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Update -- for your viewing pleasure.
Finally had a client who actually wanted to target deep structure and rock-fish. My first time dropping on the rocks since the opener. Being that this gentlemen and I had already caught, White Sea Bass and Yellowtail, on previous trips. Rock-fish died. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall.../photo_2-3.jpg A nineteen pound Lingcod made it aboard. Followed by two other legal Lings and topped it off with some Reds (Vermilion). http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall.../photo_1-2.JPG Right up there with any fish in the Pacific Ocean. Fight similar to a Halibut and rank just as high on the taste meter, too. After seeing his photos in this very thread. I got a call to meet up on the water this week again. He came prepared with all sorts of new man-toys. Namely a new boat and sonar. A very, cool-Cat, if you ever have the pleasure to fish with 'em. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0067.JPG Anyway, fish died. As in plural. After we did so well last time the pressure was definitely on. Hard to tell in the photos, but this day had 15 mph South wind. A gross muggy, humidity filled, feeling in the air. And very few on the water -- for good reason. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0073.JPG Not to mention, the dreaded uphill current to go along with it, heavy overcast skies and looked like it was going to rain. Actually felt a couple drops here and there. A far cry from the beautiful weather our last time out. Honestly, couldn't have looked much worse for targeting, Yellowtail. The fish had moved from where they'd been for weeks. Just adding to the pressure. And this particular day, quite frankly, completely sucked for the most part. Until I ran over this beautiful sight on the meter. I get hundreds of e-mails each year regarding which sonar to purchase. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0091.JPG From boat and kayak owners alike. I'm often asked what's the price of a good unit and how much should they plan on spending. My answer to that question, while I absolutely can't stand people who answer a question with a question: "Well, how much is your time worth?" After that question is answered the real discussion can begin. On, Wednesday, I came across what looked like a free-swimming Halibut over the canyon. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0096.JPG Turned out to be a, Turtle. I took it as a good sign, though, and went on about my business after he came over to say hello. The beneficiary of said, good luck, Turtle. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0099.JPG Also, if you're ever lucky enough to meet this guy? Make sure and buy him a beer -- he's got some amazing stories to tell. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0103.JPG Seriously. A great American and outstanding angler in the making. He did rescue efforts during Hurricane Katrina. And, easily, one of the coolest guys I've ever met. Could probably snap your arm like a twig. Yet, one of the nicest guys on the planet. You want to hear something crazy, though. I met this gentlemen and he wanted nothing to do with Yellowtail. Nor, White Sea Bass. I told him exactly what I've been catching and he wanted no part of it. Just a relaxing day on the water was all. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0053.JPG So, yours truly actually got to pay a visit to Mission Bay. Been way, way, way too long for me. But, had a blast! http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0059.JPG On his first ever trip to, San Diego, on the last day before boarding a plane? He nails a ten pound class, Halibut, for his first fish. His grandson caught a couple nice, Spotted Bay Bass. I ended up with a nice Halibut myself and had a blast with the spotties, too. For the first time in months actually got home early and didn't end up at the ice-house by day's end. Then, of course, the very next day I'm right back grinding away on a pick-bite in pursuit of larger game. Fun, yes, but very hard work at the same time. A very successful week, no doubt. But, a lot of hard work in heavy winds to go along with it. Anyway, only two weeks in and I'm already slipping on my Fish-Porn-Friday updates. I just got back from the Coronado Islands and am about to get on another boat, headed up North, to target more White Sea Bass. I'll do my best to update this thread on time in the future. Here's wishing a happy father's day to all; maybe a couple photos of fish will brighten your day that much more. Or not. Until next time... |
Well written as always. Thanks for the inspirations and good reading.
I'm really enjoying this thread, thanks for the inspiration.
I'm second guessing buying a paddle kayak instead of a peddle kayak. I've notice you guys on the hobie's are way faster, and can still move around with a pole in your hand...not to mention paddling is very tiring. |
Great read and photos, man :cheers1:
That ling looks pretty tasty, nice one!
