Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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HobieScot 08-30-2015 09:38 AM

I just noticed that the news report on this hammerhead (with the same video included) was now on my Facebook feed from KTLA 5 news. I don't subscribe or like them so they are posting the report to our FB feeds wether we like it or not

Watch the wide spread panic begin

Won't be long now till they decide to close it for a longer period of time

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Rav3n805 08-30-2015 09:46 AM

The guards warned me when landing. It was odd to see no one in the water . I told lifeguard we were playing with hammerheads 8 miles out.

captnblood34 08-30-2015 10:58 AM

It's open, advisory until 1

captnblood34 08-30-2015 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kink (Post 239916)
So I'm the one that took that video. I was so stoked to see it since I have heard so many others on here have. We did not make a big deal about the shark at all. It followed us all the way in. We told a few other kayakers so they could come check it out. As we got closer to shore, there were a couple swimmers a few feet away from us, so my dad just let them know there was a hammerhead right here. They kind of freaked out when the shark swam right towards them. When we landed, we decided to not talk about it much so as to keep the hysteria from happening. One of the swimmers asked me to email him the video, so I said sure. Before I knew it, the lifeguards were interviewing me and watching the video. They said they had to follow protocol because the shark looked aggressive in the video, but I could tell they didn't want to go through the hassle. I couldn't believe they were actually going to do it either. We had no intention of making a big deal out of it. We were just happy to see it and have it around.

And we both caught YT. Good day for us. Bad day for people wanting to play in the water there.

You're doing a good job

Kink 08-30-2015 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by captnblood34 (Post 239994)
You're doing a good job

I have been misquoted left and right. I stopped talking to everyone. I never even reported it like the news is saying. I just innocently answered a few questions from the lifeguards and showed them my video. Sorry people are stupid. A lot of people on here are stupid, too.

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skrilla 08-30-2015 12:02 PM

Lesson learned. Keep your mouths shut. Keep your vids to yourself. LJ crazies, media whores, and LG higher ups WILL twist facts to ban fun. Carry on stoopids. :the_finger:

ctfphoto 08-30-2015 12:18 PM

Ya, I counted 4 local news vans on my drive off the beach yesterday :eek:

I have seen hammerheads on almost every weekly trip for over a year now. They are everywhere with the warm water.

I metered 78.4 degrees in the water in deep La Jolla water, of course there are hammerheads, tuna, and dodos :D

alanw 08-30-2015 12:20 PM

Stupid swimmers, some dude leads a shark to them and they freak out.

Kink 08-30-2015 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by skrilla (Post 239999)
Lesson learned. Keep your mouths shut. Keep your vids to yourself. LJ crazies, media whores, and LG higher ups WILL twist facts to ban fun. Carry on stoopids. :the_finger:


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swinginFish 08-30-2015 12:29 PM

... and the lesson is ..
There's a war among news stations, i.e., that which gets the most viewers gets the highest rating and the thus the most ad money. Any "story" can be spun in many directions, but the almighty $ invariably influences what is said/shown and how. Hiram Johnson (a diplomat in 1917) said "the first casualty of war is truth," and you, my kayak fishing amigo, fell victim.

Your good intentions were twisted for another's gain, with "hysteria" causing more hits and gaining more and more attention to various media stories. The whole thing now has a life of it's own, with you and the truth becoming totally irrelevant. You done good, with the media doing bad.

Will close noting that pesky shark was on me early Fri. morning (just after sunrise), and I was alone at the time (just bled, then stored a nice YT in the hull). Not the first time I've had a hammerhead circle and explore, but being alone, it was a bit more "interesting." Luckily, I passed him off on a seal that came to the area, but do note that he seemed pretty curious and somewhat fearless. No doubt he would've followed me much longer if his interest wasn't diverted.

surfrider 08-30-2015 12:52 PM

Oh My!
1 Attachment(s)
A Hammerhead brushed the side of my yak and circled a couple times about 3 minutes after bleeding a Bonito.... 3 miles out!https://www.google.com/search?q=this...jwN6-NkUXQM%3A

Zed 08-30-2015 01:06 PM

Start passing the blame on sea lions...more.
Theyve harrassed and hastled and stolen and near capsized 100x more than HH have over the last 3 major ENSOs.

DanaPT 08-30-2015 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by skrilla (Post 239999)
Lesson learned. Keep your mouths shut. Keep your vids to yourself. LJ crazies, media whores, and LG higher ups WILL twist facts to ban fun. Carry on stoopids. :the_finger:

Hell no! Post your videos and share your fishing stories on this site. The media whores won't waste time to do their research.

