Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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cabojohn 02-13-2017 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by DanaPT (Post 271720)
I have a sherwood gaf (made from real wood) that does float. My guess on the graphite is that they will fill with water and sink.

I now fill the composite shafts with expanding foam...they float. :)

Deamon 02-13-2017 02:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey John!

Where's the blue one???

Never mind...I got that one!!! Hahahahaha!!!


Iceman 02-14-2017 09:59 AM

Win one!
Cabo dropped off 2 of these custom Slap Shot Gaffs for the Mission Bay Classic Raffle. :luxhello:

Batmann 02-25-2017 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by cabojohn (Post 275302)
I didn't make them...purchased from Hockey Giant / Hockey Monkey.
They sell them for about $7. They are pre made. Glue on w/ hot water.
Different colors, sizes & lengths.
I'm sure you could use them on any gaff / shaft.

I use regular friction tape to make my grips like the guy in this video. The types of grips are great on a lot of different things.


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kirkdavis 02-28-2017 10:36 AM

https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...2fd0df2623.jpgPicked up an older Hobie Mirage for a extra yak when relatives or friends are visiting so I needed something more than sawhorses. Got my basic idea from online, but made one thing different from any I saw. I put the plywood under the bottom frame which gives me more storage and prevents things from falling out. $150 for all the material fro HD and about 3-4 hours labor.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BigTunaL 03-30-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Modigity (Post 267519)
Made a bait tank out of a Marine Cooler and copied the workings of the hobie bait tank using the scuppers for water intake and drain. I chose this cooler since it fits snug in the back of the Pro Angler and already had knotches I can put the bungie cords. I also rigged a stadium seat to the back and works perfect for passengers.

Hello Modigity, I am going to duplicate your design :you_rock:
how did you fasten the pvc pipe inside the cooler that shoots water out? where did you get the priming pump? did you put a mesh/strainer at the end of the intake pvc pipe? what about check valves? did you use any?

Thank you

NICKWORN 05-15-2017 07:44 AM

Transducer mount for older Hobies
3 Attachment(s)
So I got this idea from a local kayaker here in SD.. Dylan Pierce. It's a conduit and a few pvc fittings. Using my Hook 5 Transducer in the duct seal application seemed to be hampering my readings. So I gave this a try.

Took the conduit and some pvc fittings to make this water tight floating transducer mount. My transducer fit snug on the inside and now sets in water without the interference of anything except the actually hull itself. Going to be trialing it this weekend but when testing in garage I was actually able to here the transducers ping as I couldn't before when placed in a pancake of duct seal
I also placed the transducer right under my center hatch for easy access if somehow the water would need to be refilled.

I can't seem to think why this wouldn't be the best option beside having a newer hobie with the prefab transducer mount.

All in all $15, marine goop and conduit being the bulk of the price.

P.S. I used marine goop on the bottom edge to seal and then the left over duct seal I pulled from old application to reinforce the conduit to the yak for those bumpy road trips and swells.


dsafety 05-15-2017 08:05 AM

That is a very elegant solution for a water mount. In my experience, the seal to the hull eventually fails and the water leaks out. Your design may not have that problem because you have attached the housing to a spot that does not appear to have much flex or curvature.

Should the seal ever fail, you might consider replacing the water with marine grease. It transmits the signal as well as water and will not leak out even if the kayak is stored upside down for months at a time.

jruiz 05-15-2017 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 279499)
So I got this idea from a local kayaker here in SD.. Dylan Pierce. It's a conduit and a few pvc fittings. Using my Hook 5 Transducer in the duct seal application seemed to be hampering my readings. So I gave this a try.

Took the conduit and some pvc fittings to make this water tight floating transducer mount. My transducer fit snug on the inside and now sets in water without the interference of anything except the actually hull itself. Going to be trialing it this weekend but when testing in garage I was actually able to here the transducers ping as I couldn't before when placed in a pancake of duct seal
I also placed the transducer right under my center hatch for easy access if somehow the water would need to be refilled.

I can't seem to think why this wouldn't be the best option beside having a newer hobie with the prefab transducer mount.

All in all $15, marine goop and conduit being the bulk of the price.

