Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   NPH Coast Gaurd Launch Fines! (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=33119)

ultimatejay 06-26-2018 04:03 PM

Good news, thank you!

TheBentRod 06-26-2018 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 294555)
I wish i had admin rights to close threads but not all of them though, just the ones that Frank is on

What do you have to say about Frank now Jorge?

DPevin 06-26-2018 05:17 PM

Sounds like some conflicting information...

blitzburgh 06-26-2018 05:29 PM

Jeezuss this better not be true. I will be contacting all of the avenues provided in this thread. :mad:

jorluivil 06-26-2018 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheBentRod (Post 294580)
What do you have to say about Frank now Jorge?

I'd still close it just because it's my buddy Frank:cheers:

makobob 06-26-2018 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Zed (Post 294533)
Remember dropping your kayak on a beach and paddling out? Doesnt seem that long ago.

Heck ZED, I think I will follow your dad to MEXICO where none of this shit is going on. BTW your dad won the halibut tournament again this year, with
GULP again on the neclear chicken. Tight lines amigo.

fourtogo 06-26-2018 06:18 PM

So what’s answer on this beach , can kayaks launch here . Will this no Dolly deal be a ticket issue .

TheBentRod 06-26-2018 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 294586)
I'd still close it just because it's my buddy Frank:cheers:


Zed 06-26-2018 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by fourtogo (Post 294572)
Zed you got to be kidding , in my boat at 5mph up to the CC area would take a hour easy .

Yeah sarcasm. I italiciZed only. When I was trying to read up on this I came across that stat. It seemed real low re a kayak for sure.

Zed 06-26-2018 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 294590)
Heck ZED, I think I will follow your dad to MEXICO where none of this shit is going on. BTW your dad won the halibut tournament again this year, with
GULP again on the neclear chicken. Tight lines amigo.

I heard! Glad you made it down.

Harry Hill 06-26-2018 09:56 PM

okay, I read it to mean we will not be fined to launch at the CC beach. Will the mess with us for using the walkway? I only get there a couple of times a year but I don't want to pay $500 for the right to fish there.

easyday 06-26-2018 10:15 PM

Wtf this is some crap. It’s public property!

stevie951 06-26-2018 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by wiredantz (Post 294594)
Should be business as usual...

City can not impose restrictions on county beaches.


Frank, never met you but thanks amigo por la persistencia! I wonder if any of us had any thing to do with that recent decision and comment.. time will tell, at this point at least we know not to bother with the hello and goodbye to the CG people and or the sphincter homeowners.. assholes lmao..:confused: :the_finger:

easyday 06-26-2018 10:21 PM

Looks like I’m going to have to go get myself a ticket and fight it in court!

stevie951 06-26-2018 11:07 PM

CG Beach NP Harbor
1 Attachment(s)
& if you don't know, now you know.. :the_finger:

fourtogo 06-27-2018 01:30 AM

So,how did this info get to this point .

DPevin 06-27-2018 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by wiredantz (Post 294578)

This is actually county enforced at that beach- it is a county beach and county tidelands. I called them this morning and they spoke with their leaders. They informed me that a sticker would be placed over the part of the sign that says no launching and they would not be issuing citations. This should rectify the issue for you.

There is no commission meeting that this was discussed at on a city level as this is a county issue.

If you have further questions, please feel free to give the county dispatch a call at 949-723-1002.

If you have city related questions, please feel free to give me a call directly 949-718-3429.

Thank You,

Jessica D. Allen
The City of Newport Beach
1600 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663
949-718-3429 | jdallen@newportbeachca.gov

Jessica Allen Work in the Harbor Division for the City of Newport

The only problem I see with this is that the sheriff is county law enforcement. And a previous post stated that the deputy said their new lieutenant was the one that wanted to enforce it. So sounds like county would be the ones enforcing it at that case.

But it sounds like she talked to the county and the decided to not enforce it? Maybe enough people called and complained about it.

Silbaugh4liberty 06-27-2018 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by easyday (Post 294605)
Looks like I’m going to have to go get myself a ticket and fight it in court!

If you do, let me know. I got some paperwork that you'll need to file before that court date. I've learned that you can say whatever you want in court and it doesn't have any teeth until you have your docs on the record. EVEN THEN, the shady ass fake judges (commissioners) try to IGNORE it. Crazy! Just proof that the courts (superior courts/kangarroo courts), are only for generating revenue to pay for the judges/cops/court employees. There's no money in prosecuting real criminals unfortunately.

