Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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dorado50 02-10-2011 07:39 PM

I'm bored...My favorite fish to catch and eat! Caught my first in mid 90's around 60#s and have three more over 50#s since. More times than not I will always bring home a dorado! Have yet to catch one from kayak,will try someday.


driftwood 02-10-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by dorado50 (Post 75475)
I'm bored...My favorite fish to catch and eat! Caught my first in mid 90's around 60#s and have three more over 50#s since. More times than not I will always bring home a dorado! Have yet to catch one from kayak,will try someday.


That Dorado looks so dinosaurs!


lterrero 02-10-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by RedSledTeam (Post 75312)
OK, OK. Mine is self explanatory (We're on a red outfitter), but my avatar may need some explanation. I'm a freediver from way, way back. I learned from a buddy named Carlos and I was part of a club called the LB Neptunes. I've taken my share of fish, but now it's time for me to give back to the sport by teaching my offspring to harvest fish from the ocean. They've been on diving trips with me but they're not ready for Freediving yet, but they are willing to kayak fish. This is my way of getting them closer to the water. Its only a matter of time until they will go over the side! :cool: :wsb::yt:

Oh... yeah, with Roman hook up to a 35 lbs YT & dad with the rudder that's why; I was there!! RedSledTeam:cool:

RedSledTeam 02-10-2011 11:16 PM

Yep! We're a team! Now if I can just get him to land one...:reeling::yt::proud:

Useful Idiot 02-11-2011 09:29 AM

Name of a song from my favorite band: TOOL

Amongst other reasons... LOL :D

T Bone 02-11-2011 10:18 AM

2 Attachment(s)

My name is Travis and I like steak...

Nothing wrong with surf and turf...

WahooUSMC you will get yours.Personally I am still waiting to actually LAND a YT from the YAK.

To hoping we all get to check one off the bucket list this year...

Fiskadoro 02-12-2011 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by dorado50 (Post 75475)
....we were fishing Cabo and really big into marlins.....I'm bored...My favorite fish to catch and eat! Caught my first in mid 90's around 60#s and have three more over 50#s since. More times than not I will always bring home a dorado!....



Originally Posted by dorado50
....theres nothing wrong with internet self promotion,we all do it, some just more subtle than others...


WahooUSMA 02-12-2011 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by T Bone (Post 75531)

WahooUSMC you will get yours.

Ahhh, I am a little slow....just caught that....LMAO

Hypoxic1 02-12-2011 10:35 AM

Lack of oxygen to the brain
Used to fly in the Air Force. They put you in a high altitude chamber to demonstrate loss of oxygen at altitude. It sort of stuck from there.

Hypoxia :biggrinjester:

Hobie-Pedaller 02-12-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 75251)

not only does ICEMAN have one of the coolest names on any message board, he is definitely the MASTER of Photoshop as well !! :sifone:


Hobie-Pedaller 02-12-2011 11:30 AM

i got my first Hobie Outback back in 2003, when not many people knew much about the pedal drive yaks. So i thought i would use my name to "educate" various board members about these awesome devices. - LOLOL

onetriphudson 02-24-2011 08:31 AM

Most of my friends call me Hudson and the nickname is from college. Around Y2K, I was helping a friend buy some furniture and he insisted it would take multiple trips to get it all home. I had faith in my little GMC Sonoma truck to carry it all and I did. He was impressed and grateful, so the name was born. As well, we lived in a second story place and after grocery shopping I'd load my arms with a ridiculous amount of bags, not wanting to make more than one trip. So there you go!

JoeBeck 02-24-2011 08:57 AM

I used to go by FishFinder which was not all that creative in the 1st place, I didn't have one then and prided myself on being able to find the fish without it :D. Really I was just broke and couldn't afford one, of course I regularly use a Fish Finder now.

Then I would be fishing and people would come up to me and ask me if I was FishFinder, with my heavy image post this came sort of regular people recognizing me on the water. Thought it was strange so I just changed my handle to my Shortened Name Joe (Joseph) Beck (short for a very long last name 1st 4 letters Beck).

sealyin 02-24-2011 10:02 AM

sealyin (pronounced Sea Lion). The name of our old cabin cruiser that had a silhouette of a CA sea lion on the stern but the word play was about "the big fish that got away"! Kept the name after the boat went away........one of the two happiest days in a boat owners life :D

wade 02-24-2011 10:09 AM

Completely related to fishing..

(my middle name..)
Jason "Wade" H.

it took a few years, & once my fishin' buddies found out my hidden middle name, they would only call me by my middle name from there on out...:p

bigbarrels 02-24-2011 10:24 AM


One of my other passions in life is surfing and one of my favorite things about surfing is finding myself in a nice barrel (tube). I don't get many big barrels these days but I did grab a few small barrels last summer in the Mentawai Islands:) I'm rolling with 40 is the new 20 and hoping to find a bigbarrel in the near future


Surfdad 02-24-2011 11:21 AM

Epic backhand shack Bigbarrels! :cheers1:

I love to fish, but if the surf is firing i'm on it and I have 2 young groms so, surfdad just sounded right.

