Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Mahigeer 01-19-2021 07:38 AM

Mahigeer is Farsi for angler, fisherman.

PapaDave 01-19-2021 09:02 AM

I got my name from my grand daughters, always called me Papa... still do.

jorluivil 01-19-2021 09:26 AM

Mine is simple, it's the first three letters of my first, middle and last name

erinoo 01-20-2021 08:06 AM

Same...Frist three letters of first and last name

f'nsabiki 01-24-2021 12:37 AM

No explanation needed if you have ever used a Sabiki to make bait.

FullFlavorPike 01-24-2021 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by f'nsabiki (Post 312585)
No explanation needed if you have ever used a Sabiki to make bait.

Or if you ever snagged 6 sabiki hooks into yourself or any of your gear :farmer:

FISH11 01-24-2021 03:48 PM

Awesome sign in name. I died laughing the first time I saw it, cause I knew exactly what it meant. I say it almost every trip.

FullFlavorPike 01-24-2021 08:28 PM

I've been using FullFlavorPike since college. Started as a joke about a fake ska band and something to do with a carton of cheap cigarettes that said "Full Flavor" on them; but then I worked as a baker/pastry chef turned full time food writer for better than a decade and it just fit. Now I'm pretty attached to it.

SoCalEDC 01-25-2021 10:45 AM

It was an old screen name from another hobbyist community. so cal - southern california, edc - every day carry = socalEDC.

Salty 01-25-2021 02:24 PM

I worked and managed a saltwater aquarium store and maintenance service in Orange County for 6 years. Surfing and fishing have been lifelong passions. At that time, there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't in saltwater, either in the ocean or in an aquarium! Also, the shop owner would refer to me as "Salty Sleeves" because whenever I came back form a day of servicing aquariums, my sleeves would be covered in so much dried-up saltwater they were hard and crunchy

LEEZO 01-25-2021 08:46 PM

one of the Mission Beach cronies used to call me Leezo (extended version of Lee) when i was a kid. I started using it on screen names as a result.

Freedom Fytah 02-02-2021 10:40 AM

I'm always fighting for my freedom to fish...primarily vs. my wife! :cheers1:

ProfessorLongArms 02-02-2021 07:04 PM

I'm not even kind of a Professor. Don't even have a Bachelor's degree...

Just what my 5'2 wife calls me when she needs me to get stuff off high shelves....
"Hey Professor Longarms! Get in here!"

Salty 02-03-2021 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by ProfessorLongArms (Post 312697)
I'm not even kind of a Professor. Don't even have a Bachelor's degree...

Just what my 5'2 wife calls me when she needs me to get stuff off high shelves....
"Hey Professor Longarms! Get in here!"

Haha that's awesome... Comes in handy when reaching for bugs in those deep nooks and crannies too though! :lobster:

FoodGeekFish 02-03-2021 07:29 PM

Three of my preferred diversions:

Food - cooking, baking, eating...
Geek - video games, board games, comics
Fish - why we're all here

JohnAndrew 05-27-2021 11:46 AM

JohnAndrew - John is my name and Andrew is name of my best father ever. People love your parents!

iethinker 05-30-2021 12:47 PM

I covered this.
I covered this topic on a thread here and wasn't even kicked off the forum:



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