Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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surfrider 08-31-2015 12:23 PM

Fish Bag!
2 Attachment(s)
After almost losing my YT to a Hammer, while on a fish clip a couple weeks back, I decided to get an insulated fish bag to accommodate my long paddles in hot temps and sharky waters. Found a nice product on Amazon for $120, but procrastinated too long before ordering and wanted to fish last weekend. So, I went to Lowes and bought some reflective insulation material, Silicone caulk, Velcro pads, and foil tape. $35 and an hour later, I had a Redneck fish bag to fit perfectly in the rear and under the bungies of my Stealth-14! I took (2) 7lb bags of ice; which I kept below in a collapsible cooler in the front hatch, until needed. After picking up a small YT and a Bonito, I emptied one bag of ice in the foil bag along with the bled fishes. 2 nice 15-16lb YT tail and a Bonito later, I added the second bag of ice. Caught a 3rd respectable yellowtail on the paddle in, which I slid under the bag, being it was already bulging! I did roll it in the surf, not surprising with my heavily loaded yak plus the added 80lbs of fish in the trunk. BUT, surprising the bag held up nicely, and was floating alongside and easy to retrieve. Had to look around for a minute to find the "loose" YT being tossed in the surf; which a nice gal retrieved for me, during this sharky "closed-beach" day in LaJolla! After a 10 hour day on the water, I still had a 3/4 bag of un-melted ice, and the fish were nice and cool. The only difficulty was cleaning the bag.... which I expected would be a one-time disposable and shreaded from fins anyhow? I simply opened up one long seam to wash thoroughly which I will later need to retape. Caulk did not do much for adding strength, but did keep the blood and fish juices from draining through the scupper! Also on a bad fish day, it could double as a tanning reflector..... or on a real bad day, a good way to signal aircraft or give a shark something to chew on (maybe they love popping bubbles too?)! :D

P.S. cooler in the pic is Mega-size with a 39" I.D. <!-- attachments -->

Cbad Mike 08-31-2015 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by surfrider (Post 240208)
After almost losing my YT to a Hammer, while on a fish clip a couple weeks back, I decided to get an insulated fish bag to accommodate my long paddles in hot temps and sharky waters. Found a nice product on Amazon for $120, but procrastinated too long before ordering and wanted to fish last weekend. So, I went to Lowes and bought some reflective insulation material, Silicone caulk, Velcro pads, and foil tape. $35 and an hour later, I had a Redneck fish bag to fit perfectly in the rear and under the bungies of my Stealth-14! I took (2) 7lb bags of ice; which I kept below in a collapsible cooler in the front hatch, until needed. After picking up a small YT and a Bonito, I emptied one bag of ice in the foil bag along with the bled fishes. 2 nice 15-16lb YT tail and a Bonito later, I added the second bag of ice. Caught a 3rd respectable yellowtail on the paddle in, which I slid under the bag, being it was already bulging! I did roll it in the surf, not surprising with my heavily loaded yak plus the added 80lbs of fish in the trunk. BUT, surprising the bag held up nicely, and was floating alongside and easy to retrieve. Had to look around for a minute to find the "loose" YT being tossed in the surf; which a nice gal retrieved for me, during this sharky "closed-beach" day in LaJolla! After a 10 hour day on the water, I still had a 3/4 bag of un-melted ice, and the fish were nice and cool. The only difficulty was cleaning the bag.... which I expected would be a one-time disposable and shreaded from fins anyhow? I simply opened up one long seam to wash thoroughly which I will later need to retape. Caulk did not do much for adding strength, but did keep the blood and fish juices from draining through the scupper! Also on a bad fish day, it could double as a tanning reflector..... or on a real bad day, a good way to signal aircraft or give a shark something to chew on (maybe they love popping bubbles too?)! :D

P.S. cooler in the pic is Mega-size with a 39" I.D. <!-- attachments -->

I like it.
Good job and thanks for sharing.

ctfphoto 09-01-2015 12:09 PM

Sabiki Bait Cage
1 Attachment(s)
Cost: Free with a rock and I guess the forfeit of the CRV.

yak-fishing-socal 09-01-2015 03:50 PM

Okay so I totally failed miserably at trying to make a rod pod Center Hach tray anybody ever make one or bought one from somewhere here's what I had, did not hold up to my standards at all I guess I need to put more time ithttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...a82cbc1e4d.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...10e3015793.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...6eb6304a3a.jpg

sent from my thumbs on my G4

Mr. NiceGuy 09-02-2015 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by ChristLike (Post 236815)
i am sorry but what does (AFT) mean. i spent a few minutes looking for the acronym online so i wouldnt look uncool, but i have a headache now lol


Creative genius works like this. The world would be a far less interesting place without non-linear thinkers.