The Kid 02-24-2011 04:38 PM

I was the youngest to work at Turner's Outdoorsman in Kearny, started at 18. I was nicknamed Kid. After fishing all my life (literally) and becoming successful in the catching part of it and wanting some prestige settled on The Kid. Always will be too.

BrokeLoser 02-24-2011 05:10 PM

Umm, unfortunately I didn't have to get all that creative to come up with mine

MrPatrick 02-24-2011 10:32 PM

If you have to ask......... 

skunked 02-25-2011 05:15 PM

my username?
it's not because i smell... i don't think.


it's my fishing skillz!

Rusty 02-25-2011 08:49 PM

Rusty was my nickname since birth. The name must have jinxed me cause I'm a little Rusty (sloppy, goofy and out there) at times, especially on the water at night when I get that "light" buzz going so I can sleep with balloons out, in those arctic conditions we've had lately. I'm also called Russell, Russ, and Russell Andrew is reserved for when my wife is on my case.

Amish Ed 02-25-2011 10:09 PM

When I was a deckhand out of Dana Wharf I had a big goatee, a big lifeguard hat and smoked a pipe. Late for work one day and the captain asked if my horse died. After a few minutes of looking blankly at him, he asked if I was Amish. I'm glad that name stuck because I was also Edward Wristbands and Special Ed.

Zurc 02-26-2011 05:39 AM

I got mine form one of my Marines on my first Deployment on ship. Zurc = Cruz my last name backwards. simple enough:)

roadx 02-26-2011 07:09 AM

my nic started from offroad desert riding and racing district 38 races. plus it's also part of my surname. it kind of applied to fishing so i kept it. keeping my nic also helped me refind friends that now kayak fish on this board. it's a small world :cheers1:

ChefT 10-09-2011 05:28 PM

Chef T ....

My nick name of 15+ years is Tugboat...
My occupation is a Chef
And my given names is Travis.....

So it all just kinda works out....:sifone:


xpresso2am 10-09-2011 05:43 PM

I would drink espresso all day long and night even at 2am. I always had a cup of java or espresso on me

pchen911 10-09-2011 05:48 PM

pchen is for P. Chen

911 because I drove an ambulance for a living

ctfphoto 10-09-2011 05:55 PM

It is for my business name, ctfphoto.com

I am a high end professional nature photographer for more than 30 years, (check out my cute baby seal photos, ;) )

I bought the kayaks to have fun with the family and for photography.

THEN, I found out about Kayak Fishing, well I'm hooked :)

WahooUSMA 10-09-2011 07:21 PM

Shit...I don't even have a yak anymore and I still am addicted to this *&^%ing board!

Kailolo 10-09-2011 08:08 PM

I hope Kailolo means water- or ocean-crazy in Hawaiian! I was enamored with Hawaii after our first visit there many years ago. Got to order a new Hono wave decal for the yak.

CheapPelican 10-09-2011 10:09 PM

My first kayak was a Pelican Castaway. I bought it on the cheap and rigged it on the cheap. Now I could be called "CheapMalibu"

Drake 10-09-2011 10:38 PM

Its my last name :cool:

Monovasia 10-10-2011 05:52 AM

Moemvasia is a location in Greece on the Peloponnese where my family came from...on the ocean the area means "one way". I americanized it to Monovasia.

TEAMFISH 10-10-2011 07:56 AM

Simple, you know how you got "Team Yamaha", "Team Honda", "Team whatever.... I just used "Teamfish"

Riskey Water 10-10-2011 09:02 AM

Mine was an easy choice,My last name is Riskey and water is the place my soul belongs.Surfing ,freediving and kayak fishing .I have never hit the water for the sake of paddling ,the reward is catching fish .Living off the bounty of the ocean .Eat what you catch and feed those that don't !!! Long range kayaking is pure joy ,whether its off shore or covering coastline to the next camp site .Mi amore es la mares !!!

Hamachijohn 10-10-2011 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by ctfphoto (Post 97345)
It is for my business name, ctfphoto.com

Wow! I checked out the website and your work is awesome! I'm an amateur hobbyist but love the art, and it's nice to come across a photographer/yakker.

HamachiJohn. My name is John, and I love hamachi. It's a very boring name and my wife thinks it's lame and that I should change it. In La Jolla, it may be even more boring with the abundance of YT, but up here in norcal, it's a name to be remembered by...

Regor 03-20-2012 04:56 AM


A lot of new members. Always curious to hear of their username origins :)

speedydk 03-20-2012 05:30 AM

I used to drive way too fast even did some autocrossing back in the day. For alot of years sport bikes were a passion of mine. I wanted something descriptive of my personality and wanted to have some personal identification with out anouncing my whole name all the time so speedy with my initials became it. So many years ago... Its certainly not because of my paddling speed thats sort of ironic. :rolleyes:Darren

oneyedeer 03-20-2012 06:58 AM

Mine originated from the joke:

"What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer (No Idea) What do you call a deer without legs and no eyes? Still no eye deer ( Still no Idea)"

lots funnier when your drunk. So Back in my youngin days I always came up with get rich skims and it always failed. The name of my so called company was "oneyedeer" shorten from "one eye deer" because I believed all it takes to make is one idea. Lol many years later I found out you make money through hard work and a job. Well not that hard but a job is nice :)

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