JayB619 08-30-2015 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by summers in kuwait (Post 239887)
Glad I got out of there by 11, just barely missed sharknado 4:D

Got my forbidden fruit too

Nice catch cousin! I guess I'll be stopping by your house for some yt

yemff 08-30-2015 04:09 PM

After seeing that there was a second closure, and this time they explicitly state it was a fisherman, I foresee a closure of the launch ramp in the near future.

skrilla 08-30-2015 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by DanaPT (Post 240019)
Hell no! Post your videos and share your fishing stories on this site. The media whores won't waste time to do their research.

Yes, allow me to rephrase. Share the stoke here, at your discretion of course. Don't share em with the ignorants at the launch. There are for sure anti's frequenting there. Also if you're familiar with how media works, there are interns that do nothing all day but search the forums and interwebs for just about anything.

alanw 08-30-2015 06:00 PM

My non-fishing neighbor just felt the need to warn me about all the sharks near shore, said he'd been watching the news. The media is doing it's job

summers in kuwait 08-30-2015 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by JayB619 (Post 240031)
Nice catch cousin! I guess I'll be stopping by your house for some yt

We'll have to get some more:(.
Had Elliott's 5th birthday and made tacos for about 13 people.
Used the whole fish, minus the collars and some sashimi I made Sat. evening.

Irishman 08-30-2015 07:30 PM

But what about the hordes of Leopard Sharks...can't they at least get a mention as they voraciously devour a crab....media will make a circus of this. How about from now on we refer to hammers as "Big Heads"

jorluivil 08-30-2015 07:53 PM

My wife said I can't fish anymore because there are sharks in the water but She's ok with me riding my bike in the streets of L.A.?

Thinking about hitting la jolla again next weekend. :D

jorluivil 08-30-2015 08:03 PM

Has anyone ever noticed all of the leopard sharks that are in the surf area?

FISH11 08-30-2015 08:16 PM

Jorge maybe your life insurance has a clause than covers accidents but not being eaten by wildlife! Just saying!

CardiffJim 08-30-2015 09:46 PM

I like the idea of trying to blame as much harassment on the sea lions as possible, anything to get rid of them. Has anyone else noticed a little lack of them as of late? Are they being eaten(I hope)by white sharks? Or did they get too warm in 76 degree water? It has been more pleasant without so many, what ever the reason. Let's just blame them every chance we get!!

mclanea 08-30-2015 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by CardiffJim (Post 240099)
I like the idea of trying to blame as much harassment on the sea lions as possible, anything to get rid of them. Has anyone else noticed a little lack of them as of late? Are they being eaten(I hope)by white sharks? Or did they get too warm in 76 degree water? It has been more pleasant without so many, what ever the reason. Let's just blame them every chance we get!!

A turd sea lion ate my mack yesterday. Took me 2 hours to get that bait, 10 minutes for a sea lion to find me and steal it.

ctfphoto 08-31-2015 05:41 AM

oh great, national news now reporting the La Jolla Shark Sightings .......

kjsdad619 08-31-2015 06:56 AM

So dumb...we're in their house, had one swim right between me and another yak on Thursday..no biggie..they just want to eat. The main difference between yakers and land dwellers is the yakers are the wolves and the land dwellers who are uneducated and afraid are the sheep in this chaos called society. You don't see any yakers freaking out, dude just wants some fish and if there is blood in the water of course he is going to sniff it out..NO SH&^ huh.....MAIN STREAM MEDIA STRIKES AGAIN!!!

John Doe 08-31-2015 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by skrilla (Post 239999)
LG higher ups WILL twist facts to ban fun.

+1 on that:)

TINCANYAK 08-31-2015 08:51 AM

I know the feeling too well and posted my encounter last Sunday as I too was bumped several times last Sunday along the DP break wall on the paddle back in. Sheds light on fish bags, shark shields and keeping the yak clean so as not to leave a fish slick for them to follow up on. Who got bumped? Would be interesting to learn from their circumstances?

kjsdad619 08-31-2015 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 240086)
Has anyone ever noticed all of the leopard sharks that are in the surf area?

Saw 3 in 4 feet of water..told couple college girls check it out..nobody freaked out.

HobieScot 08-31-2015 11:59 AM

Leopard sharks are always in the surf! We used to catch them in the surf at night all the time.

As for our regular every day shark sightings we need to keep them to ourselves on this board. Don't share them with the public and especially not with any authority figure like DFG or life guards or the like.