P.S. I used marine goop on the bottom edge to seal and then the left over duct seal I pulled from old application to reinforce the conduit to the yak for those bumpy road trips and swells.


So before you had hull, duct seal, then transducer. Now you have hull, duct seal, conduit, some water, then transducer. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that it's better. I think the next best thing to a transducer ready setup is a transducer mounted to the hull with a container around the transducer that you fill with water. What material is that conduit? Looks like painted/epoxied steel.

NICKWORN 05-15-2017 08:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jruiz (Post 279501)
So before you had hull, duct seal, then transducer. Now you have hull, duct seal, conduit, some water, then transducer. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that it's better. I think the next best thing to a transducer ready setup is a transducer mounted to the hull with a container around the transducer that you fill with water. What material is that conduit? Looks like painted/epoxied steel.

The conduit is plastic, not sure what kind, but the marine goop is only on the bottom edge of the conduit( which has the bottom taken off ), and the duct seal is only used in the edges of the outside so there is nothing interfering with the pinging of the transducer besides the plastic hull of the kayak! Not sure what you are talking about maybe u missed understood my description.

jruiz 05-15-2017 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 279502)
The conduit is plastic, not sure what kind, but the marine goop is only on the bottom edge of the conduit( which has the bottom taken off ), and the duct seal is only used in the edges of the outside so there is nothing interfering with the pinging of the transducer besides the plastic hull of the kayak! Not sure what you are talking about maybe u missed understood my description.

I see, I mistakenly assumed that the transducer was fully enclosed in the conduit.

NICKWORN 05-15-2017 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by jruiz (Post 279506)
I see, I mistakenly assumed that the transducer was fully enclosed in the conduit.

Yea I thought so. :cheers1:

NICKWORN 06-11-2017 03:48 PM

Tackle Storage for older model Outbacks
3 Attachment(s)
I saw this on Hobie Outback FB page and had to have it. It's the tackle storage for the square hatch, but older model outbacks don't have deck space for this upgrade. So instead of storing everything in a tackle bag in your front hatch... boom easy access!

I used a rod holder bungee from Walmart to strap the tackle boxes down in case I role in the surf.

Hunters Pa 06-12-2017 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 280987)
I saw this on Hobie Outback FB page and had to have it. It's the tackle storage for the square hatch, but older model outbacks don't have deck space for this upgrade. So instead of storing everything in a tackle bag in your front hatch... boom easy access!

I used a rod holder bungee from Walmart to strap the tackle boxes down in case I role in the surf.

Not a bad idea, but doesn't that limit how far forward you can push the pedals, especially if you need to bring the fins flush with the bottom of the yak?

goldenglory18 06-12-2017 07:48 AM

Cool idea. Do you have a link to the plastic holder?

kirkdavis 06-19-2017 04:24 PM

Game Bag Idea
I can't pry my wallet open to buy a game bag so have been thinking of alternatives. I plan on making one out of the insulating bubble wrap, the kind with the aluminum foil coating. A 2' x 25' roll is only $17 on Amazon. That and a little duct tape will make at least 3 bags, and I figure they could be used at least a few times each before they fall apart. At the rate I catch big fish I should be able to give two bags to my kids in my will.

FullFlavorPike 06-19-2017 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by kirkdavis (Post 281481)
I can't pry my wallet open to buy a game bag so have been thinking of alternatives. I plan on making one out of the insulating bubble wrap, the kind with the aluminum foil coating. A 2' x 25' roll is only $17 on Amazon. That and a little duct tape will make at least 3 bags, and I figure they could be used at least a few times each before they fall apart. At the rate I catch big fish I should be able to give two bags to my kids in my will.

I also have thought about making one. I feel like you could sew a nice pouch out of an old wetsuit by doubling up the layers of neoprene. Would get HELLA stinky though.

NICKWORN 06-19-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hunters Pa (Post 281018)
Not a bad idea, but doesn't that limit how far forward you can push the pedals, especially if you need to bring the fins flush with the bottom of the yak?

On setting 6 or less ur fine, so if your tall the. Yea it would!

NICKWORN 06-19-2017 08:36 PM

Hobie tackle system

Originally Posted by goldenglory18 (Post 281019)
Cool idea. Do you have a link to the plastic holder?

