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lambadmin 11-10-2016 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by YakDout (Post 271676)
Come on dudes, lets keep this a FISHING forum. The one thing we all agree on.

Nicely said.

This is not a place to discuss politics, or advertise your views.
We don't care; we all have our own.

There is a reason the vote in this country is secret. That is so people are not singled out for their political differences. Please don't use the fishing forum to try to rally your own base - there is plenty of other places on the Net to do that.

The thread will only stay if you can keep it civil.

PapaDave 11-10-2016 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by cabojohn (Post 271642)
WRONG, I think its a great day to be an AMERICAN.

Drain that swamp already!

America has been dying and on life support.
The past 8 years have been a shit show under Obama. Wasn't good under Bush either...
The country now has a pulse...and is expected to make a full and strong recovery....

I couldn't agree more and hope Mr. T can deliver.

And seriously peep's, do you really think he can do the things you say you are frightened of? Seriously?

There are three branches to the government, each with it's own set of rules by which something is approved. This was setup to mitigate any one person from doing the things y'all are 'afraid' Mr.T will do.

ful-rac 11-10-2016 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by PapaDave (Post 271711)
I couldn't agree more and hope Mr. T can deliver.

And seriously peep's, do you really think he can do the things you say you are frightened of? Seriously?

There are three branches to the government, each with it's own set of rules by which something is approved. This was setup to mitigate any one person from doing the things y'all are 'afraid' Mr.T will do.


You mean...

Rocketfish 11-10-2016 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 271677)
If I recall it was the assassinated president Kennedy who said that.
A Democrat.

Sending trump to run a country is like having a laborer do brain surgery, because all of the surgeries have been done by medically trained staff.

Now lets see if the laborer can do a better job.

He never showed his tax returns. He had bankruptcies and he took advantage of small business.

He molested women, insulted everyone, his wife worked illegally, so on and so far.

Lets agree that we disagree, but don't use the love it or leave it bullshit.

Well said Mahigeer. I am saddened by the outcome of this election (once again, the electoral college doesn't represent the majority), but it is what it is - the country has spoken. We will see what happens in the next 4 years.

It's a shame, in my opinion, that voters overlooked all those things you mentioned above for the sake of change. While I understand that people think our system is "broken" or what not, to elect someone who is blatantly evil as outlined above, makes me very sad. There is no excuse for his behavior and bullying. NOT from someone presidential. Let's see how far his supposed business sense can take this country. If it turns out for the better, then good for the country. If not, then I hope those who voted for him will realize what they've contributed to.

makobob 11-10-2016 08:58 AM

ELECTION is OVER, let's all go fishing!!!! Leaving Fri/Sat for Baja for a few dats, Tight Lines.

MrPatrick 11-10-2016 10:41 AM


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Mr. NiceGuy 11-10-2016 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by socal.beach.bum (Post 271649)
One party control over all 3 branches is not a good thing for the country.

Do you mean like the past 8 years? Past 26 years?

Just curious.

Murray 11-10-2016 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by MrPatrick (Post 271719)

That's funny!:luxhello:

Sdspeed 11-10-2016 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by MrPatrick (Post 271719)

Just an observation. I've worked as a volunteer for a Suicide Hotline since I retired years ago.We talk to way to many Vets. I wasn't suppose to work on Tuesday but was called in just before midnight and worked a 12 hour shift. Our supervisor checked the logs and only more calls were handled after 911.

The fear is real! Respect everyone's opinion and feel blessed we live where we can voice those opinions. The USA will survive.

Get on the Water!
Tight Lines!

ceruleandrms 11-10-2016 04:06 PM


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Silbaugh4liberty 11-10-2016 06:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by socal.beach.bum (Post 271649)
One party control over all 3 branches is not a good thing for the country. History has already proven that over and over. Go back and open up your history books.

So no it is NOT a good day to be an American.

I'm with you Alex, you hit the nail on the head. We can thank the one party control to Bush (he gave Executive branch more power over the Judicial, and legislative via the Patriot Act). However, Obama passed the NDAA which is far worse for our freedom. I'm not sure what to think about Trump, but on a good note he selected a "climate denier" to head the EPA. On the other hand, he picked a Goldman Sachs banker for the treasury, same kind of musical chairs Clinton did when he repealed Glassel and Steagal, and create Citigroup, which resulted in the largest Real estate bubble under Bush. Either way, damn glad that psychopathic, murdering, lying piece of crap didn't get elected. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2016...65b275ec7f.jpgAttachment 20385

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Silbaugh4liberty 11-10-2016 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by ceruleandrms (Post 271735)

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Nice! Me too!! No, actually I voted for God, because this country sure needs some prayers

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summers in kuwait 11-10-2016 08:06 PM

What's a yellowtail tuna?

Silbaugh4liberty 11-10-2016 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by summers in kuwait (Post 271745)
What's a yellowtail tuna?

A joke on Bloody Decks that apparently doesn't get old!

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Fishin Phil 11-11-2016 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by summers in kuwait (Post 271745)
What's a yellowtail tuna?

It's when a Yellowtail and a Tuna get together and...............
I am a veteran and I am going fishing on Veterans day.

Life is good if you just look at the blessings you have .

Oh yeah, I voted for the lesser of the two evils and I am feeling good.:reeling:

Silbaugh4liberty 11-11-2016 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fishin Phil (Post 271749)
It's when a Yellowtail and a Tuna get together and...............
I am a veteran and I am going fishing on Veterans day.

Life is good if you just look at the blessings you have .

Oh yeah, I voted for the lesser of the two evils and I am feeling good.:reeling:

Happy Veterans Day Phil! Yesterday was the Marine Corps Birthday (241), and today is veterans day and I unfortunately have to work both days[emoji38]. The kids are off school, so I'll be working from home at least.

