Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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the dude 03-14-2016 07:59 AM

Oh the outrage! So much drama on this board...

nickc5 03-14-2016 08:35 AM


Silbaugh4liberty 03-14-2016 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255847)

X2! :iagree:

Anyone here telling the DFG on this dude, should be kicked in the balls....... REALLY HARD!

We ought to be educating and taking care of our own, not being some b*#@h a$$ snitch.

nickc5 03-14-2016 11:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Silbaugh4liberty (Post 255862)
X2! :iagree:

Anyone here telling the DFG on this dude, should be kicked in the balls....... REALLY HARD!

We ought to be educating and taking care of our own, not being some b*#@h a$$ snitch.

I heard that. It gets ridiculous on these boards. Silbaugh, we gotta get out man....


Had myself a good weekend. There's another tourney in 2 weeks.... $$$ to be made. Won over $1400 the past 2 tournys.

sculpins4bait 03-14-2016 02:40 PM

nice bow wheres that looks like ez money

jorluivil 03-14-2016 03:38 PM

Guys talking shi*t about guys that talk sh*t about a guy that didn't catch a fish................weird

StinkyMatt 03-14-2016 03:58 PM

All the fishermen that have not made a mistake on the water please stand up.


Yup, nobody is standing up.

The sport of fishing inCalifornia is under a lot of pressure.

If you guys continue to tear each other down like this, imagine how little work the "seal lady" tree hugger and save the ocean groups have to do.

There is a polite way to tell someone that they made a mistake, you don't have to become an assh$&@ in order to give advice.

No charge. :D

....and that ain't no rainbow trout..........that's a mutated SARL mutant cancer creature.

nickc5 03-14-2016 04:29 PM

Haha. SARL at its finest. I didn't say I ate it, but cashed in. Another tourney in 2 weeks. The CA state recorded is apparently in the lake as we speak.

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Silbaugh4liberty 03-14-2016 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255863)
I heard that. It gets ridiculous on these boards. Silbaugh, we gotta get out man....


Had myself a good weekend. There's another tourney in 2 weeks.... $$$ to be made. Won over $1400 the past 2 tournys.

DAMNNN!!! IS that a Rainbow Sea Bass??? That thing is huge. Great job on the tournys! I'm down, just let me know when you're heading out. It's been a WHILE since the last time I've seen you out on the water. I think the last time I've seen you, you were heading straight out for tuna!! Sat/Sun are the days I can fish, hit me up.

domtesta27 03-14-2016 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255906)
Haha. SARL at its finest. I didn't say I ate it, but cashed in. Another tourney in 2 weeks. The CA state recorded is apparently in the lake as we speak.

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Wait so you killed the fish but didn't eat it? Just chucked it in the trash? That just made my stomach drop. This is why I haven't gone to the Santa Anna River Lakes or any of the other stocker lakes here in socal. I couldn't imagine landing my first 10lb + rainbow knowing it came out of a hatchery the day before, eating pellets. it just doesn't count.

Neither would a state record coming out of those ponds. This is like catching a state record WSB out of the breeding pens and calling it a record.....

jorluivil 03-14-2016 04:59 PM


jorluivil 03-14-2016 04:59 PM


jorluivil 03-14-2016 05:00 PM


YakDout 03-14-2016 05:07 PM


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nickc5 03-14-2016 05:15 PM

lol. I gave it away guy.

Also, majority (key word here) of the trout you will catch ANYWHERE, are farm raised trout. Granted there are wild trout that can be caught. Unless you go to Alaska, like myself from the tourney I won last year at SARL, you'll have a chance at landing some wild ones.

So what were you saying? I'm saying I'm $1400 richer in the past 2 weeks from fishing and won a trip to Alaska along with $1k, and 3 fishing pole setups.

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nickc5 03-14-2016 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Silbaugh4liberty (Post 255908)
DAMNNN!!! IS that a Rainbow Sea Bass??? That thing is huge. Great job on the tournys! I'm down, just let me know when you're heading out. It's been a WHILE since the last time I've seen you out on the water. I think the last time I've seen you, you were heading straight out for tuna!! Sat/Sun are the days I can fish, hit me up.

It's been a while.. But getting out soon man. Been real busy.

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nickc5 03-14-2016 05:20 PM


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Geno Machino 03-14-2016 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255863)
I heard that. It gets ridiculous on these boards. Silbaugh, we gotta get out man....


Had myself a good weekend. There's another tourney in 2 weeks.... $$$ to be made. Won over $1400 the past 2 tournys.


Nice fish...whatcha catch it on?


nickc5 03-14-2016 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Geno Machino (Post 255921)

Nice fish...whatcha catch it on?