Just google it, I'm sure Andy has some as well.

Mr. NiceGuy 06-26-2017 08:18 PM

I saw the plastic racks for holding Plano tackle boxes at Fastlane on Sunday.

Here they are on Amazon:


I'm tempted to replace my round hatch with a rectangular hatch, but the hatch kit replacement is about $115 and the rectangular bucket to drop inside is another $26 or so.

Rectangular hatch:

Rectangular drop-in bucket:

$140 is kind of steep for 50% more space than my round hatch bucket, but it would help, and the shape is more useful for things like pliars

filippo 07-01-2017 03:16 PM

The Sabiki Sleeve
This idea hit me after been hooked by a Rapala lure/hook (not fun) and hearing about my buddy's having a Sabiki hook up his butt the week prior. So here it is!

No more Sabiki hooks flying around with the Sabiki Sleeve. "Installation" took 10 seconds. That is cutting the pool noodle with a knife. When you're done with your Sabiki, just wrap it around the pool noodle making sure each hook is secured into the foam, and store it in this container. It also fits a sinker weight and small iron jig if anyone's using one at the Sabiki's end (I do, as it goes down faster and the iron jig flashes catching bait's attention). Close the lid and you're ready to go. The rubber ends are flexible, so if you wish, you can add a small ball bungee cord on the bottom's end and secure your Sabiki Sleeve anywhere you like while launching/landing.

Total cost: $6.

$5 for the plastic holder (found at any local Home Depot stores; NOT found on their website for some odd reasons). Called "Viewtainer Slit Top Storage Container 2.75"X5".

And $1 for the pool noodle (Walmart). Look outside in the garden section.





Mr. NiceGuy 07-01-2017 05:14 PM

I like it Filippo. I've tried wrapping my sabiki around several different things, but nothing as neat at that. Thanks!

BTW, I use a small blue & white iron as the weight at the end of my sabiki, and I've caught several fish on the iron, so it does more than attract attention. I caught a jack smelt, corvina, bonito and several mackerals.

The hole in the noodle is perfect for that.

I'll take two!

dsafety 07-01-2017 05:33 PM

Simply brilliant! Where do you get your industrial strength sabiki flies?


filippo 07-01-2017 06:03 PM

Thanks guys!

Mr. NiceGuy - I believe you. Once a mac ate my sinker weight and it passed through his gills. It was pretty funny. I guess we really don't need hooks. Anything shining works.

Bob - I buy the Mustad Sabiki Bait Rig, SBM-30, from Walmart. Used the same rig about 5 times and still going strong.


JayDee 07-20-2017 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Modigity (Post 267519)
Made a bait tank out of a Marine Cooler and copied the workings of the hobie bait tank using the scuppers for water intake and drain. I chose this cooler since it fits snug in the back of the Pro Angler and already had knotches I can put the bungie cords. I also rigged a stadium seat to the back and works perfect for passengers.

Where did you get your stadium seat? mind sharing the link to buy and any tip on installing it? Picking up my new PA14 here shortly and would love to take my daughter out in the bay with me.


Mr. NiceGuy 07-25-2017 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by JayDee (Post 283189)
Where did you get your stadium seat? mind sharing the link to buy and any tip on installing it? Picking up my new PA14 here shortly and would love to take my daughter out in the bay with me.


Costco has offered nice quality stadium seats for the past couple of years for around $14. What you do with it depends on your own creativity and mechanical skills.

PescadorPete 07-25-2017 08:36 AM


Nice idea!

A little piece of hypalon will also work and takes up less space.

http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...er.jpg http://http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwegall...iki_holder.jpg

jrip 10-01-2017 11:59 AM

Anyone picking up tar on the boats?
I use Goof off spray and it literally melts off.
Re: sabiki thread ; I just found the noodles very helpful.

Sent from my LG-TP260 using Tapatalk

KayakDoctor 10-02-2017 06:50 AM

Hey Dgax65. I'm new to this forum. Had to say how nice your wiring is. Clean and waterproof. Looks like you are using heat shrinked butt connectors too. Nicely done.

PapaDave 10-02-2017 06:50 AM

Me Like
Good idea, gonna make a couple this week.

