

that bear is a cheater!
he got claws and massive teeth!

chxh8me 05-01-2014 09:52 AM

that bear probably learned how to do that from its mother. no fair.


Can you pass on the info for the guide I would love to plan a trip soon

dpasinli 05-01-2014 10:05 AM

Big Dicks are a Swingin! classic. WTG Tanner great catch!

William Novotny 05-01-2014 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by GR6RR (Post 192463)
Let's put all this to rest and go.....


I myself, am sorry for instigating the subject.

is that a fucking zombie salmon? Terrifying

Sully1 05-01-2014 12:15 PM

We're talking about different forms of learning, self-directed "do it yourself" and externally directed "classroom, seminar, lecture, professor, guide, or sensei". I am not sure that even a purist has only used one or the other. Neither form of learning is "bad" or better than the other, but finding that balance between the two, for oneself, is a personnel decision and even a life's quest, and hopefully leads you to fish and happiness. I find respecting other's decisions and approaches, whether or not I agree with them, promotes greater understanding of others and even self-affirmation. I think we would all agree that it would be nice to get a piece of the action the next time the fish are biting.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

makobob 05-01-2014 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by William Novotny (Post 192469)
is that a fucking zombie salmon? Terrifying

NO, he is probabally all spawned out, see how good you look after you spawn!!!!! Will, when we going to get together to FISH BAJA. Your daughter is almost old enough to really enjoy it, maybe in the spring with another family?

William Novotny 05-01-2014 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 192482)
NO, he is probabally all spawned out, see how good you look after you spawn!!!!! Will, when we going to get together to FISH BAJA. Your daughter is almost old enough to really enjoy it, maybe in the spring with another family?

Gawd I hope that's not howi look after i spawn. I'm shooting for August. I'm working on more reliable transportation at the moment. The Explorer gets me around Ok but I wouldn't trust getting a baja trip out of her.

William Novotny 05-01-2014 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sully1 (Post 192481)
We're talking about different forms of learning, self-directed "do it yourself" and externally directed "classroom, seminar, lecture, professor, guide, or sensei". I am not sure that even a purist has only used one or the other. Neither form of learning is "bad" or better than the other, but finding that balance between the two, for oneself, is a personnel decision and even a life's quest, and hopefully leads you to fish and happiness. I find respecting other's decisions and approaches, whether or not I agree with them, promotes greater understanding of others and even self-affirmation. I think we would all agree that it would be nice to get a piece of the action the next time the fish are biting.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

That was very eloquently put.

chris138 05-01-2014 03:18 PM

There are a couple of types of reports on this forum...

1. Reports of what people fished, where, what the conditions were like, lessons learned etc. These posts are helpful and interesting and allow people to figure things out on your own or with friends.

2. Advertisements for darkhorse, seasamurai, capt wade etc. You cannot reveal good intel in these posts for the sake of not hurting the aforementioned guide's business. That's fine, but the post is essentially just fish porn.

This report falls into the latter category. Reports generated by Josh and Wade themselves tend to fall into the former. I believe there is room for both types of post here, but just don't claim it so hard and ensure that credit is given where it is due.

OP said himself that Mr. Pruitt encouraged him to go find fish for himself... the idea being that maybe it would be more rewarding. I think that was the point Dannowar was trying to make. I've never had the pleasure of a trip with darkhorse, but i have lurked on him many times OTW! :D

That's a nice cbass and congratulations! Now go do it again and silence the naysayers! :cheers1:

driftwood 05-01-2014 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192409)
Which is perfectly fine. Until you post about it multiple times and try and tell the rest of us that "they're out there"

My point is not being decoded. I'm not insulting the guide service or anyone paying to be guided.

I'm not posting anymore. I'm going fishing :the_finger:

Guide or no guide I say bring it! No matter how you slice it, a picture of a big White Sea Bass sure does motivate us to go fishing.

Whether "they're out there" or not. I'm there tomorrow....Wind warning is gone. :luxhello:

Aaron&Julie 05-02-2014 02:42 AM

We can see both sides to this debate...Julie and I are so old-school we started out on the old Indian rafts used over a hundred years ago at the launch in La Jolla.
The new generation may look at our setups and get confused by it all.

Q: What's that white 5 gallon bucket used for?
A: To keep our bait alive all day.

Q: Where are your pedals and Mirage drive?
A: We use the backup system, aka paddles, which get us from here to there.

Q: Where's your fish finder located?
A: We enjoy the hunt without one, we hit the locations we recall over the last nearly 10 years, watch the birds, look for boils, baitballs, or even groups of fishermen that may be on a good bite. No fish caught once in awhile is alright by us, it makes the days you score much more rewarding.

To each their own. We're closer to the frame of mind of Dannowar, when you start doing this sport from the bottom up, there's a certain satisfaction that individuals who paid their way up to the top of the learning curve won't understand, trial-trial-trial and error-error-error. But, when you finally get the hang of it, through trials and tribulations there's that certain extra feeling of reward, that you did all on your own, and it goes deep into the mind and soul.

Now, don't get us wrong, in our roots we did receive emails and messages from a few guys that certainly helped. It's just we never became a barnacle to the more experienced and successful fishing 'yakers by following them everywhere they went to mooch off of their success. Now, of course if you spot a bendo, you'd be stupid not to circle that area hoping to score too, as long as you give the person with a fish plenty of room to land his prize. We've had barnacles over the years, and we've had idiots come within 15-20 feet of us, when we're clearly fighting the right kind.

But we do have much more respect for the person that's willing to rough it, so to speak, learning until they get it down, and put in the time necessary to get there, over those that want to score right away and learn all the tricks they can through their pocketbook. We don't blame them, it's just that sometimes while learning the speedy process, they might also miss out on the guides etiquette rules, focusing more on the "how to" and "where are they at" lessons.

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