Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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makobob 12-04-2015 02:55 PM

Depending on dates I would be up for that.

greenscales 12-04-2015 09:16 PM

"Bough heart issues was getting thorough the kelp at the launch, but El Niño should limit that the year". Was supposed to be 'But the hard part was....' Typing while buzzed is always dangerous.

The 4th of July falls on a Monday - so allows a 3-4 day trip easily to either Santo Tomas (coastal kelp and rocks w/ Lings, WSB, Cabezon, etc.) - beautiful but far from town, you do not leave until you are ready to go home. Or Punta Baja (big bay and open water reef w/almost no sportfishing pressure), close to El Socorro, San Quintin, and Catavina Desert. Determine which location 3 months prior based upon El Nino, erc.

rossman 12-05-2015 01:18 AM

I might be interested in hooking up with a group at Punta Baja. Spent the night there on the way down to Asuncion last thanksgiving. Camped by some abandoned buildings out on the point. Good looking area. How many rooms are available there?

Deamon 12-05-2015 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by rossman (Post 248688)
I might be interested in hooking up with a group at Punta Baja. Spent the night there on the way down to Asuncion last thanksgiving. Camped by some abandoned buildings out on the point. Good looking area. How many rooms are available there?

Punta Baja! Let's go!


greenscales 12-05-2015 04:17 PM

Rooms in PB
1 Large Room downstairs w/2beds and a couch - which I have passed out on working on my gear - so 3 people in there. I think 5 single rooms upstairs. Do not if they rent any of the other places down there. I've seen tent and small RVs there at times as well. Santo Tomas has houses and the like for rent and some excellent camping spots. All have standard off and on working toilets.

Mahigeer 12-06-2015 06:21 AM

Where exactly is this place?

Google Map shows several places.

rossman 12-06-2015 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 248724)
Where exactly is this place?

Google Map shows several places.

First big point south of El Rosario

Mahigeer 12-06-2015 07:49 AM

Found it. Thanks.

It looks like halfway to same latitude of Cedros Island.
I have fished the place called Bahia Santa Rosalillita, which across from the Cedros Island.
There is a small motel there, though I slept in a truck most nights.

If interested, I can provide a link to a report that I posted about that trip.

rossman 12-06-2015 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 248730)
Found it. Thanks.

It looks like halfway to same latitude of Cedros Island.
I have fished the place called Bahia Santa Rosalillita, which across from the Cedros Island.
There is a small motel there, though I slept in a truck most nights.

If interested, I can provide a link to a report that I posted about that trip.

I spent a few days there a few months ago. Very nice fishery. The bay used to be a fabulous place for halibut but the Comercial guys really put a hurt on them. Very few decent one left in the Area. I understand that the hotel is booked as far as you can see with construction guys as they are building a huge aquaculture facility just north of town. Plenty of camping areas. Hope it fairs better than the big beautiful walled in Harbor that they built that filled in with blowing sand before it was even finished.

greenscales 12-07-2015 02:26 AM

If one of the Spanish speakers wants - PM me and I will get you Chuy's phone # in Punta Baja

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mahigeer 12-07-2015 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by rossman (Post 248733)
I spent a few days there a few months ago. Very nice fishery. The bay used to be a fabulous place for halibut but the Comercial guys really put a hurt on them. Very few decent one left in the Area. I understand that the hotel is booked as far as you can see with construction guys as they are building a huge aquaculture facility just north of town. Plenty of camping areas. Hope it fairs better than the big beautiful walled in Harbor that they built that filled in with blowing sand before it was even finished.

We did not try for halibut, but caught a lot of yellowtails as well as other fish.

I think the idea of harbor was to have the big boats come in and then go on land to Bahia the Los Angeles. A shortcut if you will from Pacific to Sea of Cortez.

Like you said the sand became an issue, but I heard it was from the sea washing into the harbor.

rossman 12-07-2015 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 248779)
We did not try for halibut, but caught a lot of yellowtails as well as other fish.

I think the idea of harbor was to have the big boats come in and then go on land to Bahia the Los Angeles. A shortcut if you will from Pacific to Sea of Cortez.

Like you said the sand became an issue, but I heard it was from the sea washing into the harbor.

That was certainly the plan for the harbor. There seemed to be a real lack of planning on the project. First and foremost was marketing research. How many of these larger boats go by there in a months time and then how many of them would like to take a shortcut to the SOC. I would think that a very high percentage were just going to Cabo. They built and abandoned some state of the art infrastructure with cranes and hoists etc. Not to mention the road off from Highway 1. The widest road in Baja, maybe all of Mexico. I kept looking in my mirrors thinking a commercial airliner might be landing behind me

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

ful-rac 12-07-2015 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by greenscales (Post 248769)
If one of the Spanish speakers wants - PM me and I will get you Chuy's phone # in Punta Baja

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Es Mi Carnal!!!

greenscales 12-10-2015 11:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 17671
Rossman's pic of my YT

