Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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cioppino 03-24-2009 09:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1064

Look at it this way. If you spend more of your time online complaining than actually fishing, chances are you are going to catch fewer fish. No need to be bitter about it.

The simple fact that there are more and more big fish being caught and sometimes released should be evidence of a thriving fishery. One that has come way back with commercial fishing restrictions, restocking efforts, size restrictions, and take limits. If people never posted images of big fish because they were simply not being caught, I think that would be a better argument in support of closures.

Nice video, pics, and story.

driftwood 03-24-2009 09:11 PM

What do you expect from a guy who calls himself CHICKEN?

lamb 03-25-2009 12:08 AM

Nice work Josh, WTG on the release!

Nice video Larry! No wonder you were out in the woods on Sunday... :) That wind was nasty.

I was happy to get a shot to try over the weekend. No luck.

I have seen a familiar face proudly sporting OEX shirt on Saturday though, with a nicely remodeled deck. He wasn't even riding an almighty Hobie, he was on a good ol' eXtreme. :D

I was fortunate to be able to help him release some of his trophy... ...through my digestive system. :D It was delicious.

Whazup with a freshly registered DFG rules interpretor characters? Post a cool report, catch a big fish.

jasmin 03-25-2009 12:12 AM

I'm ok.



Big thanks Nate for the assist.

Matt 03-25-2009 12:22 AM


Willy 03-25-2009 06:51 AM

Chicken dinner...
Three types of kids go to a magic show:

The first type is the gullable kid; they love the show, they think the magic is really magic, they cheer the magician.

The second type is the kid who knows the magic isn't magic, but craft, and that kid too enjoys the show, but for what it is, entertainment. He too appluads the magician. What a showman!

The third type is the insecure kid; the one who sits in the back, muttering 'oh, that's just a trick, I can do that, I know how he does that, that lion dosen't have teeth, that bird is fake...' but is really jealous of the showman. Really wishing he had the guts and talent to do his own show, but knowing inside he has neither.

Funny, that third kind of type always goes to the magic show anyway...

Gotta love psuedo-intellegent people who propose a riddle, and then never give one. Who criticize the magician, and can't do a show of their own.

Food for thought,

wiseguy 03-25-2009 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Willy (Post 36076)
Three types of kids go to a magic show:

The first type is the gullable kid; they love the show, they think the magic is really magic, they cheer the magician.

The second type is the kid who knows the magic isn't magic, but craft, and that kid too enjoys the show, but for what it is, entertainment. He too appluads the magician. What a showman!

The third type is the insecure kid; the one who sits in the back, muttering 'oh, that's just a trick, I can do that, I know how he does that, that lion dosen't have teeth, that bird is fake...' but is really jealous of the showman. Really wishing he had the guts and talent to do his own show, but knowing inside he has neither.

Funny, that third kind of type always goes to the magic show anyway...

Gotta love psuedo-intellegent people who propose a riddle, and then never give one. Who criticize the magician, and can't do a show of their own.

Food for thought,


Very, very well said.:sifone:

Quilted Germ 03-25-2009 07:27 AM

My only question is...why post if you feel the need to photoshop the pic? I can already tell this is going to make someguys get all chapped, but it just seems a little odd. I'm sure we'll get a good explanation that will put the nay sayers to rest. Hopefully this wont stop Dark Horse from posting in the future as his posts get me fired up to get out there and fish.

Gregg Patrick Hartness

Spinal Tap 03-25-2009 07:33 AM


How much did it weigh?

purty fish.


Originally Posted by jasmin (Post 36071)
I'm ok.



Big thanks Nate for the assist.

MalibuJohnny 03-25-2009 08:17 AM

A picture is worth 1000 words

Originally Posted by Chicken Dinner (Post 36057)
I am always up for a good riddle. Josh has not only landed a toad but two. One legal take and one illegally as defined F&G. F&G calls it illegal take but in layman's terms we call it poaching. Josh you may have 15 buddies that support you magnificent release but lets think about. Often times seabass are not that hearty. Lets not give more reasons to these yahoo environmentalists to shut down our fishery. You post on a public forum your kayak in prime seabass area with a toad on the back still fishing the same secret method that you used to kill the first one. Your intend is what matters. Where you fishing for yellowtail or halibut of trying to get some footage of you in action?

Oh wait a minute I heard you were catching bait... That makes sense. Anyway you are the only one that knows if you were poaching or not. I would just recommend not posting it to the world in the height of people trying to take away all of our fishing privileges. Being a steward of the ocean is what it is all about. If you truly honor the fish you take you should have the integrity to do things by the book.

Back to the riddle.....

Attachment 1062

Attachment 1063

Guesses on Josh's crazy secret methods????

I think he uses a white towel attached to a dropper loop on 65lb red cajun spectra with a green dacron topshot tipped with a bushel of garlic.

Other thoughts?

:confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Can you or someone explain these photos? They do appear to be “fixed” or “tampered” with. Common now didn’t we learn from the last guy?
ffice:office" /><O:p></O:p>
In our lives we try to fine a group or herd to belong to. We as humans need to feel that sense of relationship. Like the “mid-life” biker who during the week is an accountant and on the weekend a “bad ass biker” I guess we can get caught up in our “fame” of which we create!
I don’t doubt the talent of the angler…in fact I think its way to much self created “fame”
At the end of the day we all hope to catch the big one…it’s OK if you don’t too.
Fishing is fun and I do it to relax with my kids…go back to keeping it simple; don’t congests it with un-truth and Photoshop!

dorado50 03-25-2009 08:53 AM

Not saying anything about anyone, but I do agree with Andy in that boating a fish over the bag limit is not good. That picture is great in that to release an over the limit fish bring it boatside,remove hook if visible or in most cases cut leader as close to mouth as possible. Once you handle an over the limit fish you are technically in violation(at least my common sense tells me that). By the way I have not seen this video,only commenting on Andy's pic. Fish on........

blackcloud9 03-25-2009 08:58 AM

If you know Josh, and I have for years - way before he was DARKHORSE -
then you know that every detail always matters to him. He has a gift for
analyzing and understanding fish.

Whether it is in how a bait is presented, or, how an annoying distraction
in a great picture NEEDS to be fixed.

The irony is, most anglers that he talks to will scoff at the level of detail
he INSISTS ON when fishing, or when fixing his pictures.

It's really difficult to argue with his results, and he could just let results do
the talking.

I was lucky enough to be in the right place to watch the excitement, partly
because I'm content to smile and enjoy somebody else's magic show with grace.

And before you jump on the jealousy bandwagon about not being there guys,
realize that there were three other very experienced kayak fishermen within
talking distance, using the same exact techniques and nobody else got a strike
in many hours. So realistically, hard to describe as an "epic bite" in my opinion.

dorado50 03-25-2009 09:25 AM

Again Larry, having an over the limit fish in your possesion is a violation for everyone.By the way I do know Josh(surprised?).

j mo 03-25-2009 09:29 AM

Screw the regs...Unveil the secret? I want to catch one of those WSBS!:biggrinjester:

MalibuJohnny 03-25-2009 09:52 AM

Epic? Bandwagon?
Common now... epic is John Wayne or Bruce Lee! Good angler! not epic!

I call 'em as I see 'em!

Why doctor the photos? besides breaking the rules... to prove one greatness?

Iam going fishing!

blackcloud9 03-25-2009 10:18 AM

2001. (a) It is unlawful to take mammals, birds, fish, reptiles,<O:p></O:p>and amphibians outside of established seasons or to exceed any bag<O:p></O:p>limit or possession limit established in this code or by regulations<O:p></O:p>adopted by the commission. Violation of any established season, bag<O:p></O:p>limit, or possession limit may be charged as a violation of this<O:p></O:p>section or of the specific code section or regulation that<O:p></O:p>establishes the season or limit.<O:p></O:p>


86. "Take" means hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or attempt<O:p></O:p>to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill.


Correct Dave. I am in "violation" if I "hunt" or "catch" a BSB or short calico. Technically, 56 mph is a "violation" in a 55 zone too. I'm just sayin ' y'all : )

Love you guys! : ) See you at the show!

screaming reel 03-25-2009 10:33 AM

You Rock Chicken ! Speak your mind! Good point! Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is their first post. Come on people he brought up a good point.

Josh why did you continue to fish? You profess your ethics often. I think for the integrity of the board and the sport and all the people who congratulate you often you should explain why you kept fishing after you caught your limit.

I released a big one without taking it out of the water and watched it swim away, very cool indeed. If the ego comes before the welfare of the fish then it is wrong. If it is illegal to catch a fish after landing one, it is wrong. You are becoming a guide, right. Watch how you "teach" others.

Once again, if a fish caught us and held us underwater for a little bit when were pregnant, with our pregnant belly being pushed what would that do for our survival rate. Doubtful if we would make it.

Play by the rules boys. Slam me if you wish - I have a tough skin and will remain hidden behind the cloak of the computer.

j mo 03-25-2009 10:35 AM

Hey Blackcloud,

In an earlier post you said "(Got some reds and sculpin fishing deep plastics 120 to 160'. Didn't catch any live bait, didn't bring wsb bait. BTW Decent calicos and halibut off the beach lately, see photo album)"

Ive been in the hunt for some time now for a WSB with no luck, can you share what bait you use? (I assume Squid???) Feel free to PM


CandyCatcher 03-25-2009 10:53 AM

You guys have such a great fishery down there....

I love to fish it...as much as you do.....

Why dont you spend some of that energy spent "pissing on others parades" on something more worthwhile.....


Have you taken the time to send in your letters? Put the stamps on it and gone to the post office???

Then why spend so much time "hiding behind" your pcs and pissing on others parades.....

right or not???? Not your place to decide!!!

Go Fish!!!! or Save Your Fishing Grounds!!

Or it really wont matter....will it???

my 2 cents -

Randy Janush

Bigfoot Suit Guy 03-25-2009 11:02 AM

nice fish

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