Any mention of sharks to the public just opens the situation for the media to grab a hold of the story and sensationalize it

A simple HH sighting that a kayaker sees as innocent yet exciting becomes headlines in the news

"Local kayaker stalked by hungry hammerhead shark. News at 11"

As we have seen the media will sensationalize any story to increase viewership

The better we keep our shark stories restricted to this board and to others that understand what is happening with the Sharks this year the better.

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Old Man in the Sea 08-31-2015 03:51 PM

good news / bad news....
[QUOTE=jorluivil;240084]My wife said I can't fish anymore because there are sharks in the water but She's ok with me riding my bike in the streets of L.A.? :sifone:

Hahaha > your wife probably added a Double indemnity death by bike policy when she bought you that new road bike....:auto:

Double indemnity is a clause or provision in a life insurance or accident policy whereby the company agrees to pay the stated multiple (i.e., 10X) of the face amount in the contract in cases of death:stupido:

no life insurance coverage for shark death - $1 mil payout if bike death:goodnight:

good news she said there will be plenty of money to have an awesome paddle out party for you at LaJolla Shores...:cheers:

TINCANYAK 08-31-2015 04:52 PM

So I get the impression that the general consensus is that when an 8+ foot hammerhead is bumping your kayak its' not something to be concerned or freak out about? After all, he does not want to EAT/Bite me but simply wants what I want laying in front of me? My Jack Russell has the same undeterred focus at dinner time and does not warrant any action other that "go away Moby", repeat several times. I feel sort of grateful for the experience with Mr. Hammerhead at Dana Point and perhaps with time as I paddle into the ranks beyond "Junior" such wisdom will be passed along with a more mature understanding of nature. Should I now target the beast for the that ultimate sled ride? That was insane! Such composure. Crap, this is all adding up with the fish bag, shark shield and now the GoPro to record the final run. Insured wife says "you will go doing something that you love", God bless her and the kids.


ful-rac 08-31-2015 04:55 PM

Don't be concerned about it....

If it attacks and kills you....just don't tell anybody about it...O.K!

iethinker 08-31-2015 06:04 PM

Wire Leader
Just got my wire leader! You know Dasher and Dancer and Comet...etc...and Hammerhead

2-Stix 08-31-2015 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by TINCANYAK (Post 240147)
I know the feeling too well and posted my encounter last Sunday as I too was bumped several times last Sunday along the DP break wall on the paddle back in. Sheds light on fish bags, shark shields and keeping the yak clean so as not to leave a fish slick for them to follow up on. Who got bumped? Would be interesting to learn from their circumstances?

We were bumped in Malibu Sunday, Lj Friday and Saturday. Keep your fish on board. I was the one that was interviewed and video tapped. They sure edited the crap out of it. Last time I allow that to happen.

jorluivil 08-31-2015 07:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Old Man in the Sea (Post 240253)
Hahaha > your wife probably added a Double indemnity death by bike policy when she bought you that new road bike.

It's a Road Glide and not a road bike

kjsdad619 09-01-2015 08:38 AM

My boy said he had family members in WA state call him last night about this story all the way down here in SD..good god..the hysteria! LOL..HEY MAIN STREAM MEDIA :the_finger:

FISH11 09-01-2015 09:19 AM

When I landed yesterday around 2:15 pm, as I was dragging my kayak out of the water, I was approached by Hannah Mullins (a reporter with 10 news and her cameraman). She first asks me if I caught anything, I said nothing I wanted to keep. Then she asks if I saw any sharks any hammer heads, I said not today. She ask if I had seen them before and I say, Ya, they have been around for a couple months now. She asks surprised, a couple months. I said about couple months. but only now did anybody bring it up. I said we've seen a lot of other sharks that are a lot more dangerous than a hammer heads. She sounds interested and ask me if I want to chat about it. I said no, she sounds surprised and says, No. I said not really, I think it's been written about too much already, and people just misinterpret it. She looks puzzled and says good bye and walks away. I wonder what they would think, if we started talking about the GW's and Makos we have seen or hooked up, really close to the buoys the swimmers like to swim to on their way to the pier or shores everyday. I think the swimmers are the ones that are nuts, swimming in their area and close to so many seals. I think the last thing we need is the public to think the kayak fishermen are the ones responsible for the shark when they have been in the area all along. I mean it's their back yard and we are all just passing through. Enjoy the beauty of seeing then and leave them alone.

HobieScot 09-01-2015 10:13 AM

If a reporter asks any of us if we've seen a shark out there while kayak fishing the safest answer for all of us is to say "nope, never seen one"

With enough of us saying the same thing the media "should" loose interest pretty quickly

Then we can go on our merry way and continue to enjoy ourselves without any further beach closures

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jorluivil 09-01-2015 11:19 AM

Don't forget that this is a public forum.

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