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

rossman 01-15-2016 03:42 AM

The exchange rate on pesos to dollars broke through the 18 peso mark today. For those of you who that are taking some trips to Baja I just wanted to give a couple suggestions on taking advantage of these rates. First of all I would suggest that you shop around for the best exchange rate use pesos wherever you can. At least in my area I have not seen any significant price changes as a result of the weak peso but there really doesn't seem to be any consistantcy in what a retailer or service provider uses as the exchange rate. It could be 14.5 or could be 17.5. You won't know unless you ask and once you know they are not apt to change it just because you tell them it should be different. Fuel and lodging are going to be your big ticket items. Mexico lowered it's maximum fuel price by 3 percent on January 1st but again you are at there mercy when it comes to the exchange rate. Some places will have it posted, some will not. The Pemex station in Asuncion is at 17 but the Pemex in Gonzaga was at 15 over Christmas. You can now shop for lower fuel prices because Pemex stations can charge what they want without exceeding the maximum but if you at their mercy on the exchange rate, any savings could dissappear if you use dollars. So shop for your pesos and use them wherever you can.

Mahigeer 01-15-2016 07:22 AM

Good tip.

I bought Pesos when I was coming in October. I paid $7.50 for shipping fee to B&A.
I did not needed them, since Bob drove (he accepted Dollars for my part of gas cost) and only other expense was dinner at the restaurant. I paid in Dollars there too, since me and Paul were sharing the cost. It was easier to figure out.

I saw everyone accepted Dollars, so when I got back I sold them. Yet again another fee. Who knows how much it cost me by buying and selling.

Then I decided to make the New Year's Eve trip. This time I drove and paid for gas, some stuff and food. I wish I had kept the Pesos.

Oh well, when one travels, one cannot think of nickel and dime stuff.

But every penny also counts.

rossman 01-15-2016 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 251366)
Good tip.

I bought Pesos when I was coming in October. I paid $7.50 for shipping fee to B&A.
I did not needed them, since Bob drove (he accepted Dollars for my part of gas cost) and only other expense was dinner at the restaurant. I paid in Dollars there too, since me and Paul were sharing the cost. It was easier to figure out.

I saw everyone accepted Dollars, so when I got back I sold them. Yet again another fee. Who knows how much it cost me by buying and selling.

Then I decided to make the New Year's Eve trip. This time I drove and paid for gas, some stuff and food. I wish I had kept the Pesos.

Oh well, when one travels, one cannot think of nickel and dime stuff.

But every penny also counts.

In Baja Norte most everyone takes the dollar. Just a small example. I stayed at Campo Beluga for 3 nights on my Christmas trip. He charges 25 dollars a night for his little enclosed cabanas. Since I only had pesos it was 400 pesos per night. I got my pesos from the atm at the 17.5 rate so my cost was around 23 bucks a night. 3 nights and I saved 6 bucks. That's a 6 pack of Pacifico

makobob 01-22-2016 02:05 PM


On this last trip there were TWO accidents. First, watch where YOU put your hand. Please not on top of a live SCULPIN. Second, AGAIN watch where you put your hand. Please not in a dark cave as MOREY EELS live there and they BITE. We discussed the eels the night BEFORE at dinner, however the diver got his finger and finger nail tore up pretty good.

Kesepton 02-05-2016 11:19 AM

Mako bob, I want so bad to go on one of your trips. Ive been reading and watching your threads for awhile now. I see youre getting very good at organizing these things! I don't even have a kayak right now so its been rough for me....

I was hoping to go down to Baja this march but my dates don't match yours sadly... (I am thinking march 25-29) Do you think if we did end up going we will have issues with easter finding places to stay/eat?

We are hoping to see some whales and do some surf fishing at least. Is Gonzaga still a good destination for that during that time?

Thanks for all your work and contributions to these trips. I really hope to join you on one.

makobob 02-05-2016 01:44 PM

YOU could join us for those dates, there should be room at the inn. I am leaving for there tonight and wont be back until Tuesday. I have some people going 20-26 march it would be ok if you stayed an extra day or two. This is spring break so there might be 20 people on our 2 miles of beach.

Kesepton 02-05-2016 04:04 PM

Great, thanks bob, youre too generous. I just put in my requests today for the time off. Hopefully ill catch you guys before you leave and you can help orient me. It will be my first time in Baja, other than on cruise ships...

My friend wants to bring his boat, its a boston whaler. I think it might be a little small but he insists itll work. Its a 14 or 15ft I believe. Is this suitable for this area?

I gotta start reading all your old reports to figure out what to bring and buy!

makobob 02-05-2016 04:09 PM

Small whalers are fine, bring gas as it is not always available, beach launching can be tricky, you might want to launch at the pamp at Papa Fernandez. Or the back side of Alphonsinas.


Originally Posted by Kesepton (Post 252844)
Great, thanks bob, youre too generous. I just put in my requests today for the time off. Hopefully ill catch you guys before you leave and you can help orient me. It will be my first time in Baja, other than on cruise ships...

My friend wants to bring his boat, its a boston whaler. I think it might be a little small but he insists itll work. Its a 14 or 15ft I believe. Is this suitable for this area?

I gotta start reading all your old reports to figure out what to bring and buy!

fishnstix 05-13-2016 01:22 PM

may 28-june 4 trip
Is this trip still a go?