Great report!
Awesome photos! |
This one's for you, Sista' -- you 'da kine!
Thanks for your patience there, folks. I have been known to be, I don't know, fashionably late? And whether we're talking about updating a weekly thread -- or catching trophy fish for that matter -- it's all about one thing. Consistency. For some, it's all about being early to bed. For others, who may choose late to rise. Whatever routine you find yourself in? While I may not be your first choice for advice. Just make the most of it... Right about the time I put up my last update. Computer-time was at an all time low. For you guys who follow the moon rise times, tides, currents, etc. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2365.JPG Well, you're not alone. Bar graphs and weather predictions aside, though, there's many pieces to that puzzle. Or else it would be easy... Said, relatively spectacular, moon rise -- alright already, it's June for crying out loud -- a La Jolla, White Sea Bass. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2380.JPG They're not always this cool, fish or no fish. Some are better than others, though, and in years past I wouldn't have even snapped a pic. As is often the case. Quickly the colors completely changed. Making the first photo that much more special to me. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2381.JPG Also notice the bright hue of the sunlight setting behind me. Throwing hot pink rays and reflecting off the moon. 'Twas magic for a moment. If you were on the water this week, you might have heard some guy, screaming bloody-murder. I was currently with a client at the time. And leaned over to ask him if he heard the screaming, too. We discussed if it was someone in distress, perhaps they saw a Great White Shark, were sinking, or worse? We quickly realized it was the screams of joy from a mile away, though -- and I then told my client it must be none other than, Bert Vega. A no-nonsense, hardcore angler, who's not too proud to celebrate. A man's man who will catch fish until he's sore this season. I was just lucky in this case to have an opportunity to capture, pure unadulterated joy. You can fake a lot of things -- stoke isn't one of them. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2402.JPG One of the longest, leanest, Yellowtail that I've ever seen. Definitely not a local fish. Could have easily been over forty pounds had she been eating right. Regardless, a beautiful trophy fish that any man alive would be proud to catch. And no doubt put up an incredible fight. This was a special fish for both of us. Since I've had an opportunity to start mentoring, Bert, lately -- enter proud Papa moment indeed. That said, we've had no problems getting on the fish when our schedules aligned. Here he is going toe-to-toe on an absolute giant of a, White Sea Bass. Estimated somewhere between sixty and eighty pounds. Yes, we saw her, and she flicked us our hook back right at the boat. I'm pretty sure that both of us cried after a few choice words were screamed to the heavens. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2295.JPG What's that saying: a day on the water is better than any day at work -- I gonna have to call bullshit. This was a sad trip back to the launch. :D Somewhat similar, our most recent trip didn't exactly have a happy ending. The analogy I often use, especially if the client is in the construction industry? Imagine if you spent an incredible amount of time building this amazing, stunning even, beautiful house made of glass -- then a piece of $h!t, five hundred pound Sea Lion, comes flying out of the elevator you built and lands on it! http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0052.JPG That's my job in a nutshell. As if getting each client on fish isn't hard enough. Our hopes and dreams are attached to a tiny piece of thread. Between guys who simply refuse to turn the handle, to spastically winding all the line onto the spool (on one side) until it comes to a grinding halt -- and snaps -- to trophy fish that smoke you into structure for a living themselves. Or, just filthy, thieving, overpopulated Sea Lions. My next job? Will have absolutely nothing to do with building beautiful glass houses. Guaranteed. Here's another repeat client from over the years who recently made it back in the pipeline. Like many, he's since moved on to smaller boats and wanted a refresher course. Yes, for me anyway, I approach each target species differently from apposing vessels. A boat is not a kayak and vice versa. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2357.JPG This lucky angler had already got smoked by a large, White Sea Bass, one day with me prior. Caught a very large, Yellowtail, off a kayak our last trip out. And on this day? We left them biting full speed... After that trip, I had another opportunity to put an angler on his first ever Yellowtail. No sport boat background and no big water experience to speak of. Anyway, after lots of instruction starting from the beginning, eventually we ended up here. The fun/not sofun part of the trip. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2385.JPG Not to be confused with work or anything. But rest assured, Mike, here is certainly doin' work! What's that saying: "big boat equals big fish"? Something like that anyway. My third client in a row, on a tandem, to bring home the bacon. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2383.JPG Just look at all the fish storage possibilities... At least on the ride back that pounding hull quiets down, right? http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2390.JPG Bacon. It's what's for dinner. Complimentary, happy-ending, by trophy fish who made the ultimate sacrifice. Alright, I suppose that's enough for now. Most guys penis is longer than their attention span. So, regardless of how well endowed, one's focus tends to wander after a certain allotment of time. Myself included. Whether you're a thrill seeking junkie. Or, easily bored? http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0723.JPG Might I suggest diving in terrifying conditions to begin with. Getting buzzed by some absolutely, ginormous, dark figure from below -- that I know was not a Sea Lion. Then, beyond what every pore in your body is telling you to do? Keep making drops to the bottom until you find the dark figure you came for. |
Nice! Didn't even see you in that pic at first:D
Addictated To Porn...
Josh - Really have to thank you for the pics. I haven't fished the jewel for 2 years and if this doesn't get me to reach out to you soon I don't know what will. Thank you my friend..:sifone:
Great photos and writing!
Truly inspiring. Thank you. |
Josh! Caught slipping again! What is this Saturday night bullshit.. It's fish porn FRIDAY. Haha all joking aside, really cool post.
I'm loving it Josh, Thanks for sharing the stoke and providing a glimpse of what a day at the office is like for you.
Every time I close my eyes. I see that :wsb: tail swimming down. That memory will be with me till the day I die.
Gentlemen, start your engines.
. . In lieu of the, Bloodydecks Yellowtail Shoot out, where many fuel crazed pedal-to-the-metal enthusiasts would gladly run each and everyone of you (kayak anglers) down -- if a bird so much as flaps his wing. Or farts? This week will be dedicated to the sometimes elusive/really not so elusive trophy fish: the ghost. Which to many is appropriately named. To others though, White Sea Bass, are just another fish. If when this weekly update finds you in the former category? Just know that one day, when you find yourself in the latter group, you'll look back at this part-time infatuation with an overgrown silver fish and laugh. Hopefully. Regardless, until then, just know that there's no shortage of them these days. And as long as you continue to look both ways before crossing the street -- you'll have the rest of your life to catch them. Unless, of course, my prediction rings true. And they shut down the entire California Coast to recreational fishing. Making a huge marine-park, if you will, and selling the aqua-farmed resource back to us all at a premium. At which point I'll be living off some tropical island with many reef break options. And looking back at all these photos with a grin. When I took this photo I certainly had a smile from ear to ear. Fish were all over the place on this occasion. Making my job a hell of a lot easier. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2190.JPG Quite the luxury to just be able to take a photo instead of freaking out about having to get lines down. Fish on deck already? Helps. Let's see. Hammering them off of Dana Point. Hammering them off of La Jolla. Hammering them South of there as well (pictured here). http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2303.JPG Bringing me to my original point in the second paragraph. They're not as elusive as many make them out to be. Also, check the wave height in this photo. This day was huge! When the Pacific Ocean gives you lemons -- make lemonade. To this day, one of the scariest things to ever happen to me? Was being buzzed