Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Raskal311 07-29-2013 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 164225)
Doing a slow and steady restoration on an ole 78' Bronco. It's going to be my beach runner/kayak hauler. I'm tired of my Jeep smelling like fish and salt everytime I come home from fishing.

The bed was just a smidge too short to have a good stable platform for the PA, and I really don't like the idea of a bed extender that has to come on and off. I don't have enough room for the stuff I already own.

So I whipped this bad boy up. Made from 1inch square stock. I couldn't find a foam pad long enough so I took a pool noodle and wrapped it in some nice abrasion resistance fabric I found at Joannes. The bar cost about $24 to make and the pad was $8. For $32 and some of my time, I'm pretty happy with the results.

That looks like it only provides an extra 8"?

Drake 07-29-2013 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Raskal311 (Post 165175)
That looks like it only provides an extra 8"?

Its 14", all it needed

easyday 07-29-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 165176)
Its 14", all it needed

Saw it this weekend and its definitely sturdy enough to hold the PA quite well.

MrPatrick 08-09-2013 11:11 AM

If you want to add drainage. Put the corner of a plastic coat hanger between the scupper and the nut.http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/10/ehytaqer.jpg
Fiberglass handle from a clearance hoe, two chair feet, nylon strapping secured with gorilla glue. Gaff and fish billy in one.

CKallday71 08-28-2013 01:52 PM

Anybody ever use a boogie board or similar for more storage?
One of my biggest issues when on my yack is having to reach around (Yes I realize I'm opening myself up to a terrible joke there), behind me to grab stuff off the back of my yak. I have Menieres diseas (It's an inner ear thing that effects my balance), and I occasionally get a little light headed or dizzy when I have to lean back or reach back behind me on my yack.

So I was wondering if anybody ever took a boogie board and tied it off on the side of their yack to use as a place to hold tackle, or even a bait tank?

Just curious. Thanks guys! This is one of the most helpful forums on the internet.

Drake 08-28-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by CKallday71 (Post 168337)
One of my biggest issues when on my yack is having to reach around (Yes I realize I'm opening myself up to a terrible joke there), behind me to grab stuff off the back of my yak. I have Menieres diseas (It's an inner ear thing that effects my balance), and I occasionally get a little light headed or dizzy when I have to lean back or reach back behind me on my yack.

So I was wondering if anybody ever took a boogie board and tied it off on the side of their yack to use as a place to hold tackle, or even a bait tank?

Just curious. Thanks guys! This is one of the most helpful forums on the internet.

I've seen them for bait tanks. People cut a hole out and put a 5g bucket.

TEAMFISH 08-28-2013 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by CKallday71 (Post 168337)
One of my biggest issues when on my yack is having to reach around (Yes I realize I'm opening myself up to a terrible joke there), behind me to grab stuff off the back of my yak. I have Menieres diseas (It's an inner ear thing that effects my balance), and I occasionally get a little light headed or dizzy when I have to lean back or reach back behind me on my yack.

So I was wondering if anybody ever took a boogie board and tied it off on the side of their yack to use as a place to hold tackle, or even a bait tank?

Just curious. Thanks guys! This is one of the most helpful forums on the internet.

Holy crap, there's a medical term for it? I thought it was just me. I hate reaching way back, always a little "off" when I come back around.:confused:

wade 10-15-2013 05:42 PM

[Hobie Mirage-Cam]

Met up with Bob for a talk & taco, and we discussed how I would maybe like to mount a camera to my rudder or somewhere for solo underwater release footage made easier.. He suggested the cassette..Next day the first prototype..Now for the test run.....:reel:
Thanks for the idea Makobob!:cheers1::you_rock:




dmrides 10-16-2013 12:41 PM

^^thats a sweet idea! Can't wait to see it in action.

blitzburgh 10-16-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by dmrides (Post 172549)
^^thats a sweet idea! Can't wait to see it in action.


Tuff guy 10-21-2013 08:45 PM

Homemade gaff with bike hook and pool cue stick
I made a homemade gaff that I hope will work after going to west marine and thinking the cheapest gaff at $45 was too expensive. So I bought a rubberized bicycle storage hook from Home Depot, stripped off the rubber, mounted it to a broken cue stick and grinded down the tip to make a point. Hope it works!

Rubberized hook:


Stripped of rubber:


Screwed into cue stick (it fit perfectly, just unscrew the bottom half and screw this into the top):


Ground down to a point with a Dremel:


And finished off, it's decently sharp, I might sand it down a bit more:


I'll probably add a handle at some point as well

99timiverson 11-02-2013 10:28 AM

FInder and transducer mount
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Tried duct seal a few times , worked half the time . Needed full proof system . No problem with turning yak can't tell any difference. No seaweed hang ups yet ..

99timiverson 11-02-2013 10:31 AM

Finder mount picture
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Finder mount

FishRaiden 11-02-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by 99timiverson (Post 173805)
Tried duct seal a few times , worked half the time . Needed full proof system . No problem with turning yak can't tell any difference. No seaweed hang ups yet ..

