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Amish Ed 04-02-2014 10:16 PM

For me, I miss smoking most while fishing. But, I too vape now and found a setup that works for me while fishing. I use a eGo-T upgrade at 3.7v and an 1.8ohm Evod on a lanyard. 36mg liquid means I don't have to hit it too frequently. I'm down to 6mg for my regular usage though. It gets water on it here and there and keeps working.

I've tried subohm and didn't like it. I have an Igo L and W, but don't use them much. Too fiddly for my liking. I just want my nicotine with good vapor, so a carto tank on my Provari or MVP 2 gets the job done. I have one particular juice I like in the Evod too.

If you guys haven't found it yet, check out ECF.

MrM 04-03-2014 06:55 AM

I have a buddy who quit smoking all together with the vape thing. He was smoking for a couple years and it took him a few months but he quit. It still looks kinda funny to me walking around a store and seeing a cloud come up but he swears by it and I trust the guy. Good luck Will! :cheers1:

cabojohn 04-03-2014 07:56 AM

- I thought the vape thing was a 420 thing and I was missing out?. lol

Easter Sunday = 420:stoned:

WildernessWanker 04-03-2014 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by cabojohn (Post 188957)
- I thought the vape thing was a 420 thing and I was missing out?. lol

Easter Sunday = 420:stoned:

I thought it originally started as a way to quit smoking then became something of a 420 thing, but it's my understanding it's now something anyone can do. Someone compared it to hookah, is this accurate? I was unaware of flavors or that you could smoke it without nicotine or "special herbs." I feel like I'm missing the big picture here.....? :confused:

Amish Ed 04-03-2014 09:13 AM

Yes, e-cigs started as a way to quit smoking and then the other came in. There are thousands of flavors out there and you don't have to get them with nicotine. I'm working my way there now. I'm down to 6mg from 24-36mg.

alanw 04-03-2014 10:05 AM

Yea all these flavors are a lot for a newbie to pick from. Any good suggestions on regular tobacco flavors and maybe a few good other flavors as well? Some sound good and may taste good for a bit but I'm not sure if you can handle the flavor for a full day or more let alone a full bottle. Also, what's the best way to change flavors often, get a drip tip or just have multiple tanks?

Amish Ed 04-03-2014 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 188984)
Yea all these flavors are a lot for a newbie to pick from. Any good suggestions on regular tobacco flavors and maybe a few good other flavors as well? Some sound good and may taste good for a bit but I'm not sure if you can handle the flavor for a full day or more let alone a full bottle. Also, what's the best way to change flavors often, get a drip tip or just have multiple tanks?

Finding your go to flavors is the hardest part of vaping for sure. Go to E-cig City Mission Viejo (27500 Marguerite Parkway #2) and taste a bunch of flavors. I've moved away from tobaccos, so I can't really help you there. I prefer non-tobacco menthols myself. I like Mount Baker Vapor's Extreme Ice, Orange Ice, and Thug Juice. From E-cig City I get Dura Smoke's Classic Menthol and Blueberry Chill.

For testing flavors I use a 306 dripping atomizer. For flavors I don't vape often I use my Igo L or Igo W. For my 4 main flavors I use 3 different carto tanks and an Evod. The Igo (or similar Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) is nice because you can wrap your coil and use cotton for the wick. When you want to change flavors you just change out the cotton. But, RDAs take some patience and practice and aren't for everyone.

For newbies I personally recommend Evods ($5 or $6) on a Twist or MVP. Evods are cheap, so having multiple flavors going isn't going to break the bank, they have pretty good vapor and taste (for what they are), and the coils are replaceable (about $1.50). I love carto tanks, but they have a bit of a learning curve to them. Plus, it's not worth buying a cheap one. A good glass one is going to run about $30. The Igo is a great place to start with rebuildables as they only cost about $15 and are easy to setup. But, again there's a learning curve to them.

cabojohn 04-03-2014 11:24 AM

OK, I'm up to speed on the whole 'vape' thing now. lol :eek:

William Novotny 04-03-2014 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 188984)
Yea all these flavors are a lot for a newbie to pick from. Any good suggestions on regular tobacco flavors and maybe a few good other flavors as well? Some sound good and may taste good for a bit but I'm not sure if you can handle the flavor for a full day or more let alone a full bottle. Also, what's the best way to change flavors often, get a drip tip or just have multiple tanks?