in deep water (well outside the kelp) by a, White Sea Bass. Not just any fish, though. I'm talking about what could have been a hundred pounder! Just diving some birds in open water. Looked like a school of, Yellowtail, was breezing through or something. Birds on Sardines. Sardines on Krill with millions of, Pacific Greenback Mackerel, thrown in for good measure. Then, up from the depths shoots the largest ghost I've ever seen that hammers a Sardine. I know, I know, who cares? It was a couple feet from my face... http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0363.JPG No picture of the, White Sea Bass, but I got a pretty cool image of the Krill. Said frightened diver. What a kook. Another photo that I'll probably look back on (years from now) with a smile, though. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0373.JPG Especially, if and when I do the unthinkable -- and get a real job. Diving is very similar to hook and line angling. In many ways, actually. Case in point: Sometimes you target say, Halibut? http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0045.JPG And get a big surprise. Honestly, I really don't know who was more taken aback on this day. Scouring the bottom looking for eyes and chins. Then out of absolutely nowhere, holy $hit! Check out the filthy visibility and sandy bottom here. More deep water schools on the fin-bait. Don't get it twisted a trophy, White Sea Bass, will kick your ass. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2166.JPG If and when the damn things aren't in the kelp? Music to my ears and all. But the damn things will put up a tussle. On one of my last updates I mentioned heading out on a boat for more, elusive fish, action. Eight boats, all five hundred yards apart -- unheard of in this day and age. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2422.JPG Proving yet again that ice can indeed get expensive. And, White Sea Bass, are only elusive if you let them be. What's that saying: Find the bait. Find the fish? Something like that anyway. I heard, Yellowtail, eat these things as well. No? http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...a_bass_049.JPG And just another reason to not fish in La Jolla this weekend. Bloodydecks,Yellowtail shoot-out, aside. Lastly, to make this a hot off the press report. Might as well put up a photo taken in the last few days. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0136.JPG By all means get out there and try to tangle with one. Just not this one specifically -- unless you plan on fishing in my ice-chest. My suggestion would be to consider giving those poor, Yellowtail, a rest. Go poke around a few new-to-you places. Anyway, that's probably enough for now in regards to this weekly update. For more inspiration-in-a-can? You might consider stopping on by this thread for a sip next week. Or not. I'll be on a couple boats the next few days. And in saying that. If a Bird so much as flaps his wing -- or farts? Don't say I didn't warn you...:cheers1: |
Great shots, keep 'em coming! Those murky dive conditions would spook me out! Once California Marine Park TM takes over, they'll probably going to try to get you to become Park general manager Socal sector.
Dances With Fish..
In total harmony..:sifone:
DOOOD :cheers1:
Nice posts. Keep them coming, some great photos in there.
That lingcod is huge and the plate of it looks tastey with the big pieces of garlic in it. I also think those dive shots with the wsb are nuts. Retreiving a wsb after it's shot I'm sure is not an easy task. |
Miss My Porn..
Josh did mention he may not be timely with his Friday contributions but I sure missed last weeks "Fish Porn Friday". Must be field research..
And thanks for the excellent documentation of your adventures. |
. . Said frightened diver. What a kook. Another photo that I'll probably look back on (years from now) with a smile, though. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0373.JPG Especially, if and when I do the unthinkable -- and get a real job. David Attenborough accent: "The deadly spear wielding darkhorse stalks it's prey, presently unaware of the large observers below. In the unlikely event that he is unable to ambush an unsuspecting fish, he uses is bristly whiskers to filter krill from the ocean, thus supplementing his voracious appetite." Dude how the hell do you dive with that fat handlebar stash!?! These are his true secrets which will remain shrouded in legend. :) With every picture, another series of questions. Love the thread Josh keep it up! |
All hands on deck.