I did this with my X-Factor, worked great.

buddha 11-02-2013 04:20 PM

kayak bike trailer
Here is a trailer I made for a bicycle with pvc tubing and an old baby trailer.


CDFisher 11-04-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by dtownfan (Post 52279)
How did it work? I am working on the contour for my wet mount tonight. Did the contour of the bottom allow for a good reading with your unit?

So I just got a used lowrance mark 4 from a friend,
And I was wondering how to mount it. I like the plexiglass box
Idea you have but I don't know if you fill the box with water or if it's
Just sitting in there by its self

alanw 11-04-2013 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by CDFisher (Post 173998)
So I just got a used lowrance mark 4 from a friend,
And I was wondering how to mount it. I like the plexiglass box
Idea you have but I don't know if you fill the box with water or if it's
Just sitting in there by its self

So you want to make a wet mount but don't know if you should put water in it? :stoned:

YakDout 11-04-2013 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 174000)
So you want to make a wet mount but don't know if you should put water in it? :stoned:

Hahahah :D

ful-rac 11-04-2013 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by CDFisher (Post 173998)
So I just got a used lowrance mark 4 from a friend,
And I was wondering how to mount it. I like the plexiglass box
Idea you have but I don't know if you fill the box with water or if it's
Just sitting in there by its self

Come on!!! That's so....Two thousand and ten!!!

I remember that box...looks like too much trouble to make and maintain...not sure if anybody uses transducer boxes like that anymore...

Try the electrical putty method...seems like from what people say it works. You don't like that then just goop it. You don't like that drill a hole..You don't like that, then buy a kayak that's lowrance ready.

jorluivil 11-04-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by ful-rac (Post 174004)
Come on!!! That's so....Two thousand and ten!!!

I remember that box...looks like too much trouble to make and maintain...not sure if anybody uses transducer boxes like that anymore...

Try the electrical putty method...seems like from what people say it works. You don't like that then just goop it. You don't like that drill a hole..You don't like that, then buy a kayak that's lowrance ready.

I used the electrical putty when I installed my HDS-5 transducer and so far its held up better than I expected. My kayak has traveled in heat upside down many times and the transducer has yet to fell off or get loose.

619-SWIM-DOG 11-06-2013 01:35 PM

My transducer for FF
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The fish finder I use is 12v. Most but not all AA are 1.5v so 8 AA worked great. This set up last me a couple of days on the water. I started using rechargeable batteries(make sure they are 1.5v) so it would be more cost effective and less damaging on the environment. You couldmuse this set up for any FF. Its a simple way to do it and have good results. PVC, mariners goop, sand paper and a rubber cap and screws. There are many like it but this one is mine. It works really well and just use a spong to soak up the water after your done. Good luck

619-SWIM-DOG 11-06-2013 01:38 PM

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619-SWIM-DOG 11-06-2013 01:39 PM

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Pic 3

619-SWIM-DOG 11-06-2013 01:41 PM

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Pic 4

MrPatrick 11-06-2013 07:01 PM

Swim-Dog, nice when you can mix in a "Full metal jacket" reference.

OCRAT 11-09-2013 10:25 AM

Malibu Stealth Alternative Bait Tank / Livewell setup
Hi All,

Been lurking a while, nice to meet you all!

I've seen so many helpful innovations, thought I'd share my bait tank plumb for anyone with a Malibu Stealth.

Happy fishin!

My goal was to plumb and wire the livewell without making the intrusive hole underside of the boat. I used the existing 'scupper' hole in the livewell. This offers the following

- Less holes drilled in the hull
- Easy removal of the whole pump (if you want to use the livewell as a dry extra storage hatch (stock setup) just re-plug the hole
- You can still just use the stock livewell setup (no plug just flowing water through the 'scupper')

First I made permanent strainer for the livewell. Used a small faucet / sink strainer from the Depot. Dremeled off the lip and Gooped it in place.


Next, get the cheapest Atwood bilge pump from Walmart (no need for anything super strong GPH wise). Get some plastic tubing and some PVC fittings (pictured from Home Depot) you wont need more than a foot worth for this setup.


Goop it together (love that Marine Goop!) so it forms a base


Slide some tubing (fits perfectly but i used shelf liner as extra support) in the base so you can slide the pump in and out of the scupper hole). I added a livewell sprayer head and fitting to be able to adjust the flow.


I wired the pump to a waterproof deck plug, into the hull, then into my battery box. There is no on / off switch (got lazy) but to turn off I simply unplug. Just drill out the drain hole (drains out footwell scuppers). It is super quiet and lasts over 16hrs (using a 6 volt SLA battery) Simple yet effective.



alanw 11-09-2013 04:53 PM

I used that method (except I got a thread adapter and screwed the pump into the threaded drain) when I first got my S-12 because I didn't want to drill a hole in the bottom of my boat. It worked well for pumping water but it left the pump as a big obstacle for the bait and they didn't circle the tank well. It will work fine if you don't crowd the tank too much. In the end, I drilled the holes and mounted the pump through the hull with no problems.

