Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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The pelican 04-30-2014 07:23 AM

I personally enjoyed reading the post. Nice work and great picture!

momo fish 04-30-2014 07:49 AM

So guessing you never used a sports coach, teacher, hired anyone to help you get better at anything?

This sounds like it's coming more from frustration / jealously than anything. The guy posted a report and is not hiding the fact that he needed a guide to learn how to catch fish. There is nothing wrong with this and I appreciate reading his dedication and posting his success. Not trying to sound dickish either, oh heck

momo fish 04-30-2014 07:57 AM

Says the guy with most expensive kayak on the market, hobie PA. I would not knock someone for how they spend there money or assume they have it.


Originally Posted by bolocop (Post 192219)
Ah, the 1% vs 99%.

One guy pays his way to the goal. The other wants to "earn" it.

jorluivil 04-30-2014 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192202)
That's real cool and all, but at what point are you gonna catch your own fish?

Not trying to be a dick but rubbing in everyone's face that you paid someone to basically attach a fish to your line and you just reeled it in just kicks dirt in the hundreds of times I've scoured la jolla for nothing.

Just sayin.

You're not trying to be a dick but because you said what you did you are a dick I'll have to admit that because I was thinking the same thing I'm a dick to :D

ful-rac 04-30-2014 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 192243)
You're not trying to be a dick but because you said what you did you are a dick I'll have to admit that because I was thinking the same thing I'm a dick to :D

Don't worry Jorge your not a big dick just a small dick.

William Novotny 04-30-2014 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 192243)
You're not trying to be a dick but because you said what you did you are a dick I'll have to admit that because I was thinking the same thing I'm a dick to :D

Well said? I think

Fishin Phil 04-30-2014 08:48 AM

Nice post and great photo.

Silbaugh4liberty 04-30-2014 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Bert Vega (Post 192215)

Just because you hire a guide does not guarantee a fish. To me it's like chartering a private boat. As opposed to going on a party boat. It seems to me that you just had a little to much hateraid last night. To step on anyone's post and down play them isn't cool. You are entitled to your opinion. But it's tacky to post it on a thread like this. Don't hate cause the kid has the means to speed up his learning curve.

Not trying to sound like a dick

Just sayin

Agreed. It's like saying you rather work a labor job for twenty years to get up to a $60k year job rather than paying to go to school to get the education, and four years later stepping into a $60 k + a year job. Nothing wrong with paying for knowledge. It's not like the guy put the fish on his hook.

alanw 04-30-2014 09:01 AM

Finally a thread I can say dick in :luxhello: Nice fish btw, even if you you had it coached up. I pay for cattle boats all the time for them to put me on the fish. But I think what Danno is saying is to have patience, put in the time, and the rewards will be greater.

Zfish03 04-30-2014 09:09 AM

Nice Fish! Haters gonna hate, while you eat steak after steak of WSB ;)
Paying for a guide is like paying for a class...its not just about the fish you might catch with the guide but learning the techniques on how to improve your game and catch fish later on.
WTG kid.

Iceman 04-30-2014 09:10 AM

no fair! I wait for them to come out of the kelp:D Lil shit, Tanner! .......super jealous :luxhello:

walrus 04-30-2014 09:23 AM

Sounds like you paid you dues on being water, Congrats.

Inches or pounds that biscuit is a beast.

blitzburgh 04-30-2014 10:13 AM

WHAT A F'N PIG! :cheers1:

Sully1 04-30-2014 10:24 AM

Consider hiring a guide to be like getting a college education. The more education the greater one's enlightenment and furthering of your potential. It's a privilege to learn from someone that has done his research and has more experience than most ever will. Congratulations are in order for going the extra mile, and taking your game to the next level. Again way to go!


dorado50 04-30-2014 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=Zfish03;192254]Nice Fish! Haters gonna hate, while you eat steak after steak of WSB ;)
Paying for a guide is like paying for a class...its not just about the fish you might catch with the guide but learning the techniques on how to improve your game and catch fish later on.

Hater? Really? The guy gives his opinion and you label him a hater! To me, that's being a dick:the_finger:.

The OP has always credited Josh. Straight up guy. He will and has gone on to catch fish on his own......dude show me some more catches!

Dannowar 04-30-2014 11:01 AM

he didnt credit Josh in his last post.....

it just seems to me like all these reports are a little forced

but here i am being a dick again

anyways. ill be fishing tomorrow, by my lonesome, miserable self


Dan 04-30-2014 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192281)
he didnt credit Josh in his last post.....

it just seems to me like all these reports are a little forced


The Josh report meme is due for a retool

jorluivil 04-30-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dannowar (Post 192281)
he didnt credit Josh in his last post.....

it just seems to me like all these reports are a little forced

but here i am being a dick again

anyways. ill be fishing tomorrow, by my lonesome, miserable self


You'll be fishing while we're working:mad:.................now you're really being a :D

Good luck out there!!!!

William Novotny 04-30-2014 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dan (Post 192299)

The Josh report meme is due for a retool

Just lol'd

GR6RR 04-30-2014 12:30 PM


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