SDROB 05-13-2016 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by fishnstix (Post 261091)
Is this trip still a go?

Bob's in Kentucky and isn't due back untill tomorrow. I believe thats why he hasn't set up a separate sign up thread for this trip yet... You should expect to see it up by Sunday at the latest, or knowing BOB he'll be checking in tomorrow night if he gets in at a decent time.

makobob 05-14-2016 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by SDROB (Post 261096)
Bob's in Kentucky and isn't due back untill tomorrow. I believe thats why he hasn't set up a separate sign up thread for this trip yet... You should expect to see it up by Sunday at the latest, or knowing BOB he'll be checking in tomorrow night if he gets in at a decent time.

JUST POSTED 28 May to 4 June GONZAGA this trip is a GO. Hope to see you.

farreola 06-05-2016 09:45 AM

Missing Paddle
I left a Bending Branch Angler Ace paddle at Bob's place and it has gone missing. I'm thinking someone took it by mistake. Please PM if you happen to of taken the paddle. I can meet somewhere and pick it up.


Dannowar 07-25-2016 12:21 PM

Was thinking about heading down this Sunday. Bob...gonna call you this week. Let me know if you need me to bring supplies

makobob 07-25-2016 02:34 PM

Weather warm, high 90's humidity over 50%, winds under 10mph. As to what to bring??? Bathroom working, Fish cleaning table needs light for your night cleaning adventures, maybe something to plug into the generator. I should be there, it not you know where to find the keys.

Dannowar 07-25-2016 05:41 PM

Actually have to push it back a week. I'm gonna buy a light specifically for that table.

makobob 09-19-2016 01:19 PM

PLEASE read 1st post in this thread
New info posted in 1st post in this thread.

Get ready for 2017, start planing now. Tight Lines.

brew 09-19-2016 05:44 PM


I am in for the New Year's trip to Mag Bay. I've never been, but have wanted to for a while. I have fished the La Bocana and Coyote estuaries near Abreojos and has a blast.

How long are you thinking for this trip and what are the dates? 10-14 days? It's about 800-850mi from the border, so 2 long days to get there.

Let me know if you need any help planning. A place to stay or at least shower a couple of times in Mag Bay?

Best regards,


makobob 09-20-2016 06:26 AM

Tim, I have been asking BWE members for any local knowledge on Mag Bay for a year. No one seems to know much, any input would help.
My plan for this trip is, spend New Years at our place in Gonzaga, on morning of 2 Jan 2017 I will leave my place at day light and drive thru CoCos corner to CHAPALA.b People can spent New years with me OR meet me at Chapala before 8 am on the 2nd. From there we book for Mag Bay. I would expect to fish Mag Bay area for a full week before coming back to San Diego. It would be nice to have youalong.


Originally Posted by brew (Post 269283)

I am in for the New Year's trip to Mag Bay. I've never been, but have wanted to for a while. I have fished the La Bocana and Coyote estuaries near Abreojos and has a blast.

How long are you thinking for this trip and what are the dates? 10-14 days? It's about 800-850mi from the border, so 2 long days to get there.

Let me know if you need any help planning. A place to stay or at least shower a couple of times in Mag Bay?

Best regards,


brew 09-20-2016 09:27 AM

Puerto Adolfo Lopez Mateos seems to be a popular access spot. This is where some others access the northern part of the bay. You can launch and fish from there and there are also dirt roads leading north and south to explore further.

Further south and getting into the larger part of the bay is San Carlos. I believe this is where the sardine processing plant is.

There are a couple of hotels and restaurants in each, and even some Airbnb listings for houses!

I will do some research and see what I can find.

www.garybulla.com has some info and offers paid tours.

brew 09-20-2016 09:36 AM

An information packed 6 part series on YouTube.


makobob 09-21-2016 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by brew (Post 269315)
An information packed 6 part series on YouTube.


YES lot's of great info for YAKERS. I looked this over 3 times in the last year, it helps answer many question. Did you notice his call for fins to help control yak without much paddle use. Would be rougher for Hobies but it does make sense to be able to back out of mangroves on hook up. I would also want a stake out pole as used on the east coast along with an anchor.

WINDS are normal most afternoons so must be taken into consideration. Camping areas will be very important. Hope others are looking into some of this and trying to do research to make this the trip of a lifetime. Tight Lines.

fishnstix 11-18-2016 06:14 PM

you can count me in for the May and October trip...Let me know if I can help plan, lead, help, organize, etc with these trips or others in the future

wolfman 12-26-2016 10:32 AM

I have been wanting to go down since I got my new boat! Who is going to Mag bay and when? I can take 1 other person and am flexible on dates. Please call me @ 619 850 2742

makobob 08-04-2017 03:44 PM

Mods this STICKY can be closed as it is not being used, thanks.

stevie951 06-22-2020 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 242590)
2017 will probabally be my LAST year to HOST these trips, after that I will be happy to HELP others do it. The camp at Gonzaga will stay open for BWE member use. Looking for members to STEP up and keep this open for BWE and YOUR use.

Dave, Kai, Rob love y'all please keep Makos wishes alive :cheers1:

One Love

(951) 285-6440

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