Witty1 11-23-2013 07:34 PM

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Saw the motor mounts that Malibu has got on their site and thought I could improve a bit...
I utilized the same angle iron concept (used stainless steel) that comes in the motor mount kits but the difference is I am using two pieces of aluminum that sandwich the top deck. The aluminum is Goop'd in place and will be there permanently. It's mildly tapered so it won't cut/scratch things... me in particular.

I feel this distributes the load more evenly to the hull...
also... only needs 2 bolts & wing-nuts to attach the motor mount to the kayak.

jbaker 11-23-2013 08:25 PM

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Some Cuda 14 mods.
First I relocated the rocket launchers to behind the seat and in there place installed two flush mounts. I now have 4 rod holders right behind my seat, perfect for 2 setups my net and gaff with the tank well open for fish.

jbaker 11-23-2013 08:30 PM

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Here's the rear view.

jbaker 11-23-2013 08:31 PM

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In use. With our landlord issues on the north coast I prefer to keep my catch out of the water as much as possible

jbaker 11-23-2013 08:36 PM

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Cuda 14 FF and battery set up. And yes I did get some flack for using Hobie through hull fittings from the Jackson guys but they are the best bang for the buck, $15.99 for 2. The transducer is mounted through a scupper under the seat using the Lowrance kit.

ROOKIE87 12-11-2013 02:22 PM

here is the front view. Changed the chair, put off road lights, and got it wrapped. Also got the ram mount for my transducer to hang off the side, and hid the 12v in my tackle box in the middle of the kayak. My electrical has all lazer etched switches for each light and have a usb cord if I need to charge my phone, you can see how neat the wiring is in picture 3.

ccacher1 01-22-2014 07:11 PM

I didn't want to drill a hole in my kayak to put my live well pump switch on so I needed a different way to cover the switch. Just a female and male PVC cap fitted together with the switch inside. I'm sure someone sells something like this but I figured I'd make one out of PVC for a dollar.


TravisLovesYaks 01-26-2014 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by OCRAT (Post 174351)
Hi All,

Been lurking a while, nice to meet you all!

I've seen so many helpful innovations, thought I'd share my bait tank plumb for anyone with a Malibu Stealth.

Happy fishin!

My goal was to plumb and wire the livewell without making the intrusive hole underside of the boat. I used the existing 'scupper' hole in the livewell. This offers the following

- Less holes drilled in the hull
- Easy removal of the whole pump (if you want to use the livewell as a dry extra storage hatch (stock setup) just re-plug the hole
- You can still just use the stock livewell setup (no plug just flowing water through the 'scupper')

First I made permanent strainer for the livewell. Used a small faucet / sink strainer from the Depot. Dremeled off the lip and Gooped it in place.


Next, get the cheapest Atwood bilge pump from Walmart (no need for anything super strong GPH wise). Get some plastic tubing and some PVC fittings (pictured from Home Depot) you wont need more than a foot worth for this setup.


Goop it together (love that Marine Goop!) so it forms a base


Slide some tubing (fits perfectly but i used shelf liner as extra support) in the base so you can slide the pump in and out of the scupper hole). I added a livewell sprayer head and fitting to be able to adjust the flow.


I wired the pump to a waterproof deck plug, into the hull, then into my battery box. There is no on / off switch (got lazy) but to turn off I simply unplug. Just drill out the drain hole (drains out footwell scuppers). It is super quiet and lasts over 16hrs (using a 6 volt SLA battery) Simple yet effective.



Wow! I wish my first post was as good as this one. LOL! Anyhow, I think this would work perfect with my Viper. Although it's a SINK, the tank has a similar design as the Malibu Stealth.

yak-fishing-socal 01-30-2014 12:55 PM


Has anyone built one of these I found this on Google image anyhow looks nice I want to build one but with bigger wheels

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Mahigeer 01-30-2014 01:46 PM

My suggestion would be Not to glue the unit like one would do when assembling PVC for water pressure.

Everything has to line up, so any misalignment is permanent and it will cost money to replace or start over again.<O:p</O:p
I have built rod holders with many connectors and angles. First I assembled the unit, then once happy with the unit, I used a small brush to apply PVC glue to the edge of the connector. It worked fine.<O:p</O:p
Good luck.<O:p</O:p

yak-fishing-socal 01-30-2014 02:29 PM

I would do a dry fit and mark it with a Sharpie and then line up the two points

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CheapPelican 01-30-2014 02:42 PM

Just run a couple of screws through the coupling to keep the pipe from twisting/pulling out.

Bigfish 01-31-2014 07:39 AM

Pro Angler 14 dual seats Innovation
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Pro Angler 14 Dual seats/tandumn seats.
This is such a big boat, why be selffish
share a ride.:D

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