Apex Predator 10-22-2017 08:40 PM

Game Bag Ideas

Originally Posted by kirkdavis (Post 281481)
I can't pry my wallet open to buy a game bag so have been thinking of alternatives. I plan on making one out of the insulating bubble wrap, the kind with the aluminum foil coating. A 2' x 25' roll is only $17 on Amazon. That and a little duct tape will make at least 3 bags, and I figure they could be used at least a few times each before they fall apart. At the rate I catch big fish I should be able to give two bags to my kids in my will.

Funny, I did the same thing and it works great and is as light as a game bag gets.

Wyota 10-29-2017 08:38 PM

Another year on doing well
Well, despite being doomed to corrosive failure, the box is still going strong. Replaced a fuse once after letting her sit a while but the o-ringed covers on switches, goop on case rubber switch covers faul, and liberAL use of dialectric grease on the buss inside has kept her looking new. Run lights fishfinder, bait tank and marine radio off it all day with no issues.


Originally Posted by Wyota (Post 266983)
Well, based on your advice, I gooped the poop out of the switches (not so pretty now), and I decided to use a liberal amount of dielectric grease on the box seal. Took it out, and while it didn't get a full dunking, it got pretty wet. Appears to be no moisture whatsoever inside the box. Gotta give it a few more days to check for any moisture or corrosion, but appearts to be holding up pretty well. After use, have decided to mount the ff to the top of the box (assuming it passes the longer term corrosion test).

Goop is great!!!!!

Update: 16 days later and nary a bit of moisture or corrosion. I'll keep inspection, grease and regoop as needed as a critical pre op check and it should be fine. Now to build out the light rig.

fisheyechannel 11-16-2017 07:28 AM

Cold Steel Boat Bat - Made for Kayak Fishing
I started out using the Cold Steel Brooklyn Shorty after testing it with the guys at Cold Steel, and it worked great, however I gave the guys at Cold Steel some feedback and they took my feedback and came out with the Boat Bat. High Visibility Orange and a hole for a leash, not that its necessary since it floats, but so does my radio and I still managed to lose that at Montana De Oro.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EfT-UvYcg6k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hunters Pa 01-07-2018 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. NiceGuy (Post 283359)
Costco has offered nice quality stadium seats for the past couple of years for around $14. What you do with it depends on your own creativity and mechanical skills.

Saw the stadium seats at Fullerton Costco yesterday. They didn’t have a ton, but other Costco’s should have them too. They are seasonal so grab one if you are considering it

FWIW, they are awesome on bleachers, which is what they are made for. My bony butt on metal stands can only take so much, but a weekend-long waterpolo tournament is comfortable.

chinaevacase 01-08-2018 02:06 AM

We custom design and produce foam Kayak seat pad, foam Kayak seat cushion, kayak back band, Low MOQ and factory price! http://www.evacase.net

chinaevacase 01-08-2018 02:12 AM

i got an Orvis Lightweight EVA Foam Fly Box cases with foam insert magnetic button closure

Maineguy 01-08-2018 02:38 PM

Hobie Revo Stability Mod
2 Attachment(s)
I built this mod from foam and carbon fiber to improve stability and extend my range on the water a bit. The bait tank pumps, 45lb thrust trolling motor and fish finder run off of 4 CALB 100 AH LI batteries. The open areas on the wing will be home for 200 watts of Sun Power Maxeon solar cells to recharge on the water.

wiredantz 01-08-2018 07:40 PM

How fast fast can you move in in still water with no current

Ggiannig89 01-08-2018 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Maineguy (Post 289398)
I built this mod from foam and carbon fiber to improve stability and extend my range on the water a bit. The bait tank pumps, 45lb thrust trolling motor and fish finder run off of 4 CALB 100 AH LI batteries. The open areas on the wing will be home for 200 watts of Sun Power Maxeon solar cells to recharge on the water.

Bitchen. That’s some next level stuff right there. What’s your Day job? Rocket engineer or something?

goldenglory18 01-09-2018 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ggiannig89 (Post 289414)
Bitchen. That’s some next level stuff right there. What’s your Day job? Rocket engineer or something?

I bet Structures Engineer.

I totally admire the quality of the DIY here, but damn at some point you just gotta go buy a boat, no?


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