. . I think the title of this week's update really sums it up. The entire Southern California Coast (and points beyond) lit up and rose to nothing short of white-hot levels. Everything from wide-open (larger grade) Bluefin Tuna well to the South. Huge spots of Yellowfin Tuna mixed in between and hanging off kelps, in and around Dolphin schools, etc. To some Coastal Squid nests up North continuing to do their thing. Local paddy action with the usual suspects underneath, you name it, a blind-Monkey could have caught fish the last couple of weeks. Even the resurgence of rat-Yellowtail and the Bonita to go along with it. I'm sure many local anglers got a chance to call in sick the last fourteen days to go fishing. And some of us poor souls who actually fish for a living -- the opportunity to take a day off? Would rank right up there with escaping from North Korea! Just day after relentless day of getting burnt to a crisp under the ever present sun. By the time I got to say farewell after packing fish in ice each day? The next thing I know that damn alarm clock was going off again. And repeat. Thus, Fish Porn Friday, taking a back seat due to computer time. Or lack there of coming to a grinding halt. Sorry about that; it just is what it is. After I missed my first update I thought about just throwing up a slew of photos from the week. But the truth is every photo comes with a story attached. And who's going to say what guy's story doesn't matter? Certainly not I. So, out of respect for these fish and the stories to go along with them. Late once again, behind on the updates, holding out on the goods, etc -- guilty as charged. Quote:
In regards to the mask, I was told early on by a true hardcore diver (not an impostor like myself) that I had two options. Mind you this guy looked like Tom Hanks from the movie, Castaway. He said I could either keep it shaved like a babies bottom or just grow a gnarly beard. Apparently the gnarlier the better. Being that I haven't shaved with a razor for years? I opted for the latter, of course. Anyway, with no further ado. Here's a few photos that just might have never seen the light of day. Prior to this thread that is. If they make you giggle a bit, want to wear camouflaged leotards and play water Polo whilst wielding a big stick, pack your crap and go fishing -- or puke? Is entirely up to you. The only thing cooler than catching an eight pound Calico Bass? Watching your seven year old son, Bennet, here catching one all by himself. This man-child can already free dive down to twenty feet. I was watching him in the surf (on a boogie board mind you) during fourth of July celebrations. He freaking catches a wave -- stands up on it and does a three sixty! Hardcore watermen in the making; guaranteed. And inspirational to see for yourself. I was inspired anyway. Then he absolutely destroyed me at some spearfishing game (Freediving Hunter) on his I-Pad. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/IMG_0062.JPG This fish was a monster. By the rod tip I thought he got hammered by a large Sheephead (as we were dropping to the bottom). Then up comes a trophy Calico Bass. A fish any guy'd be happy to tackle. Much less at seven years old. Released... Just taking more notes from the field in an attempt to stay on top of moving schools. If the damn things just stayed in one spot... http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...500/delete.JPG Might as well make sure the drags are continuing to work in a smooth fashion. Knots are tied to properly, perfect technique, etc -- so I hear practice makes perfect. Even got a chance to hop in the water for a minute or two since my last update. The closest thing to shooting fish in a barrel... http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0154.JPG Probably the biggest challenge? Beyond, not getting wrapped in one's reel line and drowning, of course. Finding a damn paddy in a dessert of nothingness. In and amongst the selfishness of going swimming for a few? Southern California was blessed with one of the best South swells in years. It just didn't hit San Diego proper with a touch of East in it's heading. Luckily, I lost my wallet a month ago off Dana Point! So, why not kill two birds with one stone and hit Lower Trestles on the way back (during said swell)? Which turned out to be a wise plan when I arrived. With solid double-overhead, freight train, corduroy lines to the horizon. No joke or exaggeration here. I'm talking twenty wave sets with about a two minute lull. So not exactly your typical b.s. Southern California South swell. To top it off? Only sixty guys out at one of the most user friendly waves on the planet. A lot of wash through sets as it was borderline too big for the place. But pretty much more waves than people -- something that never happens at Lowers. Luckily I happen to know this guy. One of said San Clemente rulers who I had an opportunity to fish with. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2241.JPG Super cool cat who works for Volcom. Regular foot destroyer who throws buckets of spray to the moon. And he kicked this fish's ass, too. More research and development from right down the street. And another hardcore angler in the making... http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2367.JPG Beyond the smoking spool of this fish. This gentlemen got to experience what I'd prefer to never again: pulling as hard as one can on kelp! Had a very rare opportunity in between work sessions one day. Even more rare was this quick influx of clean water. It just morphed from crap, man this is scary, to Disneyland in a flash! Which just never happens to me; typically the opposite actually. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0122.JPG I mean, clear water isn't all that rare in my local haunts. I realize. It's just that I've almost never had an opportunity to shoot one of these when that happens. Apparently, God, was shining on my limited window of time on this day. One of my easiest recoveries 'ta boot. Something which I typically dread before even dawning my suit. Pretty much the closest thing to a perfect dive -- if there is such a thing. Here's hoping each and everyone of you have that, "fall in your lap", type of day here soon. Have the giant Yellowtail dreams are made of slam your iron with that terrible 30' cast. Have that tiny paddy with no visible life upon first sight, morph into a foaming school of Tuna charging from the depths. May your sabiki-rig get hammered while making bait by a giant, White Sea Bass? Shit happens. And it might as well happen to you. As long as you keep playing the game -- eventually you're bound to get a gimme. :captain: |
Timely reports or not, always a great read and provides some inspiration for the hunt. Can't wait to see how this summer turns out.