Thanks, Geno. Minnow Jig. Jiggin has been ridiculous if you can find the right color that's working that day. My only fish of the day.

Hope all is well.

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katchfish 03-14-2016 05:49 PM


That ca$h looks real, congrats.

How much would this one be worth?:D


nickc5 03-14-2016 05:59 PM

That's a beauty. Reminds me of the trout I use to catch in the Arkansas River back in college. The experience is priceless 😉

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nickc5 03-14-2016 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by katchfish (Post 255923)

That ca$h looks real, congrats.

How much would this one be worth?:D


That's a beauty. Reminds me of the trout I use to catch in the Arkansas River back in college. The experience is priceless 😉

Like the username. My bro has an Instagram @teamkatchafish

Check us out

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ghotion 03-14-2016 06:19 PM

Most of you have probably noticed I don't post hardly at all (ever). This has me a little ticked off. Three or four years ago there was post of some idiot posing with a small BSB that he had caught surf fishing. He had a big shit eating grin on his face, was wearing only swim trunks and had no fishing license visible, probably a poacher. Thing is, that post was gone in two days. Why is this one still so visible?

domtesta27 03-14-2016 06:25 PM

As much as I would like to educate you on the difference between the stocking of trout in natural habitat to help bolster wild stock and planting of full grown fish into water that's gonna kill em anyways after a couple weeks just so you can pay to catch em, I doubt you'd get it. And you can go to just about any state in the country and catch Wild trout that breed naturally in the rivers and lakes. It's not about money and fame guy.

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fishing md 03-14-2016 06:33 PM

The flyfishing community wouldn't act this way....:D:D:D
Shame on you guys!!!!!!

2-Stix 03-14-2016 07:32 PM

that rainbow is disgusting. looks like a swamp dog. it was raped in a pond eating pellets for years.

lets see...power bait? worm? velveta? salmon eggs?

Dom...post a proper fish caught flyfishing in freezing conditions that was released...oh and caught on a barbless hook.

sorry, this is my hot button...i should not be posting this.

2-Stix 03-14-2016 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255917)
lol. I gave it away guy.

Also, majority (key word here) of the trout you will catch ANYWHERE, are farm raised trout. Granted there are wild trout that can be caught. Unless you go to Alaska, like myself from the tourney I won last year at SARL, you'll have a chance at landing some wild ones.

So what were you saying? I'm saying I'm $1400 richer in the past 2 weeks from fishing and won a trip to Alaska along with $1k, and 3 fishing pole setups.

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None of the fish i catch in the backcountry are farmed raised. Your really out of the loop here. I catch wild trout 30 mins from my home in Ventura...for the last 30 years. I have backpacked 20 miles in the windriver range in the heart of wyoming for rare wild trout. theres wild trout all over. native, non stocked or farm raised. i have caught 100's of land locked steelhead.

Zed 03-14-2016 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by katchfish (Post 255923)
How much would this one be worth?:D


Gold Ken GOLD. As a rule, I try and fish for only nonGMO trout.

nickc5 03-14-2016 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by 2-Stix (Post 255941)
None of the fish i catch in the backcountry are farmed raised. Your really out of the loop here. I catch wild trout 30 mins from my home in Ventura...for the last 30 years. I have backpacked 20 miles in the windriver range in the heart of wyoming for rare wild trout. theres wild trout all over. native, non stocked or farm raised. i have caught 100's of land locked steelhead.

I agree with u and I've experienced that as well. I'm def not out of the loop. Haha I'll be out at my cabin in Utah this summer doing that in my backyard. It's funny how offended people get.

Story is,

I caught a big f****** farm raised, gmo, steroid ass trout and won some Money doing So.


Sweet dreams drama queens

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2-Stix 03-14-2016 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by nickc5 (Post 255945)
I agree with u and I've experienced that as well. I'm def not out of the loop. Haha I'll be out at my cabin in Utah this summer doing that in my backyard. It's funny how offended people get.

Story is,

I caught a big f****** farm raised, gmo, steroid ass trout and won some Money doing So.


Sweet dreams drama queens

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Where in Utah? I have pulled lots of big fish out of that state...mostly Flaming Gorge, below the dam. great tail water fishery.

nickc5 03-14-2016 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by 2-Stix (Post 255946)
Where in Utah? I have pulled lots of big fish out of that state...mostly Flaming Gorge.

The cabin is on mammoth creek near lake Panguitch/duck Creek Village. Family cabin. Can't wait for the weather to cool down.

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domtesta27 03-14-2016 08:05 PM

Fish ID?
Native lahontan cutthroat, you gotta put in the work for these......


No power bait allowed.....

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Pinhead 03-14-2016 11:02 PM

*Steroid-Ass trout ???? Oay vay.