On a POSITIVE note, I personally know (dinners and vacations with our families type know), the former DA at the federal courthouse in Santa Ana, and that's were the REAL justice happens. He's prosecuted MS13 gang members, and most recently a few corrupt politicians locally here in OC. So I still have little bit of faith in our system. It just needs to be heavily revised back to our Constitutional roots, meaning eliminating "Statutory/Commercial Crimes", which didn't exist prior to the last Reorganization of the United States (Corporation) 1938, after our second bankruptcy in this country.

NO VICTIM, NO CRIME!! <--- says the Supreme Court!!


WARRIORMIKE 06-27-2018 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by DPevin (Post 294609)
The only problem I see with this is that the sheriff is county law enforcement. And a previous post stated that the deputy said their new lieutenant was the one that wanted to enforce it. So sounds like county would be the ones enforcing it at that case.

But it sounds like she talked to the county and the decided to not enforce it? Maybe enough people called and complained about it.

So just to be clear. Are we, as a kayak community still able to launch at the Coast Guard Station?

wiredantz 06-27-2018 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by WARRIORMIKE (Post 294612)
So just to be clear. Are we, as a kayak community still able to launch at the Coast Guard Station?

Your asking for an answer that is definitive:

Here is the best answer I can give you.

Yes, you can launch and Yes you can get a ticket, until the signs are covered up is my personal opinion.

If they issue a citation, the law and proof is in our favor. I would just ask the officer to get in touch with his commanding officer just in case their is some miscommunication.

I don't put it past any of the resident(s) to pull down the stickers posted on the signs after they have been placed.

jruiz 06-27-2018 12:31 PM

So is Frank a hero or not?

Ljs089 06-27-2018 12:39 PM

I was at the launch all day yesterday 6/26/2018 a day that should have been enforced according to the guys posting on this topic.

I didn't see any warning signs, i see some Coasties when first parking and they saw me, nothing was said. I stayed until night time 8pm, no one was left at Newport harbor but me and a friend, we washed our kayaks and had multiple sheriffs pass us by all day and including when landing our kayaks and washing them, nothing was ever said.

So i don't really believe this topic, pictures or no proof. Otherwise it doesn't matter to me because i'm going to keep going unless there's a warning sign, there was none.

Ljs089 06-27-2018 03:36 PM

A friend of mine spoke to the Harbor Master today, apparently a sign was left out saying there will be a fine etc. etc. turns out the police, the harbor master, Coast Guards, nobody knows who put that sign up.

Anyways the sign has been taken down, if i was to guess it's either one of the people who live at that beach access, or another kayak fisherman being selfish as hell, seeing a lot more of new up and coming kayaks and they still want the spot exclusively like how it may have been years ago.

What are your guys's guesses?

Silbaugh4liberty 06-27-2018 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ljs089 (Post 294619)
A friend of mine spoke to the Harbor Master today, apparently a sign was left out saying there will be a fine etc. etc. turns out the police, the harbor master, Coast Guards, nobody knows who put that sign up.

Anyways the sign has been taken down, if i was to guess it's either one of the people who live at that beach access, or another kayak fisherman being selfish as hell, seeing a lot more of new up and coming kayaks and they still want the spot exclusively like how it may have been years ago.

What are your guys's guesses?

Nice! Nothing to worry about then! I've met a few guys at Kiddy beach the last couple times just fishing from the pier or jetty's and told them about the Coast Guard station for launching. I was feeling bad when I first saw the post (not wanting to give newbies bad advice or cause them to get a fine). I'm not worried either way, I was gonna launch regardless.

My money is on some tight ass who lives there did it. I doubt fishermen would go through those lengths to protect a spot. Thanks for the update!!:you_rock::cheers1::reeling:

Silbaugh4liberty 06-27-2018 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheBentRod (Post 294580)
What do you have to say about Frank now Jorge?

Is that Stan? Better watch out, I'm gonna bump into your kayak next time on the water!! LOL, JK

BTW, hopefully Rich left us some lings at that spot!! :cheers1:

fourtogo 06-27-2018 06:05 PM

That’s better , the place I walk my Dog >> part my Moms complex . Some jerk put sign up all official looking . Says this a area with West Nile misquotes keep out . The problem is with people aren’t wanting to share . Ether home owners or who ever .

Raskal311 06-27-2018 06:42 PM

Rich assholes putting out fake signs to drive people away is nothing new.

DPevin 06-28-2018 05:40 AM

My money would be more on the outrigger folks.

The homeowners don't make as much sense. We are parking in a parking lot for the most part, and it's not like we are making a ton of noise at 6 am.

Seems more likely to me that the outrigger folks don't like a few spots already taken up by the time they get there in the morning by those of us leaving early to fish. I typically hit it early and launch at 6 and will be back by 10 or so to get home to the family on weekends. The lot is always a mess when im loading my kayak back up.