I will wait for mr.darkhorse to post a pic of a cali kayak yellowfin ;)
Damn who took that photo of your fat YT? He has some talent behind the lens. Arguably the best post yet! Love it josh
A day late and a dollar short.
. . Story of my life apparently. Since I have to get up in four hours? The latest update is going to have to wait another day; thanks for your patience on that front. I'll go ahead and throw up a quick teaser, though. With a bit of advice attached. Also, expect a full update on this thread after my trip tomorrow. Whether or not It's a short trip or a long one? Remains to be determined. The advice: No matter how beautiful a fish might be. Or how bad you'd like to catch said fish? It's probably not worth dyeing for. Diving for, maybe, but not if we're talking about your last breath. Believe me. I've done a lot of stupid stuff in my day. And as much as I'd love to say those days are in the past? That would be a bold faced lie. I do indeed try to keep it to a minimum, of course. But as mentioned in my previous update? Stuff happens. Along the same lines? Allow me to apologize about the quality of this image in advance. Taking a quality photo in low light is tough. Especially under water. And if anyone ever tells you to hop in on a paddy in the dark. I don't care if it's a double-dog-dare. Or if it's the only paddy you've seen in ten hours of searching! Tell them they're stupid with a quick, yet stern, no. Strangely enough the top ten feet is still clear -- however the 3,000' below that is a complete black void. I don't know if it's even really that stupid. Just stupid scary; trust me on this. Bad idea. Forget getting attacked by some random Shark in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/FILE0166.JPG The heart attack brought on by the little white cap breaking on your back will kill you first. Guaranteed. And for a stupid Dorado? Embarrassing. :D |
That's a great shot and you have guts being around a paddy with some of the weekend boats out there.
Looks like the menu is changing. . . .
Big Yellow, and bigger Dorado. Wow. :you_rock: |
I wouldn't do it even if I was triple dog dared!
Thanks for another good post and pic. :cheers1: |
Finally went out after two years - 7 yellows - 7 yellowfin and a 38lb. bluefin.
Felt f'n good to pull on something... http://www.bdoutdoors.com/forums/dat...2b5bf0e169.jpg |
^ what boat was this on?
San Diego???
Thanks for the positive feedback there, gents -- off to bed to do it all over again.