Divad 09-03-2015 11:17 AM

Nice Idea, try using that as a mold and wrap it with fiberglass.

yak-fishing-socal 09-03-2015 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Divad (Post 240662)
Nice Idea, try using that as a mold and wrap it with fiberglass.

Thanks that's a good idea iv been wanting to try a fiberglass kit

sent from my thumbs on my G4

igotpron 09-03-2015 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by yak-fishing-socal (Post 240670)
Thanks that's a good idea iv been wanting to try a fiberglass kit

sent from my thumbs on my G4

Just a thought but this kinda looks like a garden flower pot. Next time your at homedepot might want to take a look. Could be way off but that idea popped into my head when I saw the shape.

yak-fishing-socal 09-03-2015 03:24 PM

Lol it is that's what I hacked up

sent from my thumbs on my G4

igotpron 09-03-2015 04:13 PM

Ahh yes looks familiar. They had 24" and 36" models. Was the 24 to big?

ChristLike 09-04-2015 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Hunters Pa (Post 236488)
Looks very well thought out. One question - what do you do when a bigger fish makes a run aft?

Peddle system with rudder hands free turn around/ follow the fish

Hunters Pa 09-04-2015 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by ChristLike (Post 240776)
Peddle system with rudder hands free turn around/ follow the fish

Cool! Didn't mean to sound like I was throwing rocks at your design. Just wondering how you would follow a runner. Guess I need to practice my 180 degree turns a bit more

yak-fishing-socal 09-09-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by igotpron (Post 240692)
Ahh yes looks familiar. They had 24" and 36" models. Was the 24 to big?

Yea had to cut it down and it still didn't fit properly because of the hatch cover

sent from my thumbs on my G4

WARRIORMIKE 09-11-2015 08:30 AM

I added some rail padding that is more commonly used for Baseball Fields to my trailer extender

Flat padding $ 9.95 per foot - The "t" bar is about 3ft across

Comes in Flat pad or Round pad at 2-1/2 in diameter

The flat pad is what I currently have on it. Just need to tie it down with zip ties . The round pad is what I have in my hands

The round padding is $12 per foot

Graphics are extra


I will be bringing these to the JAL event if interested


DanaPT 09-11-2015 03:35 PM

Kayak Cart renovation
4 Attachment(s)
So had real miserable cart wheels. the kayak would slip off, I felt like an ox plowing a field pulling across the sand.

This was my second set of wheels of this type. Turns out I found a "never flat" all purpose wheel at home depot. Have to buy a set of 4 approx $60.

the wheels have 2 bearings in each and are 5/8s. so a 5/8 lag bolt on each side almost exactly fits perfect into the old axle. With a bit of electric tape at a couple of spots for a super snug fit, I hammered them into the old axle and they are snug and spin really well. I may try to drill a tap screw or something. we'll see.

A few outings so far. a world of difference vs. what I had. Let's see if it holds up longer than a year.

Deez Knots! 10-29-2015 08:59 AM

Hey guys. I saw a guy with one of these but i couldn't find any DIY's so i decided to make one:

Need a place to store your irons?:jig::jig::jig::jig:
<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/513b3da1-9679-4b1c-b0a8-3f4e46801658_zpsjzebo9ub.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/513b3da1-9679-4b1c-b0a8-3f4e46801658_zpsjzebo9ub.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 513b3da1-9679-4b1c-b0a8-3f4e46801658_zpsjzebo9ub.jpg"/></a>
What you need:
Bucket Lid
Utility Knife
Dremel tool
Drill Bit
(You can use dremel tool as well)

Cut the inner circle off and the outer lip off with the utility knife!
<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/4b5698db-3756-44b2-a2d9-b4dd941f44d0_zpsvlabslji.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/4b5698db-3756-44b2-a2d9-b4dd941f44d0_zpsvlabslji.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 4b5698db-3756-44b2-a2d9-b4dd941f44d0_zpsvlabslji.jpg"/></a>

The outer lip wraps around the outside of the bucket (this is the part that has to go) and the inner lip stays inside the bucket (do not cut this off)
<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/46b58a88-4743-4065-ace6-8370ff8dcdfc_zps9txeknls.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/46b58a88-4743-4065-ace6-8370ff8dcdfc_zps9txeknls.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 46b58a88-4743-4065-ace6-8370ff8dcdfc_zps9txeknls.jpg"/></a>

