Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   The Official Unofficial MB Pre-Tournament Slumber Party (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=28700)

theluckypig 04-15-2016 03:43 PM

Here... Guys already pre-fishing

jorluivil 04-15-2016 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by tacmik (Post 258842)
Don't forget the trophy. congrats. (George would bring it if he won.)

Sorry , that trophy is only used at Team Sewer events

jorluivil 04-16-2016 05:58 PM

Thanks to all the guys that showed up Friday, I believe I counted 25 trucks by 10pm. However, a special thanks to Deamon for that bomb ass fish soup, ceviche and the London broil. I literally got to the point where I stopped eating because I didn't want to get a stomach ache.

Deamon 04-17-2016 09:33 AM

Great HOW event that created the opportunity to meet up with new and old friends at our night before food fest. I want to thank Jorge for setting this up going on...3 years now? I hope we can continue the tradition. When dudes show up with generous pot luck offerings, special times usually occur. Friday night was the real deal. We went through a lot of good food. We were already stuffed to the gills when the sushi rolled up on us, lol. I appreciate EVERYONE for bringing their commitments...and some! Also grateful for all of Jorge's support and friendship...

Brothas with different mothas.


Scoot 04-17-2016 09:43 AM

Yes Noah and I would like to thank Jim, Jorge and the rest of the yakers for the great hospitality!
Getting there Friday nite is the only way go!!
And to Andy and the HOW crew awesome event!

FISH11 04-17-2016 10:09 AM

The official unofficial HOW camp out was the BOMB! That was so much better than just getting there at 3 or 4 am. Met a lot of guys that I read in posts but had not met and a lot of ones I know and don't get to see often enough. Had a great time and there was tons of great food. Too bad the fish didn't co-operate during the tournament. The Friday night event was easily the best part of the of the HOW Mission Bay Classic. Thank you Jorge and Jim for getting everyone together.

bwana 04-17-2016 10:35 AM

Jim, best fish soup I have ever had! Ceviche was off the hook.

Sal the kimbab was great too!

The best thing about Friday night is hanging out with good people.

Starsky 04-17-2016 01:24 PM

My Son and I had an awesome time, thanks to Jim, Jorge and everyone else for the warm welcome. My wife told me next year to bring some of her world famous korean bbq! It was great to meet everyone and talk fishing. Looking forward to future events!

jorluivil 04-17-2016 01:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm horrible at remembering names so next event I'm brining some of these

alanw 04-17-2016 05:53 PM

Thanks for setting this up Jorge. It was nice getting there early and meeting a few guys from here. Jim that was the first time I had fish soup and it was delicious, thanks dude. Good vibes all around, looking forward to doing it again next year. Let's just hope the fishing is as good as the slumber party next time.

Deamon 04-17-2016 06:15 PM

Wait...AlanW was there early? Which dude were you, lol? We def need name tags w our BWE names on them too. Sorry I didn't recognize you. Jim

alanw 04-17-2016 07:15 PM

I was the dude with a truck wearing shorts and a hat, and was also the dude with soup melting through his bowl. I think that narrows it down :D

Fish Taco 04-18-2016 10:49 AM

Just wanted to say thanks to Jorge for setting this up & putting it together. I was glad I was healthy enough to make it as the week before I was getting my ass kicked by a respiratory infection. This was my first Mission Bay HOW Classic and the pre-tournament festivities Friday night was great. Great to get to meet and talk with some of the crew a bit and hang out, relax, etc. I definitely agree that 'name tags' should be used next time, I'm horrible at remembering everyone's names and having their "handle" written on them would help too... :-)

I hadn't seriously fished Mission Bay since I was a teenager, so being back on the water here was pretty cool. I need to come down here and fish it more often.

Unfortunately, I miscalculated how long it would take to paddle back on Saturday and missed the post tournament activities (awards, raffles, food, etc.) Watching you guys in the Hobies blow past me sure makes me think harder about making the switch to the dark side on my next kayak upgrade... haha

Also, thanks Jorge for babysitting my big cooler full of beer overnight and during the tourney Sat. - I thought you guys would have made a bigger dent in the suds - I ended coming home with plenty leftover... lol

Looking forward to next year!

tacmik 04-18-2016 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 258954)
I was the dude with a truck wearing shorts and a hat, and was also the dude with soup melting through his bowl. I think that narrows it down :D

Damn. me to.

619-SWIM-DOG 04-20-2016 06:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Best dressed goes to Jim. Thanks for the WSB treats. Yum

jorluivil 04-20-2016 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by 619-SWIM-DOG (Post 259219)
Best dressed goes to Jim. Thanks for the WSB treats. Yum

Ooh yeah, almost forgot that he wore his daughters pj's that night

jorluivil 04-20-2016 07:01 PM





















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Starsky 04-20-2016 09:41 PM

Nice pics Jorge! :cheers1:

I see I made an appearance on the lawn sitting in my vantage seat, didnt know my legs were so sexy.. :cool:

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