I bet it felt good to pull on something, Jeff. At this point, though, I'm on the fence about whether or not the thing you're pulling on? Is my leg. You mean to tell me. She gave you back your man-card and let you go fishing? I still can't believe you sold that perfect little boat (even for a lovely lady). Two years? Solid proof, though: it must be love. Also. While on the subject. This is Fish Porn Friday; so no lame deck shots (of bait sized Yellowtail) please. I mean, come on, throw up a photo of a lit-up Tuna or something from that trip. That I'd love to see. Even one with fifty other guys (screaming at each other) as they're attempting to tie the world's largest knot. I'm talking full color popping off the screen. We're trying to enjoy our morning coffee before going to work here. For crying out loud. A sick bendo-shot -- something! :sifone: . . In all seriousness, though, here's hoping that's just the start of a terrific season for you, brother. May your next Yellowtail be able to eat those small 'kine on deck. And your next Tuna require a two speed reel and three gaffs to land. Congrats on getting out there. . . . With no further ado, folks. Thanks for your patience on this week's update. No more deck photos with tag numbers and such. Or, old school black and white film images. Unless they come with a cool story or are just, I don't know, up there in the coolness factor. This is indeed the digital era. So remember to take a lot of pics. Somewhere in there? Even you just might capture the money-shot of all money-shots. Honestly, it doesn't even have to be a big fish to make a quality image. Or a colorful fish for that matter. It certainly doesn't hurt, though. And while on that subject. Yesterday's trip ended up being another long day on the water. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/photo-56.jpg Just the way I like it. If you're going to put up a deck photo -- make it a colorful one please. With a monster in hand preferably (caught yesterday). Since this is indeed a kayak fishing forum. I'll get back on topic. First up is The Man, the myth and legend in the making: Bert Vega http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2502.JPG I swear every time I see this guy he's got a huge smile on his face. And a bent rod. He must be getting tired of catching Yellowtail by now. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2504.JPG On this day I saw him tossing them back in the water. Like they were nothing. When I grow up I want to be this guy. Great family man/hardcore angler with a smile on his face. Probably a good guy to have your back in a bar-fight, too. Another lame deck photo I guess. With all kinds of product placement thrown in for good measure. Who knows, though? http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2510.JPG Could be a cryptic clue. Shameless Lowrance plug. A big Yellowtail. I like the photo; it's my thread. Enjoy your coffee. Don't you conservationist types worry, though. Plenty of Yellowtail are released. I do it all the time. It's nothing new either. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2515.JPG And if I'm being completely honest, it's not all that commendable. It's not some noble deed that gets you a higher place in Heaven. As much as I'd love to think so! If that were the case, I probably wouldn't be burning for eternity with all my friends. It's simply a personal choice. If you harvest within your limits -- that's your American right to do so. If you feel otherwise? Lobby to change it. I will say this, though, from a very selfish perspective -- it feels amazing to watch them kick off strong. Especially with Yellowtail. One of the greatest joys in fishing if you asked me. Just ask this regular client who's got to be tired of pulling on, Yellowtail, by now. Especially one's this size. He absolutely destroyed the homeguard fish all Winter long with me. Plenty of times by himself after the fact (in the cold-water-months). And he's been spanking fish (I'm talking trophy fish), every-trip, for months on end now. Yes I'm proud of him and his progress as an angler. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2478.JPG On this day he got to see a fifteen foot, Great White Shark, from two feet away. Yes, it's a true story (it circled him three times). Of course he kept fishing. And caught this monster you see right here. Then he thought it might be wise to release her to fight another day. Whether it was because of the GWS sighting; I don't know, Karma points? Or conservation efforts. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2476.JPG Is beside the point. It's a personal choice that he made. And it was only his choice to make. Definitely rad (yes I said rad) to watch this beast swim off. Something everyone should experience at least once. Or twice. Hell, three times -- just go crazy with yo' bad self! It really capped an already amazing day off with a cherry on top if you asked me. I'm a hopeless romantic, though. This guy represents my status quote client. If there is such a thing: drops me an e-mail to set up a trip, never calls as strongly suggested (which really helps a guy who's on the water five to seven days a week), drops the occasional line to check in (every few months!), has a child somewhere in there -- amongst a few promotions in the midst of a lucrative career. Repeat for a year or so. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2454.JPG And one day finally decides to call. I then say: "welcome back to the pipeline". Followed by a day on the water shortly there after. A big fish and nowhere to put the thing is next. Quickly followed by rushing out to buy a Hobie kayak in most cases. Alright. Enough already with the killing. Harvesting of fresh seafood all by your lonesome. Whatever you'd prefer to call it. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2496.JPG I'll go ahead and toss in another lame deck shot for your viewing pleasure. With a little psycho-bendo-shot action for good measure. I'm no doctor. But if this photo doesn't make you want to go fishing? You might want to get yourself checked out. I have no problem just coming out and saying it, either: ''there's something wrong with you". I've said it before and I'll say it again: "a fish is a fish". And any, Yellowtail, is a good Yellowtail. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2482.JPG While on the subject, though, I'm pretty sure this fish could easily eat some of those fire-cracker Yellowtail guys are keeping. Easily. Above all, while fishing -- even kayak fishing is indeed a sport. For the most part it's just fun and games. A hoot. A diversion. From our everyday stresses of life (whether it's family related or career driven). It's got something in it for everyone. You could get pumped up by getting completely tooled, from a one-pound Bonito on a ultralight Trout rod. Which would indeed be a fight on two-pound line and a half ounce spoon. Or, getting smoked by a Homeguard Yellowtail; if that's what you're into. It's all good. Who's ever having the most fun is the big winner, right? Or so they tell me anyway... I may not know much. But if there was a million dollar contest. A tournament if you will. For the guy who's the most stoked on the water. http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...0/DSCF2465.JPG And it was held on this day in particular? Hypothetically anyway. You would have certainly lost if this guy had entered. Guaranteed. |
I really admire you FOR dedicating time to post every week so that 'some' of us who have trouble getting out there to do what you're posting. Above all it's always a very good read.
Have you ever though about approaching a fishing periodical as a freelance writer, writing about the Kayak fishing? I understand it's gaining momentum as a main stream fishing activity (much like Fly fishing), and above all you do it so well. (Pics...Videos...narration!) :you_rock: I'm right there with you Josh on the C & R! I remember many a trip where I'd stack my rod and help along the rail or "chum" if all the crew are busy. Or once I caught a few fish I'd hook a fish and hand it off to a kid or other passenger that hadn't caught something yet. That's how I kind of got my start building a rep on the boats (and why I get invited to come out to "boost the counts" when I was able and hopefully soon again). Catch what you can use and release the rest, don't stock the freezer just yet! You have all summer and....it gives you a VALID excuse to go fishing! "Hey honey we only have a quarter fillet of Yellowtail left I "HAVE" to go fishing to stock up. :D This gives you married guys out there gives you a "REASONABLE" excuse to get out! I only bring home a limit of large macks or bonito for Cat food treats. I guess Tuna would be one of the only exceptions to this rule. However I don't bring home anything under 20#, both Tuna & "Firecracker" :yt: !!! :) Thanks again for taking the time and energy to post for the rest of us to enjoy! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: FFY |
I wished I live near the jewel!!!!!!! :mad: so jealous
Awesome pictures and write ups! Thanks for keeping this thread going Josh!
:cheers1: |
Speaking of. Why anyone with a skiff would even be fishing local kelp beds, or God forbid, dragging the bottom of the Pacific Ocean right about now? Is beyond me. I saw a forty foot sportfisher trolling the thick kelp edges the other day. And had to laugh. With Tuna ten miles offshore, Dorado on kelps slamming into the beach, not to mention some rather large Bluefin thrown into the mix. Offering quite the bonus kicker fish. And this perfect Islands/offshore rig is trolling the kelp catching Barracuda. No, it was not a charter putting little kids on fish (the only thing that might have made it make sense). Nor a local captain making jumbo Pacific Greenback Mackerel for Marlin/Swordfish bait. They were trolling mono rigs and looked to be targeting Barracuda. I digress, though, in hindsight they looked to be having a good time. Booze cruise it up! So, what ever floats your boat -- or yacht in this case. :eek: |
1 Attachment(s)
Dang you look skinny Josh....but that's a good thing.
All I can say...you were born to fish!! Attachment 13010 |
Hahaha awesome sonogram!
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