We went from baby BSB, to $1400 gluton free gender confused freshwater fish on this thread......Hey Mo, I'm a Victim of Soicumstance......

....and was this steroid trout caught on a kayak ? ....I call BS.

Awesome job on the Cutty for real......hats off.

f'nsabiki 03-14-2016 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by f'nsabiki (Post 255737)
OP--I would delete this post if I were you.

Like I said----No good was ever going to come from this post.

Saba Slayer 03-15-2016 07:06 AM

fish id
Vikingj...if you're at the Fred Hall Show in Del Mar...come by the Turners booth...I'll be selling AHI/Promar products.
I've got some DFG Fish ID booklets and I'll give you one. The artwork is great (a lot of A. Bachar images) and it may keep you from making an expensive mistake.

Dan 03-15-2016 09:15 AM

what a frickin mess

RK 03-15-2016 02:39 PM

1st Like

knightnsd 03-16-2016 02:40 PM

all these responses and no one asked this?
All I want to know is how it tasted? Do the small ones taste any better than the big BSB's? I think that "looks like Mexico in the background of the photo", tell the DFG to pound sand.



I used to think the DFG officers were there to protect the resources we all enjoy but between hunting and fishing, it seems they are often looking for a violation. In general, contact with them in the field or on the water just makes you think what might I have done wrong? I feel like my hunting and fishing fees are like taxes, paying for more government pricks to make more laws that they can eventually fine one of us for accidental violation of. I think I need an attorney prior to taking a fish or shooting something these days to ok the shot first, check the area, the season, the sex, can I use a dog on this hunt, can I bait pigs(illegal in California despite them being a nuisance), can I use lead ammo in this area, can I use a barbed hook, how deep can I fish, where can I fish, it a bureaucracy of laws, sub-laws and regulations that is a net to snare one of us even as we attempt to stay on top of the take-laws. Try asking a DFG agent what you can do about seals and sea lions, one said I could use a non-lethal deterrent but another told me I could not harass them as they are a protected sea mammal so a paint ball gun might be an offense. The following site cant even answer the question regarding seals and sea lions.

http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa....ce_methods.pdf )

Everyone here has heard various take-laws on the water from a friend or had a friend miss-id a fish or a buddy that shot a wood-duck or other out of season by a day or two. If the water warms up again we will have to be very diligent on take-laws that may change mid-season or on some odd-fish that ends up here.

Silbaugh4liberty 03-16-2016 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by knightnsd (Post 256063)
All I want to know is how it tasted? Do the small ones taste any better than the big BSB's? I think that "looks like Mexico in the background of the photo", tell the DFG to pound sand.



I used to think the DFG officers were there to protect the resources we all enjoy but between hunting and fishing, it seems they are often looking for a violation. In general, contact with them in the field or on the water just makes you think what might I have done wrong? I feel like my hunting and fishing fees are like taxes, paying for more government pricks to make more laws that they can eventually fine one of us for accidental violation of. I think I need an attorney prior to taking a fish or shooting something these days to ok the shot first, check the area, the season, the sex, can I use a dog on this hunt, can I bait pigs(illegal in California despite them being a nuisance), can I use lead ammo in this area, can I use a barbed hook, how deep can I fish, where can I fish, it a bureaucracy of laws, sub-laws and regulations that is a net to snare one of us even as we attempt to stay on top of the take-laws. Try asking a DFG agent what you can do about seals and sea lions, one said I could use a non-lethal deterrent but another told me I could not harass them as they are a protected sea mammal so a paint ball gun might be an offense. The following site cant even answer the question regarding seals and sea lions.

http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa....ce_methods.pdf )

Everyone here has heard various take-laws on the water from a friend or had a friend miss-id a fish or a buddy that shot a wood-duck or other out of season by a day or two. If the water warms up again we will have to be very diligent on take-laws that may change mid-season or on some odd-fish that ends up here.

HAHA!! Love the way you think! Looks yummy. You're right, peace officers (cops), DFG, CHP, etc. only care about one thing, CONVICTIONS, because it pays their salary. Plain and simple. Sure a few might have the right intentions when they first join, but with the labor unions, it all goes to shit quick fast and in a hurry. Ever wonder why there's no REAL victim? It's the Judge(commissioner), Prosecution and the cop all ganged up against the defendant (YOU), and they ask you if you're going to waive your constitutional rights in order to enter a plea whether its guilty or not guilty. Why is that? Why do you need to waive your Constitutional rights? Because it's statutory law (contract law) which doesn't have jurisdiction within the confines of the Constitution (civil law). They never have "Corpus Delecti" (which is the injured party, either physically or monetarily), they just have the lame ass claim that you injured the "People of the State of California", which is complete B.S.

RK 03-17-2016 03:21 PM


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