Alan if we ever meet up ive got a couple 30ml bottles of some natural tobacco flavors that I grew out of in 18mg. Tribeca and prime from halo ejuice. They are good. I've just cut down to 6mg nicotine so they are too strong for me

alanw 04-03-2014 12:02 PM

Thanks for the info Ed, your recommendations will save me a few bucks in experimenting. I'll check out that vape shop for sure.

Will, thanks for the offer but I think I already made a mistake in getting 18mg bottles. The stuff is giving me a little buzz. I think I'm going to take the unopened one back and get some 6mg instead. Save the 18s for on the water when you only have time for a few draws. I don't need to get high on nic :sifone:

I'm going to take this thing on the yak this weekend, it'll be nice not having to use a lighter in the wind.

William Novotny 04-03-2014 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 189004)
Thanks for the info Ed, your recommendations will save me a few bucks in experimenting. I'll check out that vape shop for sure.

Will, thanks for the offer but I think I already made a mistake in getting 18mg bottles. The stuff is giving me a little buzz. I think I'm going to take the unopened one back and get some 6mg instead. Save the 18s for on the water when you only have time for a few draws. I don't need to get high on nic :sifone:

I'm going to take this thing on the yak this weekend, it'll be nice not having to use a lighter in the wind.

I'll pass them off to someone. The thing with mechanical mods and building sub ohm coils is that you get such fat rips and at such low resistence that anything stronger then 6mg is too much.

William Novotny 04-03-2014 01:24 PM

My go to flavors


bus kid 04-03-2014 04:08 PM

I don't. my best friend does he has been smoke free for quite some time now. He has gone thru a Sh!t load of different mods, carto's, drips,tanks, and juices. current set up is a Reo Grand. he had a woodvil but sold it. when I saw it I almost considered it just because of the craftsmanship, but then recalled the fact that with all the $$ he has spent getting to that point I could have bought some nice reels and had some custom rods built.

WildernessWanker 04-03-2014 04:18 PM

This thread has grown quite long, I'm guessing the yellowtail bite is slow and WSB haven't really kicked off yet....

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk

bus kid 04-03-2014 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by WildernessWanker (Post 189026)
This thread has grown quite long, I'm guessing the yellowtail bite is slow and WSB haven't really kicked off yet....

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk

look closer at post #12

WildernessWanker 04-03-2014 04:25 PM

I saw, that's awesome! I could never get anyone to join me out on the water. Still need to send you the manual for the outboard.

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk

bus kid 04-03-2014 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by WildernessWanker (Post 189030)
I saw, that's awesome! I could never get anyone to join me out on the water. Still need to send you the manual for the outboard.

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk


WildernessWanker 04-03-2014 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by bus kid (Post 189028)
look closer at post #12

Any notable catches made from it?

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk

bus kid 04-03-2014 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by WildernessWanker (Post 189040)
Any notable catches made from it?

Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk

we have been fishing PV pretty hard for the last few weekends, standard 2-5 # calicos, that morning we had two mystery fish one snapped the 65# braid on me 10 mins later buddy got spooled for about 50 yards then snapped as well both were set up with 5/0 circle hooks and whole squid we about 20 yards off of the kelp line off of the point.

Dang Will, in the word of rip tripper that set up "hits hard"

alanw 04-23-2014 08:40 PM

Dang it I just bought a new Nautilus tank because those other cheap tanks we're becoming a pain. It's been a few weeks and I haven't smoked any cigars so I guess the cost is worth it. I have a feeling I'm going to spend a lot more before I'm happy :D

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