This whole things is confusing though considering pretty detailed reports of people actually talking to sheriffs and city/county folks who acknowledged they were looking to hand out citations. Maybe that was the plan and when they got a little push back they are trying to play it off like they had nothing to do with it?

Either way...just keep launching.

TheBentRod 06-28-2018 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Silbaugh4liberty (Post 294621)
Is that Stan? Better watch out, I'm gonna bump into your kayak next time on the water!! LOL, JK

I thought with all of your yard sales I would not see you in my area again. And they are all gone. They have moved to the many other spots.

fourtogo 06-29-2018 01:50 AM

Launch site
My wife like to get lunch at Gary’s on PCH . So I thought what the heck . We drive down back side . So I can have a look for this signage . Walked out and looked around for the no kayak launching sign didn’t see any sign . Took the ferry across the bay . Had a look around on peninsula side LOTS OF NO THIS AND NO THAT signs everywhere. Seems like every street had NO HAND LAUNCH SIGN that met the bay . Such friendly place as long as you are part of the not part of the sign problem . But they do have stake out tie ups all over the bay kinda condictory .

nmeofun 06-30-2018 03:21 PM

Outrigger guys perhaps
I wouldn't put it past the outrigger guys. I sometimes launch at Lower Castaways Park (Dover / SR-1) when I take my kid out and only fish the harbor. When they opened that park, they put a porta-potty at both ends of the park (one right near the launch). Last summer they "Newport Outrigger Club" moved all their boats and gear to the south end of the park next to the launch. They coned off their gear and put a padlock on the porta-potty. The first time it happened my buddy, a retired NBPD cop, called the Park Patrol and got him to cut the lock. Park Patrol said they club lost there space on the other side of the harbor near Southwind, so the city gave them the park space to park their crap. Couple of weeks later, lock was back on the porta-potty. Park Patrol was called and he said he was told not to cut the lock. M buddy pitched a pretty good bitch about it and ultimately the porta-potty was removed which left just one on the opposite side of the park; unlocked. My point, I think, is that some of these outrigger folks appear to have some juice with someone at the city (Park Patrol denied my request to store my RV next to the outriggers). It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they tried to pull shenanigans with a sign followed by demands to enforce it.

fourtogo 06-30-2018 05:52 PM

I park on the street roll my kayak to beach . I usually fish by my self , actually only run in to another kayaker fisherman once and paddler one other time . I don’t want have just skip on down the Coast too fish South Bay .

jbl_91762 07-01-2018 07:12 AM

Launched no signs no problems 6/30. I am starting to agree with some that its probably the snooty riggers. Very few say hi or acknowledge you with a simple hello or smile. wait then again there are some kayak fisherman that are the same. LMAO. But oh well at least its safe to park there.

Raskal311 07-01-2018 09:46 AM

It could also be the stations employees, I had a run in with one of them not long ago. Hr yelled at me for driving pass the public parking area to unload my kayak next to the gate to the beach. Seemed like he had issues with kayakers and he took the opertunity and took it out on me.

jbl_91762 07-01-2018 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Raskal311 (Post 294725)
It could also be the stations employees, I had a run in with one of them not long ago. Hr yelled at me for driving pass the public parking area to unload my kayak next to the gate to the beach. Seemed like he had issues with kayakers and he took the opertunity and took it out on me.

For that issue I cant argue as they have a sign clearly posted in the middle of entry to their station employees only yet I see fishing kayaks do it often. I think if people continue to do it, you maybe right and they will close it off or just start fining people.

Raskal311 07-01-2018 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by jbl_91762 (Post 294733)
For that issue I cant argue as they have a sign clearly posted in the middle of entry to their station employees only yet I see fishing kayaks do it often. I think if people continue to do it, you maybe right and they will close it off or just start fining people.

I have asked before and was told it was ok to unload there. I've even had fish and game (who probably didn't have the authority) tell me I could drive to the restroom to drop off.

DPevin 07-03-2018 12:11 PM

yeah...it says you cant drive past that sign, but there is a loading and unloaded area painted on the ground...from what I understand you can load and unload but can park or leave your car outside that loading zone for an extended period of time.

fourtogo 07-04-2018 01:49 AM

Loading unloaded It’s painted on ground right in front of the gate . Let’s stay on even keel with these folks . We are guests we are not home owners w don’t work there ether . I personally like going here , and wouldn’t like too get the boot . Because of as little beef or dented ego .

Silbaugh4liberty 07-05-2018 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheBentRod (Post 294659)
I thought with all of your yard sales I would not see you in my area again. And they are all gone. They have moved to the many other spots.

Yard sales? I'm not Stevie!! Ok, ok, I got jacked up on that last launch up there, but I only lost my hat! :doh:

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