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Mahigeer 11-11-2016 06:58 AM

You want to talk about killing?
Republican war happy cabinet fed bunch of lies to American people and caused the killing of many American soldiers and Iraqi civilians.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

By the way it is pronounced---E-rock and not eye-rack.

They knew what Saddam had, because they gave the weapons (including mustard gas) to Saddam to fight Iran. They knew there was no WMD.

Reagan negotiated with mullahs to make sure they keep the hostages (6) months longer, so he can win the presidency.
Remember Iran-Contra affair?
Why do you think the plane carrying hostages left Tehran airport while the Alzheimer riddled president was being sworn in?

Time to lock this thread, since the posts are getting too ridiculous, and nobody is changing their minds about the events.

Silbaugh4liberty 11-11-2016 07:10 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 271758)
You want to talk about killing?
Republican war happy cabinet fed bunch of lies to American people and caused the killing of many American soldiers and Iraqi civilians.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

By the way it is pronounced---E-rock and not eye-rack.

They knew what Saddam had, because they gave the weapons (including mustard gas) to Saddam to fight Iran. They knew there was no WMD.

Reagan negotiated with mullahs to make sure they keep the hostages (6) months longer, so he can win the presidency.
Remember Iran-Contra affair?
Why do you think the plane carrying hostages left Tehran airport while the Alzheimer riddled president was being sworn in?

Time to lock this thread, since the posts are getting too ridiculous, and nobody is changing their minds about the events.

Yup, agreed 100% #iraqveteransagainstthewar.

Keep in mind, Clinton was trying to go to war with Iraq since 1998, and it wasn't until after 9/11, that Bush was finally able to get Congress approval. And Obama bombed more countries than Bush ever did.

The way I see it, there's no Republican vs Democrats. It's the Elite vs "We the People". They're all on the same side, and just dupe us into this whole left vs right crap.

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taggermike 11-11-2016 08:11 AM

Most of the students in my daughter's school are Hispanic. Most are frightened with groups of students crying in the halls. Well done America.

cabojohn 11-11-2016 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 271758)
You want to talk about killing?
Republican war happy cabinet fed bunch of lies to American people and caused the killing of many American soldiers and Iraqi civilians.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

By the way it is pronounced---E-rock and not eye-rack.

They knew what Saddam had, because they gave the weapons (including mustard gas) to Saddam to fight Iran. They knew there was no WMD.

Reagan negotiated with mullahs to make sure they keep the hostages (6) months longer, so he can win the presidency.
Remember Iran-Contra affair?
Why do you think the plane carrying hostages left Tehran airport while the Alzheimer riddled president was being sworn in?

Time to lock this thread, since the posts are getting too ridiculous, and nobody is changing their minds about the events.

Such a wealth of information...why are you so poor?
All I hear is blah blah blah.
Get Bent.:reeling:


Mahigeer 11-11-2016 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by cabojohn (Post 271767)
Such a wealth of information...why are you so poor?
All I hear is blah blah blah.
Get Bent.:reeling:


Very classy post. So typical.

Not worth my time to respond to these type of posts.

I am going fishing.

jorluivil 11-11-2016 10:13 AM

An illegal immigrant that is scared of being deported is like a criminal that is scared of being thrown in jail

makobob 11-11-2016 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 271781)
An illegal immigrant that is scared of being deported is like a criminal that is scared of being thrown in jail

OR a Veteran afraid of not getting the health care he EARNED!!!!!!!!!!Is it FAIR? A politition gets Health care and a retirement, WHY should not a VETERAN recieve the EXACT health care and RETIREMENT as a politition? At least WE put our lives on the line.

bolocop 11-11-2016 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Silbaugh4liberty (Post 271759)

The way I see it, there's no Republican vs Democrats. It's the Elite vs "We the People". They're all on the same side, and just dupe us into this whole left vs right crap.

Well said, Dude! But folks get so indoctrinated into Build the Wall, Drain the Swamp, Deportation Forces, Lock her up!

The dupe part of it as you mention is that like an ASB President at your high school, most of the campaign promises will never materialize.

I'm still waiting for my free daily ice cream from the cafeteria and I suspect many of you will be waiting a long time for that Wall. BTW, what's the deal with the Wall? Don't folks tunnel under these days?

Silbaugh4liberty 11-11-2016 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bolocop (Post 271786)
Well said, Dude! But folks get so indoctrinated into Build the Wall, Drain the Swamp, Deportation Forces, Lock her up!

The dupe part of it as you mention is that like an ASB President at your high school, most of the campaign promises will never materialize.

I'm still waiting for my free daily ice cream from the cafeteria and I suspect many of you will be waiting a long time for that Wall. BTW, what's the deal with the Wall? Don't folks tunnel under these days?

No kidding!

Here's my ballotAttachment 20407

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bolocop 11-11-2016 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by taggermike (Post 271760)
Most of the students in my daughter's school are Hispanic. Most are frightened with groups of students crying in the halls. Well done America.

You've said a lot about yourself in a few sentences.

Since your daughter goes to school with mostly Hispanics, you must be working class, or let's face it, your daughter wouldn't be going to that school.

You feel the America of your Grandparents is slowing disappearing.

But from what you have posted, your flashpoint is probably the return of jobs from Mexico, China, etc... Why does your daughter go to school with Hispanics? Is it her fault? No, it's yours because your income doesn't qualify you to live in areas where Hispanics aren't prevalent. So you voted for an Elite Billionaire who is all of a sudden going to bring jobs back? But how will you qualify for the high-paying jobs, you can't get them now, how will you get them when Trump takes over? I get it, you want to put iPhones together for min wage! But then you're back to going to school with Hispanics.

It sounds like you want a hand out and to tip the scales back in your favor without doing any work. You must be a liberal!

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