Smooth out lid with dremel
<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/44eca03d-379b-4bed-96de-c87f555de50e_zpse6glvetl.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/44eca03d-379b-4bed-96de-c87f555de50e_zpse6glvetl.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 44eca03d-379b-4bed-96de-c87f555de50e_zpse6glvetl.jpg"/></a>

Slide lid down halfway and drill out holes
<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/75b3b109-0575-4df8-93ac-8176020e50b9_zpsujxqbufk.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/75b3b109-0575-4df8-93ac-8176020e50b9_zpsujxqbufk.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 75b3b109-0575-4df8-93ac-8176020e50b9_zpsujxqbufk.jpg"/></a>

Now add your irons in and voila! You have a safe way of transporting and storing your irons. The lid sits tightly inside and does not require glue; you can remove the lid and use the bucket when needed.

<a href="http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/DeezKnots/media/44bd3ede-74b5-47c3-bdb3-2812603a2612_zpssh48fud6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y304/DeezKnots/44bd3ede-74b5-47c3-bdb3-2812603a2612_zpssh48fud6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 44bd3ede-74b5-47c3-bdb3-2812603a2612_zpssh48fud6.jpg"/></a>

I drilled my holes out with my dremel tool so it came out looking pretty rough; I also did not bother smoothing out the inner circle. If you want yours looking better than mine, use a drill for the holes and smooth out the inner circle with dremel

kayachapi 11-02-2015 06:07 AM

Catayackamaran..uh, yeah.
1 Attachment(s)
I did this to get my wife out with me. She does not have the confidence in her vision and balance to go it alone. It sails pretty well, surprisingly well. I have not had another person on it yet, and don't know how it will act, but expect it to be fine. No Hobies were harmed in this mod. Everything is removable. I know, I'm a Kook.

Hammerhead_77 11-16-2015 01:35 PM

HFT cart wheels
2 Attachment(s)
I broke the plastic Hobie wheels bouncing my fully loaded yak off a curb on the way back to the truck... I wanted something, wider, stronger and less expensive than the nice fat Hobie sand wheels.

HFT had a sale: $5 each. Axle cost $9. Bolts, washers, nuts, cotter pins, $5. total rated capacity for this should be over 600 lbs...more than needed for a 180 lb PA14!

The hubs on these bolt in, so I replaced the bolts with longer ones to create dualies and threaded the end of the axle for a nut with a cotter pin to keep it from walking.

surf-bum 11-20-2015 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by yak-fishing-socal (Post 240461)
Okay so I totally failed miserably at trying to make a rod pod Center Hach tray anybody ever make one or bought one from somewhere here's what I had, did not hold up to my standards at all I guess I need to put more time ithttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...a82cbc1e4d.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...10e3015793.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09...6eb6304a3a.jpg

sent from my thumbs on my G4

You can make a tray out of fiberglass. If you are savy with it. I grabbed some for sale signs, taped them together and taped a cardboard plate under it after I stuck it in the hatch. Laid the chopped strand mat (fiberglass sheets) in the molded bucket, wait for it to dry, then take it out. I stuck a piece of foam the hull to raise the mold to the height I wanted. Marked it off, and cut it off. Then mold flanges on the rim to make the seal.

Kind of confusing, but I actually made my own bait tank like this. you can DM me or call if you need pics. 808-722-4377

miteofthesun 11-28-2015 11:08 PM

Easy Rod Leashes
Here is my interpretation of a simple and cheap rod leash.

It needs to be simple, corrosion resistant, strong, and inexpensive. Everything but the bungee was purchased at Home Depot.

Here is what you will need:
3/16" bungee cord ($9.50/50 ft. on eBay)
paracord ($4)
plastic snap buckles ($0.99 for two pairs)
plastic S-biners ($0.99/ea.)
tape measure
1/16" SS wire


I began by making a lanyard, which has a female snap buckle on one end, and a loop on the other. The length of the loop can be adjusted to fit your needs. The plastic snap buckles came with instructions on how to make the lanyard. It's about as easy as tying your shoes.


I made up some DIY stainless steel hog rings out of 1/16" SS wire.


After approximating my shock cord length, I attached a S-biner to one end, and the male snap buckle to the other. Then compress the SS hog rings around the bungee.


That's it! The loop end of the lanyard can be modified to attach to your particular rod/reel. It can be easily looped through reel clamps that have a ring. Velcro could be ran through the lanyard loop for attaching the leash to the rod.

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